ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Should I drop $350 to lose my virginity?


t. fellow virgin and probably older than you

lets assume girl is into me

how early is too early to ask her out
for reference i want to play slow game i couldnt care less about hookup i want to have relationship

or do i just get her number / snap and work from there and set something up eventually

I'm trying to expand my social circle after my last fuckup from being an orbiter cost some friends.

One of the only friends I talk to semi-regularly is a girl who's in a relationship, and I'm not interested in because of that.
We've been hanging out a little bit, where my idea was to see if I can meet people through her. Just through distance, coincidence, and poor communication, I'll show up wherever she's hanging out with friends after her friends leave, but she'll stick around for me to be nice.

I'm worried she thinks I'm an orbiter (past experience as one has me paranoid about it), and I'm socially awkward which I know comes off as creepy, which I try to make light of with jokes about it, to which she responds in kind by playing along. ("user, if you don't start hiding your cameras better, I'll be the one locking you in my basement")

We aren't close enough friends that we've actually talked about personal problems like myself trying to expand my social circle.
Would it be weird to tell her what I'm up to to try getting help with it? At the very least it sounds to me like I'm using her.
Am I right to worry that she thinks I'm an orbiter?

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On a prostitute? No
On a random chick? There's potential.
The latter
Just go talk to other people, dude. Stop worrying, live your fear and figure it out.

>Just go talk to other people, dude. Stop worrying, live your fear and figure it out.
easier said than done where I live. Rural, so not much to do socially unless there's some event, though I've driven well out of the way to cities to hang out.

Though if I were to head to a city, I wouldn't know where to begin by myself, as some random guy lurking around.

Girls, what if a guy advertises himself as low mileage on a dating site? Would this be a positive or negative thing for you? Why?

How often do you want your titties sucked and size please?

Is that the average price where you live? Maybe you can get a good one for less.
I was 26 or 7 and lost it to a prostitute. It was wonderful.

>On a random chick? There's potential

After having mulled over every single detail of the relationship with my ex girlfriend. I've come to absolutely hate her existence with a fiery passion. From the constant put downs. comparisons to her "emotionally abusive" ex, trying to change my thoughts and interests, calling me to good for her, emotionally cheating on me, being avoidant, and the post breakup insults on social media. I'm through with her in my mind but my heart still yearns for her? Why? I thought that these realizations would make it easier to move on but it's only ruining the process. I'm already in no contact but that's not enough, she wont leave my fucking head. What should I do?

If a guy frequently stutters and gets noticeably flustered when talking to you, even over just routine conversational topics, do you find it creepy or off putting?

Keep in mind that this guy is an uber manlet and not particularly attractive. I just can't fuckng help it and worry that girls are insulted or made uncomfortable by me being overwhelmed by them

someone who made that big of an impact, be it positive or negative, should be expected to stick in your head for a while.

>On a random chick? There's potential.

Definitely don't tell someone that you're using them to meet other people, or words to that effect, but if you want to communicate that you aren't trying to white knight her or anything and just want to make friends I'm sure she'd understand

they're not telling you to try a random chick, they're telling you that a random chick already offering the price is potentially a better choice.

In my experience "I'm totally not coming on to you, trust me", has just made girls think that I'm coming onto them.

Are you fat?
>He doesn't think that dropping money on a girl will earn him a good time because it's not an explicit contract
You have to be 18 to post here, gen Z.
>What should I do?
Give yourself brain damage.
I usually give a few beneficial doubts that they're socially retarded before I start to suspect the obvious power exchange imbalance.

>Are you fat?
Nope. I'm becoming ottermode (spelling?), but I'm not quite there yet.

>Girl that will break the rules
I already thought being a cunt was in the female handbook.

I got sexually assaulted by a female friend who knew I had feelings for her. Obviously because I'm a man it wasn't rape, but it was unwanted sexual contact. I didn't want it and I felt fucking violated, although at the time I was confused. I've been really hurt by the reactions of mutual "friends" who know. (I discussed it with the friends who were there, and I don't doubt that she discussed it with her friends.) Because I'm a man, it's been a lot of "get over it" and people being very obviously uncomfortable around me. I hate the feeling of friends silently manipulating situations so we won't meet, being disinvited from shit, getting ghosted.
I don't know what to do. I feel depressed, anxious, I've been sleeping poorly and I don't want to do anything. I feel really violated, and I'm overwhelmed by alternating waves of anger and disgust.

Is all I can do find a therapist?

Seems more like a gate keeping insult if you don't pair it with something sex positive.

Depends on how hot she is and if you're getting a gfe

Well what happened exactly? If you give us more detail when can offer up better advice.

