Ok, incel-haters, defend this

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>attractive people live on easy mode and have everything handed to them
you don't say

It's a well known fake. You incels are pathetic. There is literally not a single shred of truth or facts in your belief system.

The profile is fake but the replies are not.

Is it really that surprising? Guys would probably do the same shit. Being attractive is the biggest advantage in life second to wealth.

>WAHHHHHH this guy has it easy!
>the system is rigged
>therefore nothing is my fault

Human relationships aren't grade school soccer. Everybody doesn't get a participation trophy and a couple minutes on the field whether they give a shit or not.

You've retreated from the real world, reduced your opportunities, set your standards too high, and done nothing to improve yourself. You're "involuntarily celibate" in the same way someone who doesn't work out at all and eats too much is involuntarily fat.

Doubt that.
And I can't defend that OP, women are truly worthless creatures who lack all morals. Chris Watts actually got love letters the very next day he got arrested. Females don't deserve human rights.

No, pic-related shows that as long as you're stereotypically good-looking, women don't care who you are or what you've done, whereas us lesser mortals aren't treated by the same standards.

The text is fake. Those women did not see a "I'm a triple child rapist" , that was changed later.

Speaking as a gymcel body is 100% secondary unless you're fucking fat. The main part is face and if you have a shit face women won't approach you no matter how shredded you are

Pic related is not good-looking you moron. If anything it shows that anyone can get matches on tinder.

Post your face.

Prove it

This is what I look like
People have called me beautiful my whole life.

I've been abused my entire life
I never had issues with getting bfs, but they also liked raping me too.
I have extreme intense chronic illnesses that give me 10/10 pain once a week

I found out recently that I started hallucinating, so I might be going schizo

So what was that about being hot fixes all of your fucking problems and makes life ON GODDAMN EASY MODE?

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You at least get to experience human warmth which many men don't unless they pay for it.

sorry for everything that happened to you, everyone has problems, but there's no doubt attractive people generally tend to have it easier

Stop dating chads, stupid roastie

'At least'
When the pain is bad enough to make you feel suicidal it doesn't help that much
No one but you can find reasons to be alive

Which is something I had to learn, and I think a lesson that would benefit most incels

How about not dating assholes. Unless they literally pinned you down against your will you probably just let them have sex. Should have saved it for your future husband.

I married an incel
Because he was such a 'nice' guy in that pitiable way
He promptly quit working because 'work is too hard'
Then I became pregnant and he begged me to abort.

You were one of these whores weren't you?

>the system is rigged
You are so stupid it hurts. The "system" is non ironically rigged for attractive people and they get unfair advantages in life.
>therefore nothing is my fault
Nice strawman.
>real world
Where attractive people get more advantages? Ok.
>reduced your opportunities
Yes, if you aren't attractive you get less opportunities.

not even gonna bother to address the rest of your garbage post
incel loser. have sex.

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You must be retarded to think females would be interested in a child rapist. That is the lowest tier possible you can get.

Yeah, actually, knife to my throat a time or two
But this started within my family when I was 6 years old

Why are you lying? Anyone who wants human warmth can find it.

Are you single now?

Chris Watts murdered his family and got love letters from thots

I didn't have money until after I was married, I've always been muscular but its always been bear mode, there have definitely been times when I was fat as fuck, and I have a distinctly average face. I've never had problems with women.

What do I have going for me? Subjective shit. When I was younger I was an athlete, but that meant being a football lineman, a hockey wing, and a rugby prop. Through college and into my 30s I was in bands, but it was always weekend warrior shit. I think I'm funny, but you can't quantify that shit. I'm smart enough to be a doctor but, outside of what that does for conversational abilities, nobody really cared until I had interesting stories about work.

