How do I cope knowing no woman will ever find me attractive due to being 5'7'', and at best I will be settled for...

How do I cope knowing no woman will ever find me attractive due to being 5'7'', and at best I will be settled for? Even if they liked my face there would still be the "...but he's so short" part.

Should I consider surgery? Do your legs heal fine or will you not be able to do high intensity sports afterwards?

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Weak bait. 0/10.

just date an asian. Asian women are naturally tiny, so you'll probably be normal and/or tall to them. plus they're desperate to get a green card, so you can't lose.

>implying this thread won't get bumped all the way to the limit

But that doesn't solve anything. The problem is that you will never be found really attractive by a woman, you might still get one because she settles or because she wants something from you but that gut feeling of attraction will never be there.

Relax if a women goes to a club she’s wants attention. Just wait and keep trying. Not every girl wants a y’all man. Just have patients

Move to another country, where everyone is also 5'7. Im 5'4, fucking short but everyone here is around 5'2 and 5'6 so idk, some women are 6' but those are rare

5'7 isnt that short. just be a decent human being and somebody's bound to like you

My ex was 5'5 and I found him absolutely gorgeous
If a woman you're pursuing cares about height that much she's not really that good of a person

So gorgeous that he's your ex now lol


>being 5'7'', and at best I will be settled for
With that attitude you will, you self-loathing chump.

Looking good doesn't mean that the relationship was perfect? If you're op then I take it back
Youre shallow and you'll never get a girl, manlet

I've read this one so many times it's hilarious

>my ex was [height under 5'10] and i really liked him!
>yeah but he's your ex
>yeah and my current bf is 6'1 but it doesn't matter at all i swear!!

And yet you completely disregard the reverse, when a girl's ex is tall and she is now with a shorter man. Which is probably much more common than the reverse. You incels truly have a bad case of confirmation bias.

>much more common than the reverse
No it isnt

>And yet you completely disregard the reverse, when a girl's ex is tall and she is now with a shorter man. Which is probably much more common than the reverse
There's no way to prove that, but considering height is one of the physical traits women value the most, it's unlikely women downgrading happens more than women upgrading.

Roasties need to shut the fuck up and GTFO!

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>height is one of the physical traits women value the most
In your own words, "There's no way to prove that". Actually statistics show that tall men have a harder time attracting girls, and the ideal height for men is around average or slightly below average.

I'm 5'4 and women still talk to and want to hook up with me. Also had a 4 year relationship involving lots and lots of sex. What the hell are you doing wrong?

Except there is because preference for tall men (tall people in general, actually) is a well researched topic.

I mean I can kinda understand if you wanna make the point "height isn't the end all be all" because I agree with that, but then you people go full fucking retard with the "height doesn't matter and actually being tall is not attractive" when tall men being attractive is both all over the fucking media and something that has been studied since forever.

It is well researched that tall men have a disadvantage when it comes to physical attraction. Fortunately for tall men women don't care too much about physical attraction and look mainly for non-physical things.

>badoo poll for brits
>vs university researched paper

>The hypothesis was that in thissociety, dominance is regarded as a trait which tallerpeople possess. Therefore, in heterosexual relationships,people choose mates who fit this societal mode of powerstructures: the woman is shorter and the man is taller. Analternative hypothesis was that men are taller than women inheterosexual relationships because men are generally tallerdue to the sexual dimorphism which exists in humans. Empirical research on this theory was performed in the formof a nine question survey which was distributed totwenty-six college-age students.

>>people choose mates who fit this societal mode of powerstructures
and sexual dimorphism presented as an "alternative hypothesis"
>>nine question survey which was distributed totwenty-six college-age students

I can see so many red flags on this paper already.

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Being born ugly.

Oh for fucks sake

Literally 5 minutes googling.
This is so fucking well researched it's insane. Height is probably the number one physical attractiveness trait a man can have, it's like having amazing tits for a girl but on steroids.


Meanwhile, a chiseled man of any height with charisma gets more bitches than any tall weeb that lurks this site.