Jow Forums, for the first time in a long while I met a man I could imagine myself having some type of future with. I only met him once and I was drunk so I don't know yet, but I'm interested in pursuing this. Only problem is, he wanted to sleep next to me in his bed and I couldn't, so I panicked and went to my own home instead. Everything would hve been fine if I had just said that upfront, but instead I was stupid and started acting really insecure and asking whether he wanted me there or not, all kinds of stupid shit like that. Which obviously made him less attracted to me. We kinda tentatively agreed to meet again while sober, but I'm worried that my drunken state and my repeated questions about whether my behaviour was okay or not already put him off me. Is there still a chance and if so, what should I do?

Explain you anxiety.

I think I should talk to a professional. I'm pretty afraid of people finding out I'm talking about this and calling me fucking crazy or something.

I come off as too needy for validation and insecure, and this was only the first meeting. I'm worried that this is a huge red flag and he might not want to give me a chance because of this.

It's someone I met off FB who sells nudes and wants to do meet ups. She's pretty fucking hot. I really want to but I also started talking to a girl at work who seems to like me and another girl just broke up with her bf too.

>Death to all fats
Couldn't agree more

Cut them like dead flesh from healthy
Cut all contact make new good friends

If that's how you feel then get a therapist. O only wanted to help :(

>I got sexually assaulted by a female friend
Literally how?
You are twice her strength and probably twice her size, why didn't you just tell her to fuck off? Let me guess, it was because of drugs and/or alcohol, i.e. you're a degenerate too.

>I got sexually assaulted by a female friend who knew I had feelings for her.

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go to therapist, find none autistic friends and get her on a sex offender list

Anyone have advice?

I go on dates and afterwards I cry because I am so scared and lonely. None of them seem like a good fit. I'm too much of a loser for everyone, or something else is off. I'm never going to find my match.

I feel like I'm doomed. Some of us don't make it, right? We don't all find our match.

I often feel that way too. What helps is trying to focus on self-improvement so that I can be better for my potential match if and when I meet them. Also, trying to focus on what other people what and need rather than just myself.

I know, it's bizarre. You'd think I'd be thinking "Great, I'm getting what I want," but in reality my mind was repeating over and over "This is NOT what I want." The issue with the word assault is it implies physical force, but you can get groped without consent or coerced into sexual contact. As mentions I could've easily pulled a physical GTFO and did. I physically walked away because I became aware I was being used. I really am trying to "get over it" but I feel like I've been betrayed and abandoned.

My only plan of action is to go to the gym more, go to a therapist, and form healthier friendships with people who are emotionally mature.

Also why do you feel like you are a loser? What qualities don't you like about yourself?

Not everyone finds their match, but most people do. You might be taking this too seriously. When i was a young all I wanted was a gamer girl, i got one, surprise surprise a relationship needs more than similarities. Now i got an awesome kind gf and we make each other laugh every day. She’s not a gamer, but don’t mind me playing and once in a blue moon will get in on something.

I'm so quiet and not good at conversations. I don't know how much eye contact is the right amount a.d when I speak I hear myself saying "umm" too much and looking around and thinking. I feel like I speak too slow. I feel kind of dirty and like they can see that I am stupid and trying to seem normal.
I'm not very smart. I am not a warm person and I don't carry conversations well. I have a hard time feeling motivated to do anything interesting. The only things I do rn is read Charles bukowski and play video games and look at art Instagrams
I just don't see how anyone will ever want me. I don't see how I will meet anyone who wants me.

I feel like a dummy saying all this stuff. Sorry guys. I guess I'm just being a brat? Idk.
I am worried that even if I find someone he will divorce or cheat on me. I don't know how to find someone who is a good fit for me. I'm always in these threads asking for advice and you guys are so nice to me but I'm still struggling all the time. I'm really sorry

You gotta deal with your insecurities first.

> Charles bukowski
>art instagram
Absolutely degenerate

I'm shipping around for sodium nitrite I'll be out of the population soon

but why not put her on a list like the sexual predator she is? people get put on there for pissing in public so i feel like she qualifies. it's not like you're planning on talking to her again

How old are you? If you're under forty, I probably wouldn't suggest it.

That second one sounds right. There's no "too slow" so long as you're actively chatting with her.

>Would it be weird to tell her what I'm up to to try getting help with it? At the very least it sounds to me like I'm using her.
Sure if you say you only socialise with her *because of this*, but if you tell her you're grateful you get to hang because you don't socialise much and you're hoping to improve your circle would be fine. Honestly if she thinks you're orbiting, this will relieve her.
>Am I right to worry that she thinks I'm an orbiter?
I wouldn't say you're "right" to, but considering your history I'd say a bit of paranoia is expected.

>low mileage
That's subjective as fuck and clearly shows your priorities, plus it has the added affect of the phrasing makes me automatically doubtful it's true.

> titties sucked
Like it's an urge like being fucked? Never. I'd be a bit disappointed if they got no action at all whilst I was getting laid tho. 28B.

