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When I die and if there is a heaven, before God sends me down to hell I'm going to ask him why he chose to be a fucking dick as I try to improve my shit. Case in point: today. Could've easily paid off my fucking car by next month but now my back tire on the driver's side is warped and needs to be replaced. This also comes about 2 months after some faggot in his mudded up truck had damaged my windshield when rocks flew off it. I just want to pay this fucking thing off but every time I get close something happens again and again and again. September is the final fucking month. IDGAF how much I need to take out of my credit card. Fuck, I might even do it in August and pay that off until the end of the year. Fucking sick and tired of it.
Also convinced cardinals are bad luck birds and before I leave my apartment complex I WILL shoot the 2 fuckers that hang around my building. IDC if I have to wait until spring, fall or winter when there are no leaves to protect them. They have caused me so much shit at this point. I will get revenge, you little fucking shit birds. I promise you.
Im staring my 3rd year (3rd year at uni but 2nd year on this course) in september. I havent been able to make any friends the entire time Ive been here. its literally the only reason I even went. I get fomo seeing and thinking about all the people with friends, but I just hate all the things you have to do to make friends :(
I know I should join a bunch of clubs and stuff, but I really dont want to
my feels rn
I hate having a foot fetish. I think I take it too far. I'm more attracted to a woman's bare feet than her breasts I think I might even be more attracted to them than her ass or vagina.
When I'm out in public or even in other settings, I almost can't seem to stop looking at them. I don't even understand how women can be so comfortable taking their shoes and socks off because to me, you might as well be be bearing your tits.
Honestly, it's gross. I used to see a therapist who worked with me on a lot of things and was really helpful actually, but she would show her feet during sessions sometimes and it distracted me a little. (She wasn't flirting with me or anything weird like that. The first time she it was a warm day and she hid them after a while so IDK and the second time she had a broken foot).
It just seems so gross and weird. What if a women caught me just looking at her sockless loafers? God damn it. I wish they'd just stop wearing heels and shit...
I wish I knew a way to get rid of it. Looking at gross feet I don't like and I'm not sexually into or anything along those lines doesn't help. I have to somehow just be able to look at them and say "that's a foot".
So I'm gonna try and turn that into a mental exercise to undo the association.
Now that I'm not taking classes anymore, I have to pay my loans back. On top of it, my family can't claim me as a dependent on their taxes and keep telling me about how they'll have to pay 4 grand more in taxes now that I'm not in college
Idk what think anymore. All this money flowing around. I stopped going to college because I have no idea where I'm going career wise and can't risk getting in more debt. My family is poor though, and now that I'm not even helping with taxes I might as well be dead weight financially.
I wish money wasn't an issue anymore. I just want us to stop stressing out over bills and deadlines and pointless stuff. But i can't do anything. There aren't any good paying jobs where I live and I don't even know where I'm going. 3 years since I graduated high school and I don't even know where I'm going.
I guess I wouldn't be successful passing this if any of this was easy right? I can't solve the money problem. I don't know what jobs I can take, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
I like looking at feet but I've never jacked off to them.
I just think they look neat.
...okay? That's basically not the same thing at all.
Thanks. So, wanna get a smoothie?
the power went out everywhere in town and it's hot and miserable. at least they'll fix it because it's out for everyone. it took four hours for the electricity people to fix it when it went out only in my shitty neighborhood.
i need a friend
you've got a fren in me :)
What’s wrong?
i have no frens
Some day. Someday I will either know or not care anymore. Surely
What do you wanna know?
I miss you C
the booox
What about it?
Show it to me babe wanna meet up irl? I promise I won't kidnap you though I find the Idea very appealing
What even are feelings fucking gay ass shit fucking with my head lol gtfo feelings I don't need the anxiety you bring especially when I don't even know what the fuck these feels really are why do I want to know him so badly why
You don't know me. I don't exist. I was phone the whole time.
I was rubbing my clit in the shower and I orgasmed so hard I literally shit myself
I want to fucking die
Maybe this will help. It made me feel better.
Your post gave me a giggle
I always wanted a pet crab.
Watching it scratch its eyes with its mouth feelers is something I've never thought I'd ever even witness like
Crabs... I love them...
also yes thak you it did make me feel better :)
My first relationship has lasted almost two years and has been pretty serious for a while now. My SO loves me so much and keeps talking about the future. But I'm over here full of doubts about minor (perhaps even perceived?) incompatibilities and only ever having lived my life with one person. I think I'm a massive asshole because I feel like I'm just not measuring up to her love and commitment, that I'm going to end up hurting her emotionally so badly. Why can't I just be happy with what I've got instead of being so anxious about everything?
Wanna play vidya or some shit?
I have terraria
Never played it before, is it fun?
Do they even know what they're getting into..
This is a long game, but I'll play it.
What are the rules?