>be 5'7"
>have have a number of gf's and sexual partners
Stop being a defeatist. Go out there and get a gf.
Inb4 more lookism excuses

all these manlets top kek

if you're under 6'2 you're FINISHED

Gays like you want tall muscular men. But this is a straight board so your opinion on men is irrelevant.

You're 6'3" and a kissless virgin. Your cope is pitiful.

And the same chiseled man except taller will be more successful.

This argument is the same as saying height doesn't matter in basketball because Isaiah Thomas is 5'9''

>most tall men are virgins
>all the most attractive men are below 6'
Reality doesn't agree with you, you know

you new? i run this board lol

Holy shit, you are the most desperate lanklet virgin I've ever seen

>i run this board
>has been banned from it already several times

jannies can't handle my posts. and thanks for confirming you're new. summer sure is here

Yeah, like uh, Ryan Gosling, or the guy who plays Thor, or Captain America, or DiCaprio, or Bruce Willis. Oh wait, they're all 6'-6'2''.

Why do you always respond to these topics with the same argument? Are you actually an insecure manlet who needs to pretend all these are falseflagging tall people or what?

I am 5'8'' mongoloid. I read about this shit because it's interesting to me and it's actually something men do get discriminated over.

>tfw also balding

looking young was the only thing keeping me somewhat attractive

DiCaprio, Clooney, Pitt, Cruise... are all 5' something. Very selective memory you have there. Also
>Bruce Willis being attractive

If you're a mongoloid then that might explain a few things, just to let you know...

The only truly short dude in that list is Tom Cruise at like 5'7 and even then he gets laughed at at lot fue to his height (and being a nutcase, granted). In fact the only other widely considered attractive short men I can think of are Robert Downey and Ed Sheeran

The rest are like 5'11 which is grasping at straws.

You truly are grasping at straws here. Everything you said is more or less wrong. How tall are you? Why are you so angry and desperate? It is a fact that pretty much no actor taller than 6' is considered handsome, they all play the part of the ugly bad guy.

It's not about your height, it's probably about your insecurity

>balding so fast I look like I am 30. compared to HS (literally 1 year ago )when I had full head of hair
>Giant nose which means I can't rock a bald head and still look decent
>oh yeah and I just fucked a girl who's dating a 6'6 guy on the lax team at my uni
None of the other shit matters. I have a lot of muscle that's all I really had going for me, but I'm probably gonna get my shit rocked when the dude finds out lol. Ask me if I care...

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Dude, it's five inches, it's nothing impressive. Find someone shorter then you if you must, or simply a likeable person.

Look at that pic related.

Look at that girl

Look at how she is dressed

Look at her man hands

It's called seething. Girls that care about this stuff, are actually desperate. Ignoring them is the most effective way to retaliate. Trust me, they go insane when they're ignored

>Everything you said is more or less wrong.
And yet he provided evidence to demonstrate he is right, and you provided nothing of substance.

Bruce Lee was the same height and a fucking legend.
Be responsible for your own fucking life

Do you care?

Height is an important aspect of society when it comes to value. But, it doesn't have to destroy your existence. Plenty of things to feel good about. I might be short but I got a big dick and I can fuck. I don't think anyone is really finding love from anyone, much less a woman these days.

>It's not about your skin color, it's your insecurity

Why is it always fucking average height guys posting this shit. Get the fuck over yourself, go outside, you see guys that fucking 5'2 with girlfriends all the time, because they got over it. You're blaming your height for your other shortcomings, realize that and get better or grow forever bitter you loser.

>go outside, you see guys that fucking 5'2 with girlfriends all the time, because they got over it
I don't?

I want to add to this that short men usually get stereotyped as jealous and insecure even if they aren't.

If a tall guy stands up for himself people will usually say he's confident, if a short man does it then it's Napoleon syndrome yadda yadda.

Well you should. You not going outside is a big factor in why you're not getting girls.

>If a tall guy stands up for himself people will usually say he's confident, if a short man does it then it's Napoleon syndrome yadda yadda.
I hate this. Im 5'6, been in martial arts so Im never afraid of showing confidence and being aggressive but when I do it seems like all people can see is an angry flaming manlet

You know perfectly what I meant. I don't see many 5'2 guys in general and even less with girls.

