Is he one of the good Jews?

Is he one of the good Jews?

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There are no good kikes.

Jerry looks like he should be interim president of Venezuela

He's not a pile of ash so no

i think owen benjamin is wrong about a lot of things but his argument against seinfeld makes sense. you can’t be that rich, that famous, that jewish, that iconic, and not be running in pedo circles laughing at the goyim behind closed doors. it defies belief. the show was great, but incredibly subversive in hindsight. not a good jew.



Both Seinfeld and Larry David are tough calls. They look like decent people on the surface. Who knows?

when's the last time you've seen either one sperg out about liberal politics or trans shit even once?

I think the popularity of Seinfeld was largely an accident. It waasn't even supposed to air beyond the pilot originally, kind of like the show Jerry and George pitched to NBC in the show. Consider that Jerry hasn't done much stuff beyond seinfeld. It's not like he is constantly in the spotlight, enjoying the fruits of being a celebrity.

Exactly. They both seem to be self-aware to the extent that they won't humiliate themselves by partaking in stupid politics.

No, I think he's still alive

Life, finds a way

He's not even one of the funny jews.

Larry seems better on the surface than jerry. Jerry seems more arrogant and his wife spews a ton of lib/destroy-subvert-the-goyim bullshit all over social media which he obviously supports and funds.

Larry David is 100% ok in my book


He pretty much runs the same comedy bits for each show. Saw him twice and his material changed by maybe one joke.

A lot of his comedy logic is simply to remove an essential element, like elapsed time. His bit on "We got to get out, we got to go, everyone's gonna be there, we gotta get ready. Then once you are there it's We've gotta get back, oh we gotta get back home, we have to get going."

For the most part he works on material but he gives the same speech multiple times a year.

He's literally one of the richest people in show business and the richest comedian in the world.
Hes a smart tucker and he more wisely (for jews) mainstreamed being a jew as just being a normal person who's Jewish far more than any other Jewish personality has.

I don't trust any celebrities, their celebrity status is something that needs to be upkept by media coverage. You don't get media coverage without being in on it or a stooge/useful idiot.

That's true, I like Larry more too.

So are you saying that he is just very clever at hiding his skeletons in the closet?

Yes. Both him and Larry David have skewered kikes and kikery for many years, and Seinfeld himself has been fielding bullshit for being "offensive".
>There are no good kikes.
>There are no good _____.
This is always bullshit.

So turns out Israelis are pissed at Larry David for naming the Jew in public

“Larry David feels safe. He is a rich, successful Jew who has no reason to think that there could be any real fallout from pointing out that some of the perpetrators of abuse in Hollywood happen to be Jewish.”

>why do they call it an airbag? all bags have air in them it should just be called a bag

>implying there are good jews


buddy, you are uninformed

Larry David is. Seinfeld is just a sad, repugnant person

I think Larry David and seinfeld are subversive for exactly this reason. They want people to like them and identify with them, despite their jewishness, in an attempt to disarm the goyim. IF there are any good Jews in the world, they'd be poor down-to-earth working class nobodies, not rich powerful Hollywood kikes

Watch him trigger the ADL:

“I’ve always been obsessed with women, and I’ve always wondered: If I’d grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I still be checking out women in the camp? I think I would,”

aren't there like 6million stories of jews being conceived in the camps?

That night he was warning the leading jews that other jews less famous than him would collaborate with the new Nazis and throw them all in camps if they didn't slow down on the degeneracy. One of the jew's flaw is not being aware enough that he has pissed off his host too much. David said that joke after pointing out how many of the accused abusers in the METOO thing were Jews. Even put his hands together like a merch. He is one of the jews entrusted with acting as a go between for the jews and they goys.

It's guys like him that are left out of the loop. It's why his comedy is an attempt to ascertain conflicting events for himself.

"What's the deal with XZ? It's not X and it's not Z!"

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Honestly, after his show ended... he became 1000% worse.