Whats always done the trick for me, though, is being a tough guy. My wife and virtually all of her friends were feminists even back before the whole tumblr SJW thing. Every single one of them could talk your ear off about toxic masculinity. They all roll their eyes or get annoyed when I used the word "cunt." Ask any of them and they'd tell you that they disapprove of violence. Still, if some guy gets a little too familiar with one of them, or if they flirt a little too hard, or theres a random feel copped I know that I'm gonna drag my ass over, say some shit they'll all complain about later, and whatever damsel in distress I'm standing up for is coming home with my wife and I. Shit worked with female friends even before I was married. You don't even have to beat a guy up, even just emasculating someone and backing them down gets panties dropping because, and this is very important, panties drop easily.

Virtually nobody I know has the same strategy to get laid, but everyone does. You just gotta do a little work and sometimes you gotta manage your expectations. All roads lead to Rome.

What pic-related shows is that you're a fucking coward who has given up before he even started. Boo hoo.

No. For the first time in my life I'm in a safe place.
My birthday just passed, and not a single one of my family sent me even a message.

My bf's family sang to me and bought me sweet gifts.
its getting better, slowly

this. start a campfire dummy. it's cheap af

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Ok that's actually pretty bad, not the case for most women though.

>rape has to fit my arbitrary standards to be bad

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On a gentler note, my point is

You have to find reasons to be happy.
If you blame something you can't fight, you'll never get out
Women are not a good subject to hate, as hating them will not get your needs fulfilled

So let my life be a lesson to you

You are probably more good-looking than you give yourself credit for.
I'm just a dweeby little uggo who a girl wouldn't take a piss on

Most women will claim regrettable drunk hookups to be rape.


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How sad it must be to have such a worldview.

I didn't say I hate women, if anything I just dislike people in general, but it's true that people are drawn to attractiveness with all sorts of intentions.

I'm closer to 40 and 30 and I've spent my time on the couch, I'm pretty clear eyed about what I am and what I'm not. I've got an average face, at best. You're just looking for excuses.

Chu, chu, back to Jow Forums y'all.

Most I've talked to it was some variety of that. But deep down they knew it wasn't rape and just wanted to feel better about themselves, hence why they didn't report it.

As far as I know this "social experiment" was not replicable.

Also how do 10 women prove something about approximately 3.5 billion women on this planet? Lmao. Isn't it a given that some fucked up people on this planet exist? Including women?

Like how are those meaningful results when an average dude will end up with more than a hundred matches and dozens of conversation with interested women,
as compared to a child rapist super model with mere 10 interested girls, lol.

I don't hate incels. But if there is just a spark of hope for you then you should believe me that your worldview is just shooting yourself in the foot. I don't care about your harmful believes towards women. I'm arguing with you to convince you that you are harming yourself with those believes. Incels commit these fallacies: Blowing things out of proportion, paying unreasonable amount of attention to exceptions, reframing neutral information to something negative, neglecting the fact that if they were in the same situation as women they would probably act the same or worse (e.g. imagine a hundred attractive women would like to fuck you right now, yes you would become a slut at the end of this week, don't kid yourself), self defeatism, believing in ridiculously high standards that aren't actually expected in society and an incapability to deal with a few harsh truths about reality (so I'm not claiming everything is raindbows and sunshine). If there is any hope for you, you will believe me. I'm actually trying to help you. But I probably won't come back to this thread because I'm procrastinating uni work, lol.

But to be honest I am a stark believer that this whole incel phenomena is just a darwinistic process to weed out socially and emotionally unintelligent men, that could have only reproduced through the artificial, monogamous social norms of the past. It's not just Chad who will reproduce, but also men that can keep up. Plenty of them out there who aren't 10/10 looking high school quarterbacks.

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To follow up on this from a male perspective, even when you do have everything going for you in terms of being attractive, this still holds true

After I turned 16, I started to become really attractive. I'm at the point now where girls rave over me in terms of my looks. It doesn't fix anything. It's all external masturbation that does not fix an internal issue

If you are not happy internally to begin with, (which is NOT dependent on attractiveness,) then attention from women/and or sex is not going to fix it. It's going to give you a very short term dopamine infused rush, which will only mask a problem if you rely on that for validation. It's literally like taking a drug to solve your problems. This is also the same for money, status, and anything external. Why else do celebrities OD and kill themselves out of depression?

