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Make Europe great again
Charles Allen
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William Bell
Mason Lee
Make North America great again.
Xavier Robinson
>this map
I have so many questions
Nolan Long
at no point in history did this map ever existed
Michael Morris
Jonathan Evans
>norway, sweden and sami territory is named Swedes on the map
>finland is still Österland, the name it had as a swedish province but somehow still independent
>Åland, Gotland, Öland and Copenhagen doesn't belong to anyone
Justin Lopez
Ugliest map of europe i've seen thus far.
Hunter Gray
>austria and prussia not included in germania
shit map
Dominic Martin
Ireland has never been fully united and fully independent. There were always like a 100 kings.
Samuel Watson
Mutts BTFO!
Hunter Richardson
>Switzerland belongs to Italy
fucking kek
Hudson Moore
I think this is most accurate partition for USA, all ethnic groups would be happy with this
Noah Taylor
Zachary Ward
>Bosnian Serbs under governance of Croa*ia
Mason Mitchell
Shh, you'll hurt the heritagefags feelings
Lincoln Thomas
You forgot to return Konigsberg to Germany.
Michael Bell
What the fuck is a "byelorussia"?
Jackson Morales
The only way to make Europe great again is a massive ice age that will devastated populations in the whole world, wipe out technological progress, and force us to revert back to tribal roots
Ryder Cruz
why should switzerland be italian?
Robert Ortiz
this one is close
Christian Moore
I'd just remove all the kebabs and give it back to the greeks
Logan Thomas
Belarus. That's how it was called when it wasn't independent, not sure what OP tried to say here.
Xavier White
I wouldn't mind if Finngolians won't kick me out.
t. ivan living in Karelia
Wyatt Fisher
>still no prussia
shit map
Thomas Nguyen
I'm too lazy to make a map, but all the german tribes should be united
John Barnes
it just makes me mad that most people forget about prussia and give it to poland instead (lol)
prussia is THE most important tribe after saxony/saxonia, because prussia is the one who actually formed germany in the first place, uniting all ( most ) tribes.
a map without prussia is a shit map. especially when its in slavic hands.
Jacob Perry
Stupid american
William Rodriguez
hahaha that "belarus"
>we wuz true Lithuania
Carson Jenkins
i like this map
terrible map
Aaron Ramirez
Why is the czech republic a fucking pizza slice
Justin Smith
Yeah I agree 100%
Matthew Mitchell
Henry Gray
Caleb Bennett
Logan Kelly
Caleb Moore
Christopher Martin
Jesus fucking christ.
Owen Ross
Blessed in that it unites the Dutch and Germans
Cursed in that it gives northern France even more Dutch territory
Ryder Wood
You would give Krakow, the historical capitol and cultural center of Poland to Hungry.
You are a nigger.
Lincoln Green
Why is every "make Europe great again" just a codeword for make Poland smaller?
Jacob Reyes
Eli Murphy
Dylan Taylor
Do you, find the Americans who wont shut up about a united Ireland annoying? Sometimes they seem to care more about it then the actual Irish.
Gavin Thomas
Fuck you nigger
Ayden Bennett
Fucking based, I made ome that is strikingly similar
Evan King
In what way is that similar at all?
Ethan Nelson
>but all the german tribes should be united
That would mean Germany+Austria+half of Switzerland
David Harris
Least shit one I’ve seen on here so far
Jose Brown
Split Belgium
Estonia in Finland
Cucked Russia
Extended Greece
No Turkey
FAT Poland
Great Romania
The rest I am not too strong on anyway, you hit the based notes. Your Czechoslovakia is actually better
Isaiah Hill
We called ourselves Duitsch or Nederduitsch until the 18th century
It just got completely scrapped from the history books after the 40s, so we could have a Netherlands/German dichotomy and be better victims of WW2
Joseph Perez
I speak German but can barely get any dutch. Maybe there used to be dutch accents in the north, but it's not the dynamic today
John Morgan
Matthew Sanchez
rate my map
Juan Gonzalez
Standard Dutch is a standardised version of Low Franconian dialects
Hochdeutsch is a standardised version of Upper German dialects
They are almost the two extremes of the old dialect continuum. But speaking a different standard language doesn't change your people's ancestry and belonging.
Yes, we've grown apart, but we've not somehow changed who we are as a whole. And which people we belonged to was common knowledge until not very long ago.
Walhalla is filled with Dutch busts, the Grimm brothers expressed their wish for unification, our province Limburg almost joined the Norddeutsche Bund, and our first democratically elected prime minister said that we are a German people, in the late 19th century
The thorough attempt to uproot our past and have our history start in the 17th century has affected modern bugman sensitivities, but not the truth of where we would belong were we to fix this shit.
Sebastian Butler
The Dutch are "Germanic" and not German, i sometimes visit the Netherlands and i do not see how we are similar we have a different culture,language,architecture,society. and we had a vastly different approach to our daily lives my Country/people in most of it's history was centered around our Country/Military/Hunting which was elimated after WW2.
the Dutch also were the ones who tried to take the most territory from Germany (entire west Germany) and were forbidden by the US and Dutch were the most anti German people after the War with the sentiment even being present today also the Netherlands second language which used to be German was entirely removed for English it fits since the people in the north of Netherlands are related to the Britbongs.
