>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Jow Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
What's all this third way stuff? I have never heard of them. (((Wikipedia))) tells me they are left socially and right economically. Basically means they will still fill your country up with shit skins and homos?
Austin Cox
Other way round, they are Strasserists. Beefsteak nazis
Why should I go to some nasty old school on a Sunday when I can vote by mail? Also there's nothing wrong with phoneposting, Jow Forums is perfectly optimized for mobile devices
>b-b-but it's optimized for ph-ph-phones, amirite guys? phoneposter-cope
Nathan Bell
>What does that party represent? Liberalism and free markets >Are they based? No they adopted too many left wing policies but they are still the best choice. For an example they don't want to remove the inheritance tax anymore which was a goal they had in the past.
Brandon Reed
Kek, enjoy getting knifed by sand niggers.
Brody Edwards
The election is in 3 weeks how can you wote already?
Julian Davis
By ((((mail))))
Oliver Ward
Too bad, they would be perfect if they where NatCap.
an hour of unfiltered faggotry. anja raschke is in continous trigger mode, although everything about this is faggotry anyway
Charles Taylor
Are you that Austrian-shitposter?
Blake Phillips
>and i thought lucke was so based? I won't vote for some 0.1% party which has no chance to get a seat. The FDP sucks but is still the best mainstream choice
Postal vote
David Nelson
>Comments are disabled for this video. >like 211, dislike 227
I used the Wahl-O-Mat. Now I'm not sure anymore to vote for AfD. NPD was at the top, followed by der III. Weg, then AfD. Maybe NPD will still get one seat in the parliament if I vote for them.
Gavin Ramirez
There's no way any of the fringe right wing parties will get enough votes. They cannibalize each other.
Isaiah Thompson
NPD currently has a seat.
Owen Harris
yes, and they should keep it.
Justin Taylor
5 years ago "Der dritte Weg" didn't exist and "Die Rechte" was fairly new, also the AfD was much smaller. Vote what you want but there's no way NPD can defend their seat
It's not betrayal it's back to the roots. Before 2013 I always voted for the FDP. The AfD changed quite a lot in the last 5 years, what was to expected from a young party.
threadly reminder that the Wahl-O-Mat is backed by votematch, which is run by the Open Society Foundation consider using something less kiked and with an actual academic background e.g. voteswiper .org/de/germany/european-election-2019
because you are comparing Europawahl with Bundestag they probably pooled for both on the same day considering it was done by phone wahlrecht .de/umfragen/europawahl.htm
Evan Lewis
SPD 19% after this article 13 desaster, ye, sure mate.
this will be so off in comparison the the real results. it will be glorious.
Easton White
Not a huge difference between the wahlomat result and this one