Boys I’ve realised something, the reason porn is so damaging is because you see perfect women and amazing sex every day and then when you finally put in the work and get an irl female to fuck you your going to be dissapointed when it doesn’t match your favourite clip.
Then you go back to porn an the cycle continues, it’s fucking poison for us, STOP WATCHING PORN
Porn general
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Too bad for roasties, I'm a 2DChad.
You think you’re an alpha sitting there in your own semen completely unable to get a woman because you stink of cum and sweat? Ok turkroach
>when it doesn’t match your favourite clip
do people actually have this problem? are you fucking retarded?
>perfect women
90% are gutter trash caked with make-up
gooks need to be nuked
Why do you have that saved on your computer?
Well done lad
>perfect women
Pick one. Porn whores are at best average
They dont get anyone to fuck m.
Ps porn is weird as fuck
What was it?
Either dig deeper or go to 2D
Its just logical to watch porn with 10/10s instead of getting a IRL 3/10.
I'm not even attracted to any of the porn whores and gradually those images are replaced with ones of purity its been so long. What is pitiful is that my brothers do not share my joy. My alcoholics anonymous sponsor told me that he thought sodomy and homosexuality were not sins. I disagreed. The gay priests preaching their homosexuality at Father Martins got on my last nerve I think. You have me at some degenerate porn a long time ago. I have never committed the act of sodomy (man or woman) in my personal life and I never will. Its like I was sent to divine the truth in this owing to exposure in my youth and the truth is its mental illness and narcissism which has no place in public life and business should not be forced to hire them. Its time to shut this government down.
Just stop. I only want to see webms from the Jew who posts the Kink fucking machines
a certain variety of pizza, with a hint of necrophilia
Porn is awesome. Keep watching porn. Its good for you. It makes you big and strong.
I'm here for the pr0nz
There are no 10/10s in porn. They wouldn't be doing porn if they were.
Those who say that the women are unattractive miss our production value. When you take into account spray painted bodies, lighting, cropping and Whatnot, you’re left with an image that surpasses reality. Then you make the scene more unbelievable by making it your friends mom or stepsister or college tutor or bangbus. It’s always going to beat reality because it’s based in a dictions environment.
A dead kid?
>get an irl female to fuck
please sauce me!!!!!!!!!!
They never look perfect to me. They look damaged, it's in the eyes.
The copious amounts of makeup is impossible to miss too. They're some of the ugliest women on the planet once you can see into their soul.
Actually, the problem is watching far too many sex scenes from an outsider POV. When you're actually engaged in it, sex isn't that much about looking at someone. You watch it for a while, sure, but then you get to taste, smell and touch women. Something porn itself )can't give you.
Too much porn is a gateway to voyeurism, cuckolding and homosexuality.
who *owns* the Gaytoway?
Actually, There are some camgirls who are arguably 10s.
But i jack off to pictures like op...
Pretty much.
And the smell.
For 10 years I've been fapping alone and last year I got to get a real gf.
First week, your body is stressed so you can't do much but at least you last long.
After that, the details are noticed, and the biggest one is the smell.
It haunts me and I can't get it up now.
This is true. Even in the stills you can see it in their eyes. Sometimes you can tell straight away that they're depressed or on opiates.
dopamine agonism is the name.
is your girl fat.
If she smells bad, she's not in good health.
You recoil because you know it's not breedable.
I just show my wife my favorite clips, and she acts them out for me.
Get a good wife. Lady on the street, slut in the sheets.
That could be it.
But I cannot ask for much since I'm not really Apollo either. But at least I know how to clean myself.
When she goes Doggystyle and you see and smell the skid mark, you do think to yourself
>Gee, porn really is unrealistic innit
I don't watch porn to get off.
I use it to get ideas on how to treat my subby boyfriend the next time. If you use it as a tool to learn porn is actually awesome.
Easily a 10
It's the same with vidya games really, you experience wonderful adventures and bright magical worlds every day, so real life starts to look bleak and shallow. Personal computers were a mistake.
I use it as a reference for drawing other porn. I don't jerk off to what I draw either though.
Is reading different?
> Boys I’ve realised something
Really? What took you so long to understand fantasy is always better than reality? And it's not just porn by any stretch of the imagination. Take a look at our entire society and the oversimplified pap they consume from the mainstream.
FWIW, the amateur community stuff by couples on pornhub isn't so bad. Some of it's really quite touching.
Most women are just gross. They don't exercise, they eat junk, and like people in general they are just boring. They all act like hot shit because they relatively are. There are hardly any attractive women.
porn is all modern women are good for. sad, but that's the case.
Japanese got it right, shower THEN fuck.
A woman who can't watch after herself now will be a disaster in a decade. I wish you the best.
You're right OP, people need to stop watching porn. It's literally a fucking poison.
But I mostly fap to amateur milfs and thick girls...
I did try to lead her (more like make her roll to the bathroom) in the shower.
But she answered
>Yeah but we will be dirty after sex anyway
Wanted a girl for years and now that I have one, I don't desire her.
Every time you masturbate, God is watching and he kills a kitten. You can get hairy hands and could go blind. To fap is to do evil, gay virgins.
there are plenty of 10/10s in Porn.
You're looking in the wrong places.
>It's literally a fucking poison.
>It's literally a fucking poison watching naked chicks on a screen
or maybe you are just homosex?