Absence makes the heart grow stronger and having someone you care about be awful to you makes you only require more validation from them. It's gonna be a hard slog user but I believe in you.

Not a problem to anyone that isn't an asshole so long as you don't get weird trying to explain yourself.

Where the actual fuck do you live? I can't tell if this is bait or a yank being serious. Report it to the police, if anyone asks and had a problem you should be as honest as you comfortably can be. Unfortunately where I live only one in 35 rapes will make it to court now, down from one in seven from a few years ago, so you're gonna have a hard slog getting it through the system user, sorry.

There's still a chance, just be honest and say you were drunk and why you were freaking out. Think this is getting too much inside you're own head.

You need therapy before you can date, user.

What do men think about dating "butch"/soft "butch" bisexual women? Very few have a problem with dating feminine bi women who've had sex with other feminine bi women, but are you guys okay with dating kind of masculine women who've loved and fucked other tomboyish women? I'm not really into classic femme-types personally.

Not a man but
>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.
As a woman who presents like you without your history / experience, I can say I've not had any real issues being / getting in relationships with any men into women

It takes time, and taking care of yourself. If you're going to be mad at her its gonna take a long time. Try working out when you feel angry or sad.

I went through a similar relationship. Eventually the rumination and resentment will recede, but only with work. Work on yourself, rediscover your "real" self that's been obscured by abuse. I'd really recommend a book called Whole Again, if only because it resonated so strongly with me when I was seriously doubting myself and my emotions after breaking up with my ex-girlfriend with BPD.

Keep doing no contact, I really recommend it. I'm roughly two years out of my relationship and I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I couldn't care less about the pathetic mess of a woman I wasted years dating. Can't even be bothered.

> Very few have a problem with dating feminine bi women
Where did you hear that, you degenerate?
All you LGBTBBQ types should be gassed, regardless of qualifying adjectives.

Furthermore, just consider that although you hate her, you likely loved her. That's okay, as unfortunate as it is. See if you can sit with whatever you're feeling and acknowledge that it's all valid. That's the first thing; but with time and work you'll probably end up realizing you didn't deserve any of this and likely deserve much better.

Girl I know who I'm somewhat sure has a thing for me. Didn't make a move before last time cause I'm an autist and she was in a long distance relationship.
Saw her today after like 3 months of not seeing her and she made it a point to walk from her friends to say hi to me and stuff...

Realistically speaking, assuming she did have a thing for me before, how likely is it she still might retain some feelings months after the fact? Should I assume a chance exist. I don't want to be wrong about how she feels and destroy a friendship but at this point I'd rather destroy it then miss out on her.

Yeah. If you’re not feminine it’s a no-go.
It can be done if you’re super hot, as in naturally beautiful, and more importantly, not fat.

There is a guy I really wants to be friends with. Is there a word for that?
It isn't a crush, I am not gay, but I just really like this guy and wants him to like me too.
What is that called?

It’s called affection and it’s not limited to romance.

Why is my ex boyfriend dating someone after just 3 weeks after breaking up?

He looks so happy.

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Height, muscle definition, and dick size are the physical aspects of a man that are the most important to women. Femanons, please rate them from most importantant to least important and why.

Because being lonely sucks?

That's fine with me. I value loyalty and trustworthiness more than anything else. [spoiler]Certain aspects of traditional masculine behavior, when performed by women, play into my fetishes and deviancies, but if I expressed these interests to any partner, and they then betrayed that trust, regardless of how much they trusted or assured me that the person they betrayed me to was worth trusting, I would probably leave them right then and there.[/spoiler]

I will never understand why american women limit themselves only to men who are taller than 6 feet as if no other aspects of a man even matters. Only 14% of american men are over 6'0 and only 2% of men worldwide are over 6'2. There is a direct correlation with taller height and shorter lifespan, male pattern baldness at earlier ages, difficulty building muscle, increased risk for all types of cancer and heart problems. Circulatory problems. They have lower levels of testosterone as test/est causes growth plates to fuse. Women don't care about any other aspects that a man has to offer if he's not already taller than most other men. It's mind boggling. Those guys get so much pussy they have no reason to ever settle for a single girl so American women keep fighting over a small subset of men who will just keep pumping and dumpung them like they are trash.

Look for ques if she's into you when you talk together.
> is she touching her face/hair?
> does she set aside duties when you're around?
> is she smiling when you're around?
> did she give you her number and text you?

If the answer is yes to any of these you stand a chance to slow burn a flirty relationship. Major thing I've found is chicks love attention and action.

You can always plant a seed and just tell her you think she'd make a good girlfriend off hand and see where that goes

I'm a B, I'm kinda into it physically but Its a huge turn on when the guy doing it is loving doing it.

If im not attracted to them yes.