EVERYTHING you do as a short man is going to be called overcompensating. And they will remind you constantly, and then when you finally get mad about it they'll say "see? Man short guys are so insecure". You just can't win.

yeah i also go to the gym and obviously people will think thats overcompensating too. i think the only option to seem normal is to be Jow Forums with a high fat % and be chill at all times otherwise you have short man syndrome

That's simply not true. Why are you lying?

Not many guys are 5'2" but why would they not get girls like everyone else?

Lots of high schoolers in this thread.

Lots of guys are not disfigured but why would they not get girls like anyone else?

5'9 manlet here.

it's all bout ur face really

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like y'all infalite height too much

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wow that turned incredibly quickly, lmao. No wonder that manlet is your ex, you didn't like him on the first place. I hope your dad isn't a manlet, wouldn't want to mix genes with a manlet family

Two spics.

You both have very little going for eachother, a match made in heaven

diff girls dumbass.

and i'm not a spic, even not an american.

braindead pol incel.

You are taller than Al Pacino, Tom Cruise and Martin Luther King. Find another excuse

5'2" and disfigured are two quite different things.

Seething bitter lanklet virgin.

They're massive physical disadvantages

have sex

Being disfigured is. 5'2" is very short for a man but still enough to not be at a significant disadvantage.

>Being 5'2, that is, almost 7 inches shorter than your average woman isn't a huge fksadvst


don't worry. they don't know what 7 inches looks like anyway

There's a study that women are happier with a partner that is at least 10 inches taller than them

Where do you live where the average woman is 5'9"?

There's also a study that women find men between 5'6" and 5'10" the most attractive

One vs about 500 that prove the inverse.

5'7 27yo and slept with 60+ women (had a few gfs).

I used to date a girl who was 185cm (idk this in imperial) for months. your height is seriously a fucking meme and a limiting belief guys place on themselves to not take any action when it comes to women.

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And not one of those 60 girls stuck around, huh? lol. Manlets, man, I swear

>5'7 27yo and slept with 60+ women (had a few gfs).
>had a few gfs

yes, not one.

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Meanwhile you have never even kissed a girl, lanklet

you and I both know that's not an argument

Save up for bionic legs.

But your incel whining is? All you do is desperate grasping at straws, angry that men shorter than you are having sex.

it's not that i don't have sex. I really want cute girls to fawn over me though.

This. Anyone can have sex by paying for it, but knowing no girl is gonna bite her lip from sheer horniness at you because you're a manlet is awful.

Girls would be horny for you if you weren't a desperate self-defeating whiner.

Bullshit. I can assure there isn't a single woman in the entire world that would get horny for me.

Because you're ugly, fat, boring?

>Bro just be the top 1% of physical fitness bro. All you have to do is be super man to be the rebound guy.
Oh please. What do you look like Mr. "Take responsibility for your own life" because if you don't look like Bruce Lee your point is moot.

I've seen women literally faun over my 6' and fat fuck 6'2 room mates who were the biggest tools out there.

6'2 specifically was 240lbs with a beer gut and a child's mentality. He would get triggered by the word bitch. Not being called it. The word. Respond with threats of physical violence. Refuses to admit he's wrong about anything and if you disagree with him he talks to you like a retard.

Real great guy right? Women still fauned over him. Some day some woman is gonna marry both of these dudes for shallow reasons and THEN find out what they are like.

Being tall is a definite factor. Not all there is. But outright denying it makes you look retarded.

Your fat fuck friend would be just as successful with women if he were 5'6". Denying this fact makes you look retarded.

Fucking these. I want to be strong in my sport of mma. I learned wrestling so I need to have some strong legs, a strong back, and a solid core and my own mother literally gets worried telling me "don't become a fire plug."

Look, she married a 5'8 dude so op chill. Muh dad cheated on her for 20-25years straight but he's also one of the most successful doctors in the world with a trophy wife now. Money and status play into this too.

Self improvement and standing if for yourself being seen as overcompensating is one of the worst parts of being a tiny boi and is definitely difficult to work around. If at all.

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>be 6'0
>no gf
>see shorter people
>happy with incredibly qt gfs

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