Wrong I know many

Owen Benjamin did an excellent Episode about Seinfeld. One of his best work, desu.

and who could forget...

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yes he got redpilled yet he's still jewish tho

Watch Seinfeld Without Laughtrack on invidious.

it's guys like him on a less famous level that uncovered the Haavara Agreement. We must remember how many jews collaborated with Hitler. They had their reasons.

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Kikes are phrasisees. Christ was an israelite.

>watch a show recorded in front of a live audience without the live audience
great idea

Both Him and Larry David are alright.

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I suspect that people are as intelligent as Hitler probably can both hold two paradoxical ideals in their head at the same time
>the jews are all cast from the same mould
>of course, with over 10 million people there will be black sheep among them that will not want to see the advent of the future that most other jews want

kramer was their representation of the goyim

>doesn't have their shit together
>destroyed family (mother was prostitute)
>surviving on the graces of other jews

What? Jerry is the only jew of the 4.

officially, yes. but they're all jews in the show, they just don't say it. they think the same, they scheme the same. kramer is the only clear outsider, because he's a goy. read between the lines, not just what they literally tell you.

That is not true Adolf Hitler himself said that he knew one good jew.

what? you telling me kramer isn't a jew?

I don't think so. I think people that resent another group (jews to whites) tend not to make them look awful, they make them look as good as they are but still make them look somehow the enemy.

They would make the goyim look hard working and decent, but then they'd talk about how wage cucked he is behind his back.

> the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

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I really like this pic

>I think the popularity of Seinfeld was largely an accident. It wasn't even supposed to air beyond the pilot originally, kind of like the show Jerry and George pitched to NBC in the show.
I could see this being the case
>Consider that Jerry hasn't done much stuff beyond Seinfeld.
Also gives credence to what you said above.
He was recently one of the top earning comedians of the year but again that was largely due to Seinfeld syndication/streaming. He also made money doing stand up but he draws crowds from his Seinfeld notoriety so it's not like he's making deals to get excessive promotion/astroturfing. He also has stated he doesn't like to be overtly political (can't speak for his wife, don't pay attention to her) because it automatically alienates half his audience as a comedian. Since he has not been weaponized to spew leftist talking points that tells me that (((they))) don't have some sort of leverage/blackmail on him.

uhhhhhh wouldnt think so

he's more of the landlord type of jew

He’s probably more qualified then the actual interims kek


hello fello romanian
wanna be frens ?

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He's one of the only modern comedians that seems to get away with this. He's even re-released shit on recent specials that he already did in previous specials. Everyone else that does that gets fucking rekt by their audience. I also heard jeselnik say that he had the most trash bits reserved for when he has a majority jewish audience. Probably just full of kvetching, which describes a lot of his comedy in general. I kind of liked some of the interviews he did for comedians in cars, though.

>Is he one of the good Jews?
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys. And keep your damn hands out of my pockets.

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only good jew ,is a dead jew

There are no good jews.
The very notion is oxymoronic and dissonant.

I like to think so.
Love Jerry. Have no reason to harbor suspicions. Seems to even have a soul.

I have big problems with organized jewery, but there absolutely are good Jews.

There is actually a large Jewish community in Caracas.
I don't know the present contender's status, but the former contender, caprillas, was both Jews and gay....and a goldmanite.
And as much as I hate the Maduro mafia, it was hard for me to enthusiastically support him

I know that's not true. That's called circumstantial evidence. And while it's valid in raising suspicions, it has no weight in carrying a condemnation.
I'm sure Jerry is aware, but I strongly sense he's not dirty.

It was the right people at the right time tapped into the right thing. Recipie for magic. Year after year, episode after kept wondering how they kept doing it. Used to laugh my head off. Seinfeld was the end of American cohesion. It's the last thing we all had in common. Literally everyone loved the show and looked forward to each new episode
Friends sucked tho. Never understood its appeal.