Dump. Tell her it's because she doesn't wash her ass crack
Watching porn and the BTS features along with those "pornstar without makeup" threads has made me appreciate the average women around me and I tend to rate them higher than average.
>we will be dirty after sex
tell her that you hate the stink of piss eminating from her wretched hole
thats why I would keep fapping to porn.
there is no point in getting a 3/10 and PTSD.
Porn is designed to replace our ideal of beauty with depraved abominations. It is the destruction of beauty, and the commidification of sex.
It devalues women, which is both good and bad at the present state, since most women are overvalued trash right now. If that were to ever change, though...
>Porn is designed to replace our ideal of beauty with depraved abominations.
but there are also lot of beauties in porn and nobody forces you to watch the ugly ones.
Switch to noporn but lots of lube. Best faps ever. Get to know your buddy better. It's been a long 12 years . Porn's given him PTSD
Maybe women should lower their standards to reasonable levels. This would level the playing field considerable.
Ever seen a fat chick date fat guys? I haven't. I have, however, seen countless Chads dating fat girls and thinking they've somehow won the lottery.
It's pathetic.
Porn does a great job at revealing just how much power we give to women simply because they're willing to put on a costume and do some acting.
We have to stop romanticising this airbrushed appearance and start appreciating the females for what they are - moist holes to be impregnated along with some fleshy bits on the outside
trump is a failure. there's no hope. i'm going back to being a porn degenerate nihilist.
Nice try moshe, you can go fuck yourself faggot.
See I appreciate the non made up versions.
More real.
It's also why I prefer 70's and 80's porn. More realistic, more sensual. People making love, not fucking with no feeling.
Good point
I’m caught between disregarding porn altogether so I can find everyday women attractive, but as soon as you show any sign of being attracted to them they play fucking hard to get. The cunts are already hard to want. Pretty close to going fuck it and just jerking it deathgrip style to some decent shit and not having to deal with being attracted to vein overvalued cunts.
if that girl were single, I would totally go on a date with her. she understands why porn destroys relationships but also, a bad women can drive a good man further into it and that's a really bad combination. God she is cute. Totally kissable
OP is a virgin. If you seriously can't get aroused when you're naked with a girl you should kill yourself
>muh anecdotal evidence
I look at it more like a challenge to get m'lady to do the crazy shit I've seen in pornos through the years.
I'm chad af so she obliges.
go away satan
That's the point. There are beautiful women in porn, and the acts that they are partaking in are abominations. It is a corruption of beauty, and a disaster to the soul.
you are completely right OP
just stop watching porn, and you will be so much happier in life in general
your GF is not going to at like a wanton slut every time you want to fuck. when porn behavior becomes what is expected by you, you end up being unhappy with your sex life.
Just be happy with your IRL GF and forget about porn. use your imagination for fapping
Why are people so retarded when it comes to porn?
When you watch an action movie you dont think "WOW, all those stunts were real!" So why do people do the same shit with porn?
>amazing sex
Porn sex is clinical as shit.
Gooks are capable of anything
>getting women is hard
Good. Compete.
>and the acts that they are partaking in are abominations
not all of them prolapse their anus.
It came up a few times around girls in conversation where I said I hadn't watched porn in months or in close to a year and I felt like they thought I was fuckin weird or asexual. I've no gapped for a year and theres really no difference between that and tapping every night. Except when your tapped out you dont pay roasties any mind.
Look at this baby fag browsing with vanilla Jow Forums. Just leave
>There are no 10/10s in porn
there are 10/10 in looks, but you just know they must have some sort of messed up personal daddy, drugs or other issues to be in porn in the first place. Knocking them down in real life score wise due to being bat shit crazy.
It's so many QT roll into the biz and 100% train wreck with in a few months due to drugs and just the biz in general.
>Kike continues posting porn
>Posts ugly sheboon
No counter-arguments huh? You watch man satisfy woman. You're a cuck lmao.
>the reason porn is so damaging
Stopped reading there. There is no proof porn is damaging. Except if you're a Muslim, because it deprograms you.
Noporn is damaging though.
I enjoyed how my exes smelled and I miss it. Last year I took out a jacket I hadn't worn in a while and I smell her and it was fucking magical for a second. If you're girl sticks there is something wrong there. It's sure black or Indian or something? I only date chinks and hapas. Maybe it's diet related
In Britain maybe. I only date japs though. They are immaculately clean. I feel like I'm constantly cleaning my apartment and my body recently since I started seeing this girl just to get near her level.
the bar is set higher, normies don't get sucked into it like they do with goyphones etc etc but in essence you are correct but availability is key. just like the uk pornpass
on a screen, what isn't 100/10? fucking dumb kraut gas yourself
I've been off porn and fapping for exactly 40 days, but what OP mentioned hasn't cleared up. How long does it usually take?
yeah boy fuck 3D
>Yes goy start watching porn or else your penis will extinct
This fucking guy spends his time watching porn of women he doesn't find to be 10/10s. What the fuck is wrong with you? There's a fucking infinite sea of porn out there and you're watching these 2 uggos?
nigga u gay
there is also lot of ugly chicks in porn.
People can’t trust you if they know you look at porn.
In the back of their mind they’re always thinking, “how far does it go?”
Thanks for letting me know that you don't have a father. Porn cuck.
As long as you have balls itll be a thing
It definitely wasn't as bad before I discovered porn in high school.
>no proof
Except what most of us have realised for ourselves through experience, fuck off kike
>3d "women"