It's funny because women think that taller men are somehow more physically fit and suited to survive in the wild when in fact in the past tall men have bodies that are not suited to survive cold weather. Their bodies are bad at storing heat and the beed much more energy to survive than the average male so in fact 5'0 to 5'5 was the average male height in different parts of the world for thousands of years. Only since modern society has come about the past few hundred years have average human heights actually been skyrocketing. Families with shorter women also have shorter men and families with taller men also have taller women and yet men find shorter women more attractive but they don't limit their choice of mate simply by eyeing their height like so many women do.

guy-crush/girl-crush depending on gender

Can be answered by anyone - not gender specific

Did some shots with a guy from college I met that night (am also a guy). They caught up with me and he wanted me to do more but I said no. He kept calling me weak and a pussy but I kept saying no. Probably just stupid ego but does that make me a 'pussy'?

Yes because you didn't hit him.

No. He's just trying to pressure you into sex. Don't fall for the minipulation tactics. Only have sex with the people you actually want to.

I don't think fighting while quite drunk would be a good idea

Did you read the question?

Bump from previous thread.

i have no idea what you mean by "test" but i can normally tell if a girl has issues

asking girls here A bisexual friend of mine (girl) and I have this thing going on in between us there is a tension and we're very alike heck we even have the exact same birth day she said she realy liked me and I realy like her aswell but... she also said she cant see herself get older with a man. This destroyed me what is it that a woman can offer another woman a man cannot.

How do I get past feeling bad about talking to several girls at once? Talking to >her only feels dumb especially when it isn't going anywhere any time soon.

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>send message
>seen but no reply
>hours later apologizes for not replying, sends xyz but ultimately end up unsure about going out again
>repeat several times

why the FUCK will a girl if she is not interested, still reply and apologize for not replying but still be so good at not saying no? I won't even be mad if she says no but god fuck it would be nice to have an actual time and date settled

fuck, honestly its my fault she was all over me and i didn't make a move

the world is filled with kind people and chances but it can still be so shit if you make the wrong move

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Post a pic close to you.
If you say tomboy cool, if you were the stereotypical overweight + high and tight haircut, things may not go so well

Why not? I'm a virgin too, but wanna see a prostitute.

So what? You can be just as happy with somebody else.

Do girls find guys' beards prickly when they kiss them?

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Is once a week often enough to see your GF/BF? My girl doesn't live too far away but we're always very busy and don't have much time to dedicate. I ask because I'm getting ridiculously horny waiting to see her again and could see myself doing something I regret.

Do pure yet horny girls exist?

I don't necessarily mean virgin, because I'm not one either though I absolutely regret losing it, but I mean in terms of having a sort of wholesome, innocent (probably not the right word) kind of mindset to it. It's hard to describe but it's kind of my attitude towards sex. I'd rather fap than have sex with a nobody just because I'm horny.

I guess treating it as something special with a SO rather than the emotional detachment/noncommital sex "just for pure fun" you see a lot of days. Not even a value judgment, but media and my experience in college has made me feel kinda alone in terms of this mindset.

If a girl goes out of her way to talk to you, does that mean she likes your company?

Sounds a lot like my ex other than the explicit insults. Give it time user, I wasted too many tears on this girl and thought I loved her. Six months of not talking to her, I'm happier than ever now because I'm kind of crushing one someone who was everything she wasn't. Too short to even initiate a fling, but it's made me happy that I'm free and can feel attraction again.

Everytime my brother bring his gf here, she has bloody vagina (as evidenced by bloody toilet paper). Why are girls so gross? REEEEEEEE
At least it makes me less sad for being incel.

I love angry dykes:)

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Why are little boys such fags? In the changing room (with showers), they keep trying to take peeks at everyone's dicks and gossip between them.

Once, I was taking a shower, washing my dick and I think one of them thought I was masturbating. ;_;

Would it be weird if I hit this girl up after 9 months? We worked together for a month on the same team, nothing happened.

Women want to have the types of sex and romance they see in movies. They are just as stupid as men wanting porno sex.

Men, would you be okay with dating pic related?

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Sure. As long as you didn't try to make. E convert.

Like no lie, you could have full Bush, hairy legs, etc under there. Just dont try to force your religion on me.

Girls, would you date a guy who has zero experience in flirting in his 25-30? Probably no experience in smalltalk as well.
Dudes, how would you teach that guy and how long does it take to study flirting from scratch?

yes, looks like a cute little terrorist


ahahah ooh hoo

heh. heh... hmp.

no :)

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Go out more

No, I hardly noticed unless he shaved recently

>Where do I meet girls?
>Anywhere outside. Or online.
What if I live in the middle of nowhere, don't drink, and am philosophically opposed to tinder?

I look nearly exactly like my BF's mum when she was my age.

He looks nothing like me, but all my friends agree his mum is my aged doppleganger.

Again, he looks nothing like me, but this feels creepy. Is this a red flag?

my boyfriend drinks water

is this a red flag