The sad thing is that the male equivalent of this ugly bitch would probably already kill himself from loneliness.

>retarded male is retarded
Yes, surprise. Chicks get desperate lol

News flash, issues with society exist. SJWs seek to fix them. Try to not be autistic for once.

>boomer is ignorant on social constructs, most likely, racist, definitely sexist and other boatload of issues

Ok, man. Next time you're going to try bullshitting, maybe don't use autistic as an insult if the group you're pretending to be wouldn't.

If you left your house more often you would have been able to get that detail right.

butthurt. try and cop and argument nice time kiddo

I'm not a incel and things it's retarded to hate women because of the actions of a few.

That being said, the replies aren't fake. I've run multiple tests on Tinder and get similar results. Hell you can do it to. The thing the incels won't say though is that men are exactly the same but are a lot more desperate. I have had nearly as many likes if not more on my fake fat girl profile than my fake chad profile.

You're still not pronouncing shibboleth right. I'm toxic for suggesting that you need more experience, or perhaps you were just using an ableist slur for nonneurotypical people because you thought I was too far gone to understand anything other than oppressive language.

Not guys.
In friendships between guys it's just not there for whatever reason like it is between girls.
Can't find it from girls you're not in a relationship with them, because they emotionally hold back from guys they don't want coming onto them.

Only option is a relationship, which is a struggle if you're an introverted guy to say the least, attractiveness aside. I'm personally oblivious to flirting until well after the fact when I realize what was going on, after the girl already gave up and left.

The writeup is fake.

Introverted guys get into relationships just fine.

It's really not, just go make a fake Tinder account yourself and you'll see. Honestly the people who deny this are just like the flat-earthers, the proof is easy to find but you'd rather not face it.

Attractive people have it easier on Tinder, not matter what! Shock!

No woman would be okay with a triple child rapist. And that guy is not even good looking.

I believe there are plenty of women shallow enough to actually go for that shit, but did everyone else already forget knifey-wifey? (Still would smash)
Guys go for dumb shit too.

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Okay, it’s my I’m-not-like-other-girls kind of post, but didn’t anyone suspect him for stealing pictures. Does one really expect some typical tinder user to have this professionally taken/edited pics?

Kill yourself.

>thinkg you are beutiful

>When the pain is bad enough to make you feel suicidal it doesn't help that much
Then fucking kill yourself and stop whining

My GOD this lie just gets worse and worse...

What a well thought out and intelligent response.

>I've been abused my entire life
>I never had issues with getting bfs, but they also liked raping me too.
>I have extreme intense chronic illnesses that give me 10/10 pain once a week
>I found out recently that I started hallucinating, so I might be going schizo
Ask for pity and none will be spared. Thos is the most disgusting post I've seen on this site and you should honestly kill yourself right now to atone for making the internet worse by posting this you gremlin.

and thats facts

As if your posts had any depth at all. Get cancer, faggot.

>I never had issues with getting bfs
Most men have problems getting a girlfriend.
>But they were shit
So you had the pick of anyone you want and you chose to spend time with the rapists? That is dumb decisions. If you could have anyone you want, why pick the rapists?
As for the illness, that sucks but men get sick too. This doesn't prove women don't have it easy. How has the attitude been towards this desease from people around you?
Stop being a bitch and toughen up? Because that is what men get told when they are in pain. I went to my doctor because my arm was in excruciating pain one day and he just laughed me out telling me to lift more weights.
There isn't sympathy or compassion for men. You can't get a hug from a friend or share your problems because it looks bad.
All women have a look in their eyes with is a combination of loathing and "what do you want" as you try to be happy and upbeat when greeting them.
I know what it is like to be pretty and popular. It is awesome. When I was 16, I could get the hottest girl in the class without even working for it.
People smile at you when you smile at them, they sometimes turn and check you out and whisper to their friends as you walk by. It is fucking great.
But once you are out of that world, it is cold. Aside from family, I haven't had a woman smile at me in 17 years. People think of me as "just the guy who does X" when their friends ask who I am, they don't even use your name.
I am nothing but a function to people. Or even worse, "just" a function.
So yes, it is easy mode. Because life sucks for everyone else too.