It's interesting. I originally bought the game because I thought the music sounded nice but the game is actually pretty challenging but not in the fun kind of challenging but the "a good event for a video game is to have 500 overpowered mobs attack you while you barely have enough armor to defend yourself" unless you research how to cheese yourself to end-game but I still enjoy it.
But then you also get access to all the wonderful memes 10 year olds made when the game came out.
I want a sperglady gf, I want an autistic gf like the one I had back in high school so I can buttfuck her every single day.
Right on, my name on steam is Ethan1224 and im the one from Kentucky
Your profile's probably private then.
I'm going to bed now. Good night.
Fuck, sorry let me try and fix it
Wait I just checked and I also can't find my Steam account when I search myself.
I’m afraid of being alone. Being a single mom is lonely and frustrating. I have two kids with a guy I was married to who cheated on me twice. I have a kid with a man who left me when I got pregnant. I work full time and live with my parents because I refuse to take money from the government. I’m only 35 but this summer I started having bad arthritis symptoms.
People tell me that I need to take time to work on myself and that I’m not really alone because I have my kids. I can’t help feeling like I won’t be getting another shot at a good relationship and that I wrecked my chances by getting into relationships with men I didn’t k ow well enough to see through their bullshit. Or maybe I blinded myself to their red flags.
What’s that saying, “when you’re looking at life through rose colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags.”
I fight back the thoughts that no one will want a girl with three kids already so there’s no point in holding out hope for a good relationship.
I should remember that these feelings of loneliness will pass. It could be worse. And I’m not a bad drug addict abusive mom or something so there is that.
Okay I'm going to bed now
Subtleties until the last grain of sand.
I guess this is the learning process. I still feel like an absolute tool.
One of my favorite songs :)
Also, should I report them all to the landlord (I've already done this once and nothing changed) or just put up a few copies of the rental agreement around the building with the 'single occupant, MUST BE QUIET' part highlighted? I don't want to be that guy, but I pay a ridiculous amount of money for this place and should expect relative silence at all times.
I am always trying to get fit, and imagining myself in more "toned" body; and I know it's more of a marathon and not a sprint. So please, I need some sort of reassurance that I WILL get there!
Man I fucked up baaaadly here. Gotta pull off a miracle.
I did fall in love with you, I was just too afraid to admit it. Not to you, not to anybody else, but to myself. Hemingway said, "To love is to be vulnerable," and at that time in my life I already felt so vulnerable. My guess is that you had an inkling of that. Your patience was the tell.
The way I ended things was cruel and it was childish. A teenager would be ashamed of himself for acting the way I did, and I'm long past teenage. The aspects of our relationship that scared me were all solvable problems, be it that I communicated and compromised like an adult. Apparently I wasn't capable of that. More than anything, what terrifies me is is how justified I felt. My brain constructed a narrative where all of my actions were perfectly vindicated.
An indisputable fact is that I can't get you off my mind. Perhaps it's because you're in the next room, probably annoyed by the clacking of my keyboard. Living in the same house as someone makes it hard to expunge them from thought. These last seven months have been really weird, and I'm willing to shoulder most of the blame. More than anything I just want to break the silence.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Part of me wants to say all of these things to you. Another part that thinks you'd be better off if I just left well enough alone. This isolation I dove into has cleared my mind of a lot of the pollution, and I feel a second crack would be different, but isn't that what every shitty boyfriend says in a "take me back" speech?
The bottom line is that I want to figure out how to reach some sort of mutual understanding and catharsis, even if it means continuing on our separate ways. There's a good reason I'm typing this on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum instead of saying it to you right now. What if my catharsis comes at the expense of yours? What if you're doing fine and dumping all of my feelings will just complicate that for you?
Worry about yourself, the good from within you will radiate to those around you. Including her. Tell her how it is if you think it will help you heal.
Thanks, man.
I think I love you
I know that you two think that this is all my fault, am I too late too back out now? should I? is this paranoia?
don't mind at all if you two end up together to be honest, I just want my peace of mind.
I want to be with you
Please respond and tell me the truth.
What should I do?
I think I love you too. Hopefully we'll actually tell each other soon.
I want to do what's right and what's best for everyone from the very start. How did this even happened?
I want to be more comfortable hanging out with my girlfriend, but she is perpetually miserable with her life because of her low self esteem and her shitty family dragging her ass through the mud.
I'd want to break it off if she doesn't take any action for her own happiness, but I'd feel like a piece of shit for doing it because we'd be together for quite a long time.
Were they right? Was I exploited?
I think I really fucking love you
My friends don't tell me anything but if I confide something personal with one of them it's open season and everyone magically finds out. Is it time to just nuke all these relationships and become a hermit? I hate how transparent it is that no one in my life cares about or respects me. Why would I ever rely upon anyone other than myself?
Who? Call their name?