Logan Cooper
Isaiah Gray
Where is my Istria you mutt?
Dylan Torres
ask me how I knew you were american before I saw your flag
Julian Clark
William Edwards
That's an NSB propaganda lie, and not even a particularly good one.
Here's a better idea.
Luke Harris
Tired of these gay ass map threads everyday
Adrian Turner
>germany even smaller
fuck off memeflag kike
Tyler Ortiz
>the Dutch also were the ones who tried to take the most territory from Germany (entire west Germany) and were forbidden by the US and Dutch were the most anti German people after the War
The people who tried to take land from Germany were literally communists and international EU fetishists
Pic related is right after the invasion of the Netherlands was over. Until now the largest gathering of a political party in Dutch history.
Most of SS division Wiking were Dutch and Flemish people. Together NL and Belgium total about 100k volunteers, whereas Scandinavia together numbers about 10-15k
There were half a million people that lost voting rights after the war, because they had documented ties to the NSB. Anti-German sentiment in the Netherlands is weaker than it is in Germany itself
Any difference in culture is due to Northern Germany having lost its native language and culture.
Does that mean Northern Germany is a non-German region that just happens to speak German?
Aiden Kelly
I like it, although no T*rks would be left, or armenoids.
Nicholas Sanchez
Elijah Lewis
>That's an NSB propaganda lie, and not even a particularly good one.
Are you denying we called ourselves Duits?
Here, read some NSB propaganda:
Or, pic related, the famous NSB traitor, "Joost van den Vondel"
Owen Carter
No, it's rather the facts when you look at it. Peoples from different parts of Germany have different genes, like the Slavic East and some Celt mutts in the SW. Also, Israel is one of my greatest enemies.
Cameron Sanchez
And the independent Venetian?
Anthony Cruz
>The people who tried to take land from Germany were literally communists and international EU fetishists
No they weren't. They were blood and soil nationalists, which is why demanded German territory without Germans, as seen in .
>Together NL and Belgium total about 100k volunteers
Again, those are NSB apologist lies. The total amount of Dutch political SS members was 7000; the total amount of Dutch Waffen SS members over the course of the war was 22,000, and a good number of those were either petty criminals or men pressed into service in 1944-1945. For comparison, the Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten (a similarly disreputable Orangist militia) had between 150,000 and 200,000 active members by May 1945.
Leo Myers
It should have been greater lithuania, not byelorusia.
And the last time the ukrainians tried to take bessarabia on their own we invaded them and then gave pocutia to poland.
Walonnia should have gone to France and wft is happening with bulgaria and greece?
Levi Walker
yes, but part of the Veneto, and the Veneto outside Italy
Eli White
>no Austro-Hungary
Colton Roberts
Or even worse. The traitorous NSB puppet government that William of Orange set up in 1581 referred to our language as "Duyts"
>tot de oversettinge van den Bibel wte Hebreeuwsche in onse gemeene Duytse sprake
Very shit meme, memeflag
The genetic border between Germany and Poland is the biggest genetic border in mainland Europe
John Johnson
Nothing wrong with nationalism, Constant.
William Price
no this is correct
Blake Taylor
Brian Baru
Rory O’Connor
Come on man learn your own history and language
Elijah Turner
Denmark belongs with Norway, not Germany.
Austria is German and Belongs with Germany. The entire area of Czechia you gave to Germany is NOT German, its inhabited by Slavs.
Netherlands needs to be separate without any union with Belgium. The Dutch of flanders in Belgium are already sick of paying the social welfare to the French of Wallonia, So I don't think the Dutch of Netherlands would even consider doing the same.
Switzerland is NOT Italian, nor is Südtirol.
Crimea is 90% Russians, so I don't know why you have it with Ukraine.
Why would you give that area of Austria to Hungary and not Transylvania instead ?
Your map is absolute shit OP.
Jaxon Diaz
Robert Rodriguez
Proper Europe. Under wise Russian leadership to boot.
Tyler Hernandez
Tyler Gray
Austria-Hungary was a failed state, The Slavs outnumbered the Germans by alot and had a sense of Community. Thus, in the Political sphere they would only hold discussions in Slavic and the Germans would be left out. Which was fair to the millions of Germans as they no longer had a say in their Government. Plus, Austria-Hungary was pushing real hard for globalisim and has no right to exist in the current National-centric Europe that is being created.
Gabriel Perry
As long as it's a German / Dutch leader, I'm all in.
Thomas Sullivan
>No they weren't. They were blood and soil nationalists, which is why demanded German territory without Germans, as seen in
The most relevant person involved with the meme:
>In 1943 kwam hij met ideeën voor de oprichting van een Europese staat. In een radiotoespraak op 28 december 1943 pleitte hij voor het oprichten van een Atlantisch bondgenootschap, de latere NAVO. Ook heeft hij aan de wieg gestaan van de Benelux. Ofschoon Atlanticus, protesteerde Van Kleffens tijdens de oorlog wel tegen de buitenlandse politiek van de Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk om kleine democratische staten, zoals de Baltische landen, over te laten aan de invloedssfeer van de Sovjet-Unie.