>Most men have problems getting a girlfriend.
Will you stop lying already? What is your agenda?

Terrible bait or serious cope, which is it anons?

You are gay or closeted. That kind of shooped image isn't something that most girls like.

Looks like you're going to have a fun time getting married to a successful man and staying home doing what ever the fuck you want. Oh WOE are you ? Your rich chad bf/husband can now afford newer medication and treatment for you and boom cleared up ?

Now if you were ugly? you would life alone with cats and hedgehogs alone and suffering working at taco bell for the rest of your life.

It's just as simple as that

You married a fucking dumb ass, jesus christ the rabit hole just keeps going. What a punk ass little bitch

As someone who gets rated 6.5-8/10 on soc and leddit, even I have trouble getting matches (36 after 3 weeks) and most of them are just energyless conversations that just devolve into one word responses after 5 minutes

Cope then.

I know many men who haven't had a girlfriend in 2+ years. Only a handful where I am sure it is a lot longer.
Those who have girlfriends spend a lot of time getting one, it is far from problem free. The successful ones have a batting average of 5-10%.
I don't have an agenda here. I am just saying what I find to be true. I get that I personally will never get a girlfriend again, I am not bitter about that. It is sad, but so many things are.
Two friends of mine just had to bury their child. 6 weeks old. Some skin desease so the skin couldn't heal. That is fucking rough. My life is great compared to theirs.
Everyone despise me and my parents think my failure to find a girl overshadows my research, the work I do and the things I like.
But at least I didn't bring a kid into the world that it was allergic to and tried for over a month to change bandages so the wounds would heal. Life is depressing.

no matter how attractive a women thinks she is, if she throws herself out like that to some complete stranger (which in OP case doesn't even exist) she has no dignity or any self-respect and holds no value in my eyes

p.s. im attractive and it still triggers me

Sounds like you hang out with the biggest group of losers there is.

Doesn't mean I am wrong.

fucking priveleged white roastie stfu

It does. You think your group of friends who are the bottom tier garbage males represents average guys.

A lot of them are average people I grew up with. It is not like I am searching for single guys to befriend. There are just enough of them for me to know it is a widespread problem. The ones who are successful with women also have to work for it. It is not hard to find a guy who has been single for 5+ years if you know a lot of 25-30 year old guys.
Try finding a single 25 year old girl?
It doesn't matter where you ask people. At bars, at the park or at company outings.
Their idea of being single for a long time is very different and it is usually past tense.
But I get it, even though I am a social guy, I can only ask so many. Maybe I just aren't getting in the right circles.
What are the right circles?
How low do I have to scrape the bottle to find women who can't find a date?
Disabled, single moms who are obese and no redeeming qualities?
Women live on easy mode because if a man and a woman is put in the same situation, she will have an easier time finding a husband, she will have more people in their lives who want to do shit for her.
In the same situation, she will have it easier.

A lot of guys choose to remain single because they prefer to just fuck girls without attachment. It has literally never been easier to find someone to have sex with than today. There are also loads of single 25 year old girls. It sounds like you live in some weird imaginary land where guys outnumber girls 5 to 1 or you are just seeing what you want to see with confirmation bias.

