which branch of the military should i join? :) pls give good reasons why
Which branch of the military should i join? :) pls give good reasons why
none of them
I think the navy is more your thing
Military vegans
how did the meme that navy is full of gays start? lmao
First boat
it has the most gays of any branch. also probably the village people.
which one has the least amount of gays
Because it was a bunch of men who were isolated from women for a long time.
People used to think straight men would turn gay if they were alone long enough. Some were gay all along.
dang i just turned gay thinking about it
air force
Navy. Navy gets better everything. Better uniforms, better equipment, better battle positions, better traveling life Air force second, if you can handle heights.
Do you wish to die? Army.
Are you turbo gay or at least bi? Navy.
Do you like sitting in chair whole day, jerking off and doing literally nothing? Air force.
Happy-Tom of Turbonegro approves this message
I'd second this. Army and Marines, while still a thing, are not being given the support that Navy and Air Force are, simply because of the way wars are being fought. Strong emphasis on technology, comm, and virtualization.
> :)
The gay division
Navy, female service members shower everyday.
Good uniforms, good training, not good/not bad food, lots of friends to be made. Good pay for a young man/woman
t. US Navy Riverine BM
Just don't do Nuke.
I don't know much about the Navy.
Air Force takes the best care of their people, but you're a joke to other branches. Oversaturated so it's hard to get promoted.
Marines are poorfags and we like to call them a cult. Oversaturated as well, and your quality of life will be the shittiest, but they have the more comradery do it might be best for the experience and a short contract.
I'm army, quality of life is shittier but not as shit as the Marines. Lots of promotion opportunities for most MoSes. For a career I would recommend it over the Marines.
Also here's a visual guide