Literally an internationalist kike puppet
>the total amount of Dutch Waffen SS members over the course of the war was 25,000*
Thats the Dutch SS, yes. And the Belgian SS had about 45,000 with Flanders + Wallonia.
But the SS are not all the volunteers. Many people volunteered for labour on the frontlines, or to be motorists. They total 100k for Dutch and Belgium.
>Nothing wrong with nationalism, Constant.
Isn't a nationalist in favour of his people, and not some small civic state in a corner?
Jack Scott
I can at least understand the German idea but wtf makes you think the Dutch deserve to rule such a vast empire?
Austin Scott
>German leader
You don't get to say shit, you wignat NSB homo.
Juan Cox
Lucas Myers
Why do you hate baltic states
Activia deserves Its freedom
Wyatt Watson
Basically the same.
dutchs are senpai.
Landon Gonzalez
None of you niggers ever run such a big country. Leave that to experienced people.
Dominic Moore
Roach detected.
Nicholas Hernandez
t. Wilders supporter that doesn't know his own history
Wouldn't want a Dutch leader! Rather some half-Indonesian Jew! BASED
Henry Rivera
Are you trying to somehow show me that a tiny minority of your Country somehow made up the entire population i know there is a minority like yourself in the Netherlands i know a few of them and most of their idea with Germany+Netherlands is based on WW2 Germany
The Dutch Division had 25k people Lativa had 80k and Romania 50k foreign legions were a meme anyway compared to the German 14 Million Wehrmacht not counting Navy/Airforce or the German SS that you could only join by proving German ancestry.
This is a part of our Culture i doubt the Netherlands has the same.
and i feel more of a connection to the Austrians and Swiss than i do with the Dutch despite living near the Dutch-German border it's just how i feel and i think most of the Dutch Nationalists who feel like Dutch is somehow German only feel that way because of WW2 and muh German uniforms and wanting to be part of it just like most of the Nationalists nowadays who rip off 99% of the stuff from Germany no authenticity just phony larping.
Not to bash you or anything and
if thats the way you feel then go ahead i'm not gonna change your mind.
Ryan Myers
If wars were won by feasting,
Or victory by song,
Or safety found in sleeping sound,
How England would be strong!
But honour and dominion
Are not maintained so.
They're only got by sword and shot,
And this the Dutchmen know!
The moneys that should feed us
You spend on your delight,
How can you then have sailor-men
To aid you in your fight?
Our fish and cheese are rotten,
Which makes the scurvy grow -
We cannot serve you if we starve,
And this the Dutchmen know!
Our ships in every harbour
Be neither whole nor sound,
And, when we seek to mend a leak,
No oakum can be found;
Or, if it is, the caulkers,
And carpenters also,
For lack of pay have gone away,
And this the Dutchmen know!
Mere powder, guns, and bullets,
We scarce can get at all;
Their price was spent in merriment
And revel at Whitehall,
While we in tattered doublets
From ship to ship must row,
Beseeching friends for odds and ends -
And this the Dutchmen know!
No King will heed our warnings,
No Court will pay our claims -
Our King and Court for their disport
Do sell the very Thames!
For, now De Ruyter's topsails
Off naked Chatham show,
We dare not meet him with our fleet -
And this the Dutchmen know!
Noah Morgan
Last time I checked we had an empire across the globe, can't help it the anglo betrayed Europe to the kikes.
Adrian Perez
If Saxony and Hanover aren't independent your map is shit.
Easton Jackson
>wanting a powerful Greece
why, they're the shitskins of Europe
Jaxson Garcia
And yet you did not have the world's largest colonial empire and an entire era led by your imperial prowess.
Owen Stewart
The Romanians are the shitskins of Europe, the Greeks are the father of all the West, don't even try to deny it.
Ian Phillips
>Long term plan to annex Belgium and Luxembourg
>Against leaving Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union
Sounds like a brilliant man.
>Many people volunteered for labour on the frontlines, or to be motorists.
Yes, they 'volunteered' to the point where tens of thousands of men went into hiding because they didn't want to go to Germany and German soldiers were deployed to find them and deport them for factory work in Germany.
>Isn't a nationalist in favour of his people, and not some small civic state in a corner?
This "small civic state" is the land that invented the telescope, the microscope, the submarine, the CD, bluetooth and wifi, threw off the Spanish shackles in a long and bloody war, fended off a French-German invasion in 1672 and proceeded to beat the English fleet at sea, was by far the richest area in Europe from the 15th century until the 18th century and one of the richest since then, and built a colonial empire stretching from modern-day New York to the Caribbean to Suriname to South Africa to Sri Lanka to Indonesia. Sorry, but we're not small or insignificant or anything like that. If anything we're more accomplished than the Germans despite having only 1/4th of their population.