>and holds no value in my eyes
damn, im sure all ordinary women on this planet who had a one night stand before are weeping right now

Prove that it's real
The burden of truth is on you
It's so easy to fake this stuff and you've shown that with the guy profile, like the funny thing about incels is that can never back anything up but blindly believe in confirmation bias and made up paint image shops that they post threads about like clockwork. with all that time and effort you'd think there would be something credible to show for it

but you are the asshole complaining in an incel thread. so that proves incels are nice but "nice guys" or that even inces can get girlfriend if they try

got em

actually guys severely outnumber women in China... like there's 50% of eligible men more than there are eligible women. because you know they hated women and killed all the female babies for a while.

It's hillarious in my opinion how incels cum, piss and shit in their own mouths with cherrypicked content, fake crap and theories ad absurdum in order to fuel their echo chambers and their victim roles.

Don't you think girls are insecure too? Don't tell me you would bang an obese, fugly dwarf bitch. Just stay mad and pray that one day some 18 year old model virgin who has conservative values, is redpilled and will pull up with your narcissistic bullshit covering your cognitive triads will come into your smelly, dirty bedroom you've never cleaned on your own and haven't left in 5 days straight will bang your shit out (and she's totally not a whore for doing so).

It's always the world's fault, not yours guys. Keep telling yourself that you lost the genetic lottery and muh jooz did crap so you dont need to improve.

>le prove it
Oh you again? I tought you took your own life after I gave that other retard shit for his defeatist crap some days ago. Why should people prove you shit? You'll stay in your own shit bubble anyways you pathetic faggot.

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Even in China or India it's nowhere near 50%. Why are you lying?

We are more isolated than ever. Men and women are more and more segregating into different fields, we don't work in so big teams anymore and the world is constantly shrinking because a handful of insane people who want to destroy humanity owns the medium that tells them they aren't alone.
We aren't better off, quite the contrary.
Meeting a distant relative and trying to tell them something exciting about your life and they interrupt you with, yea I read about that, your sister posted it, cutting the conversation short while you envision how many cranes it would take to publicly excecute all of google and Facebook like dictators in the middle east.
I might see a problem. You win this one.

>age of instant worldwide communication
>more isolated than ever
Literally what.

>"why can't nice guys like us get GFs? :'( it must be bcuz of muh M A X I L L A so I'm not a chad :((("

You deserve every bit of negative media attention you can get. Thinking you're guaranteed a good life by being attractive is a fucking lie.

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>shitty females going for some good looking dick for a fuck is unfathomable
Males buy fucking bath water. They're still one step above you demented incels. Next

Hey, I'm an incel too but hopefully I can give a unique input that might help you out.
It's true that some people can't get into relationships regardless of how hard they try or what ever effort they put into being honest good people. It's okay to be upset by this and it's also okay to be upset about not being able to get into a relationship when that's something you want. The thing that isn't okay though is to take it out on others or let your own life get worse as a result if there's something you can do about it. Most of the hate directed at us isn't because we struggle with relationships but because of the stuff a lot the toxic stuff we say about women and attractive men.

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>it's the world's fault
It literally is.
>you lost the genetics lottery
holy fucking shit. the level of cognitive dissonance here is impalpable

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It's reality. If you're a male that doesn't have supermodel looks its over


>>shitty females going for some good looking dick for a fuck is unfathomable
read the bio

Incels always lie. An incel doesn't "try hard", he never even tries at all and instead makes excuses. An incel never makes any effort, he only makes excuses. And yet incels always blame everyone but themselves for something that's 100% their own doing.

I have done the experiment but on numerous dating websites. One with my real pictures and one with a chad picture.

The experiment undeniably yielded the results that women are vacuous cunts only relying on looks and nothing else.


Problem is, that i'm a millionaire with skill sets that few other men have. ...and i'm not bad looking.

Verdict? C.U.N.T.S. are dumb as a brick.

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>It literally is.
Ok cool. U wanna keep crying? My dad smokes crack in the garage rn and yet I'm trying to work my ass of for an exam.
>holy fucking shit. the level of cognitive dissonance here is impalpable
??? At this point I'm not sure if you got the fact my last phrase was sarcasm

I'm glad to see you gave up arguing with alphonse. alphonse is always right