Hi /pol! Show me why, and how does gender quotes in the workplace negatively affect the men, women and the business...

Hi /pol! Show me why, and how does gender quotes in the workplace negatively affect the men, women and the business. Pic kinda related.

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I always found this pic very sad :(

Dont worry bro, both of those females were raped and murdered by their black muslim boyfriends. The universe is not without a sense of humor and irony

This. And the wageslaver is happily married and has two cute smart half asian children.

Funny thing about this pic is the fact that those bitches are probably poorer then he is.

Just look at their fucking shoes.

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>gender quotes
Oh, you mean diversity quotas. Well this one really takes the cake.

Attached: 1481837687670.jpg (738x606, 69K)

here's some studies about diversity affecting neighborhoods

Attached: diversity is our strength andsheeet.jpg (484x537, 85K)

and here's a video game company that went bankrupt. Look how diverse it is!

And don't forget the female CEO of Yahoo! who used discriminatory hiring practices to prevent qualified men from getting jobs. And then Yahoo went bankrupt.

Attached: diversity is this bankrupt company's strength.jpg (1077x702, 155K)

I visit my friend's house every month or so. His girlfriend is a literal 2/10, borderline oompa loompa really, and almost every time she comes home, she says someone catcalled her that day. Mind you we live in a small town and there aren't even big streets to walk down for this to happen, she goes from work and then to home, maybe a gas station along the way.
Some women just live in a fantasy world fueled by jealousy. In her head, she lives in New York City walking past construction workers checking her fat ass out.

diversity! Yay!

Attached: equality.png (702x724, 303K)

But do you really need proof? Diversity quotas by their very definition are meant to exclude white men.

Attached: feminism is about equality.png (1702x1408, 1.32M)


In order to meet diversity quotas colleges have lowered mandatory acceptance scores-- but not for white men!

Some might say that's racist.

Attached: black privilege in medical school.png (1168x339, 18K)

Attached: huffington post diversity.jpg (960x1167, 494K)

Handicapping just shows how much better we are.

When a whole team made this possible and the media pretends you're the only one who did this.
(I'm not even talking about her real qualifications and what she contributed to the project)

Attached: KatieBouwman.jpg (601x726, 149K)

That's the irony of the image right there.
He's probably getting 20% more than the minimum wage even if he's an apprentice whatever he's doing.
The two girls look like whore themselves out for shoes, just saying.

Women were jealous of men, and wanted to wear the big boy pants. Now they are wagies too, instead of living life on easy mode as a housewife.

Attached: The biological Jew.jpg (342x400, 39K)

Given how men and woman act today if I see a stranger male and a stranger female in a Apocalypse scenario where both needed my help, I'll consider the fact the guy will likely be grateful. The woman will sell you out, steal from you or murder you 100%.

In Apocalypse the woman can be "strong and independent" against the cannibals, rape gangs, serial killers and wild animals.
I don't give a fuck.
You mean you ladies are superior to us right.

I don't even talk to non conservative woman.
Won't do it.

in her head she's probably 5'10 and 100 lbs