Him. He knows by now
Nah, but I'm c and they're l
I'm not l
Me neither.
Cause I never say it, but I love reading these kind of posts
2/3 of summer has passed, but I’m still a mess
My bd is soon. No need to hope it’s gonna be less shitty than my previous bd’s.
I'm in a similar position.
small town college dropout, making $13/hr at a factory
I finally paid the last loan off and can save maybe $400 a month, but I'm not learning any skills.
me and my brother want to move to another state to get a new start.
I'm sick of being in the closet because of the red neck family/area, and my brother wants to find work in his field after getting a degree
my only advice is always pay more than the minimum on your loans
Dont worry. The moment your doubts are gone and you start to enjoy your loving relationship, guses what? Then she is the one who is starting to doubt and feel just like you feel now but again, gues what? Life is funny ride fren. Mostly sad but also funny.
What would you like me to do?
I want you to trust me and the words I say.
It looks like you're already half way there. Strong will is key to everything.
Learn to be more selfish. You think she's only with you for YOUR benefit? She doesn't value you for your own self, she values what she believes you have to give and offer her. Talk to her about your doubts. If you're afraid of the person you love and are committing yourself too, it won't work out in the end anyways. Do you want to teach your children that's okay not to trust the people that you love and that love you? Do you think she's so stupid that she doesn't notice your insecurities?
I am a poor immigrant who "made it big"
After years of struggling with the local society (not doing rapefugee shit, I came here at 6, was always left behind, the other kids didn't even let me play soccer) and my shitty immigrant parents, I managed to find a well paying job (1600€, where most people here earn between 900-1200€)
After 5 months I dropped it because I felt like shit - All the money didn't give me a sense of accomplishment, and seeing how I, the filthy immigrant, was better off than all my acquaintances, who still lived a fulfilling and happy life, made me even more depressed.
How do you deal with being a loser from birth, even if you are better than the rest and end up earning more than them?
Also I was working in IT (best sector hands down)
Stop annoying me.
Read more and learn about philosophy. "Being a Loser," is simply a flaw in your self-perception. You weren't Born a Loser. You decided that were Born a Loser. Pick yourself up and be better, or just off yourself.
What are the things you find annoying?
Damn. I'll give up everything and everyone in my life just to have the beautiful company of my own children. You are truly blessed and I'm not saying this to make feel better. You really are. And I really think that when you least expect, someone will show up. But in the meantime you already have bunch of a little friends who will grow up very fast. Treasure each and every moment with your children. Damn, I really missed my shot. I fucked up big time with drugs and alcohol and after 10 years with an amazing and loving woman she couldn't take it any more of my ups and downs and she left me last year. Now I'm 37, alone and childless. Plus my liver is sick with Hep-C from dirty needles and I've made peace with my self that I'll spend the rest of my life all alone. Well at least now I can pursue some of my younger day hobbies like /out/.
Do you remember asking me what did I mean saying “real deal”? I meant this whole relationship. It’s not real as long as we haven’t met each other irl. It does not fucking exist, I may stop texting you and it’s all over. There’s no evidence you’ve ever existed in my life, that’s why I can’t tell anyone about you. I do understand that’s how it’s done and stuff, but please stop fucking attempts to mess it. I’m not screwing my whole life and that little things I still fucking have for the person that have never physically existed in my life. Get some fucking respect!
I do not want you to be real. I do not. Stop fucking pressing on me, stop posting sad cats and saying how sad you are.
I never post cat pictures.
From what I got they want me to drop my job, tell my parents I’m gonna overseas to see person I met on anonymous board, screw my savings on ticket and come along risking to be if not murdered then stuck with person I depend completely on because I will not survive literally if they decide they don’t like me. They insist so hard like it’s really something that I may do. This shit drives me crazy.
I don't want you to drop your job and I will never dislike nor murder you. How could I possibly do that? There's no way I can do that to another person especially you after all we've been through.
In fact, I would like to help you with every single problems that you're currently facing right now if possible.
Be the light in your path, the ray in your sunshine, the colors in your life that you've always longed for.
I will say this from the bottom of my heart, even though we've never met im willing to throw away everything to be with you because all good the things in my life right now was all because of you.
You've changed and improved me as a person and made the world a very colorful place for everyone around me. You're special, always remember that no matter what.
I see my ex on a daily basis since we live in the same campus building for three years. It's a constant reminder of my failures and it's embarrassing to admit that it kills inside whenever I walk by her apartment.
I know she probably hardly even thinks about me anymore and I wish I could do the same.
>I will never dislike
Please try and tell that after honeymoon phase is over
I think im not on the honeymoon phase. I truly feel that this is the mature type of love despite my age.
i just want a gf
>i just want a gf
What are you willing to active that wish?
If the answer is nothing you don't really want one. Also why do you just want a gf? I mean I'd rather be single than with someone I dont get along with.