Post the best anti-anglo memes. Also anti-britbongs memes are welcome too.
Anglos hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that these are the people who conquered the world.
The queen sold them out to a bunch of niggers and they didn’t do shit.
Goddamn cucks. I bet the queen is behind the global feminist movement as well.
Evening fellas
Cuck Island
>Reddit phrases
How the fuck is this even legal
I can't even open a lemonade stand without a special permit from my municipality but these sandniggers can set up an entire shop without paying shit, London?
>british women
Would be perfect of the little mutt was waving a tiny 'god save the Queen' flag.
Afternoon mick
Oh but I love Massie
Well, they deserve it.
Evenin' tommy
Mosley was a cool guy
Friendly reminder what these threads are.
>"guys don't D&C!!!!"
>entire history is D&C
I don't hate Anglos. Consider roping yourself.
I know it's b8 but most the people in that picture are also "celts", the only ones who aren't on the "Anglo" side are Ed Milliband (who is a polish jew), Mosley and Orlando Bloom (who is also jewish)
>t. Sargonite brainlet
Continental philosophy i.e French ruined the west.
Blame Foucault for the shit happening today
Protestantism ruined the West. Opened the door to degeneracy and rejection of Christian values.
>anglo man bad.
Fuck off.
look how proud those clowns are
He had a ton of nuanced thought and can't be really "blamed" for anything.
If anything the post-structuralists pretty much revived Nietzsche and ended Marxist thought and other historicist nonsense.
Foucault and the ENS are not too blame for retarded Americans.
well lad.
The decline of England has been total and rapid.
The top classes were infected in the 20s.
The middle classes were infected in the 60s.
The lower classes were infected in the 90s.
The destruction of England and the English spirit is almost complete, and I can only watch on in horror as the imbeciles stumble blindly towards the abyss.
I keep screaming and they won't listen.
Is that not just brown eyes and blue eyes?
>Hmm, IRA identifying with a Palestinian resistance group? Better fly the Israeli flag ABOVE our own to show our support!
Not my problem. You deserve it bong for sold us to Stalin in Yalta.
dont scream, laugh.
Brilliant pic
The eternal ANGLO.
And what happens to the west will happen to you as your (((elites))) are the same as ours.
Why do you think that Britain fought the second war?
Why do you think that Britain sold Eastern Europe to the Soviets?
Why do you think that Britain globalized degeneracy with America's help?
The answer all comes with the some root.
got another for your enjoyment
>The virgin enlightenment philosophies
>The Chad Cartesian realism
Isn't Doherty an Irish surname ?
Raised catholic .
Irish grandfather .
All in all a good example )
Aryans unite!
>implying Mosley was anything like those two kike puppets.
For shame kraut, for shame.
If the English spirit does not survive this, then maybe it was never so great after all.
You remain a people unconquered for nearly a millennia with the blood of poets, scholars, explorers, statesmen and soldiers.
You'll need to rekindle the flame or accept that ashes is all you ever were.
Friendly reminder bongs are ultra cucked and should eat shit and die already.
Since this thread isn't going anywhere, feels like a decent place to ask. Has anyone else noticed that a lot of the brit/american bashing has been "grouped", like we're basically the same lately?
his face is just too funny to not put in anglo memes
it's the perfect anglo face
eh, yes, but I'll take a chance to bash a brit for acting like a retard anyday.
>reddit phrase
>started here
time for you to go back newfag
>You remain a people unconquered for nearly a millennia with the blood of poets, scholars, explorers, statesmen and soldiers.
More like they were conquered by germans who built castles everywhere and owned them, and they are such massive cucks they went along with it and worship the foreign royalty to this day.
i can't bait anyone with these. do better.
Retards from shit countries don't always realize we are different. England did all the imperialism and yet plenty of esl niggers seem to think it was America...
Alright, glad I'm not the only one who noticed. Thank you.
The English are German descended you insufferable mongoloid.
Like any people that have enjoyed the luxuries of peace and lack of hard work the English have become weak.
The English have become one of the weakest people on the planet because they have not been forced to fight, and so to rouse them will me a monumental task.
I do believe however that with the right man, or men, the English people can once again be awakened and take their place in the sun once again.
For 400 years we have been puppeted by the (((chosen people))) as our civilization suffered and went into decline.
We became the Judaised Aryan.
It can be undone, but it will be a herculean task.
The US government works closely with the UK and Canada
You've installed at least two dozens puppet regimes across the globe, America.
Rome wasn't just about annexing, y'know, it constantly debalanced the germanics' politics with punitive wars and leader shill.
Posts the genetically ill. She’s got the same disorder as quasi modo.
I have an Italian son who lives in Italy with his Italian mother. I wouldn’t leave the mother of my other two children for her. The English girl.
The English and the American are similar in culture and spirit.
Being the foremost vehicle for degeneration spreading to the planet.
Hence the conflation the two.
However many times the same set of idiots post the debunked racial origin charts or insist that America is a German nation, America is Anglo in race and spirit.
This will only change with the death of America and England.
I thought that was a Italian flag then. Geez THE IRISH criticising us? Holy shit, try talking to the Somalians and watch them laugh in your face too.
We let this smelly looking begged in and look at it. The whole argument for reversing migration right there.
Colonists have to go.
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
>Sage goes in all fields. Fuck off Jidf niggers
You wot mate?
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
The Irish are just an uglier version of the British
I'm aware that we're similar of course, was just wondering if anyone had noticed the grouping becoming more common here especially than it used to be.
>The English are German descended you insufferable mongoloid.
Is that suppose to make them seem better? Also Anglos are Danes, retard
It's just an extension of D&C.
Anglo vs German
West Europe vs East Europe
Europe vs America.
It's another avenue for a certain (((group))) to get whites to dislike each other.
But a thread like this does give me an opportunity to communicate to outsiders how shit England is becoming, and a warning not to let it happen to them.
Wrong, but ok. See
england was a great country
think went to shit after ww2
We genocided the Danes in 1006.
We are Celts, Anglos, Saxons and Jutes.
the eternal anglo can be blamed for all the problems in the world including the problems /pol blames on the jews
They got what they deserved.
No, it was rotten and corrupted then.
That was the false peak.
The true peak of England was Charles I.
With the Parliamentary faction winning the civil war (((they))) were allowed back in and took control.
The decline wasn't obvious until after WW1, but it was there.
Calling Anglos Celts is like calling a piece of literal shit a holy relic
post the Crimean war one pls
I‘ve lost mine ;_;
It was both Cromwell and the Restoration that led to modern Britain and Ireland.
Fuck off you muslim pervert. I hope your mom gets raped by the pig you call a dad
That's most likely somewhere up norf where the police suck off muslims for fun. In London they would get fined pretty fucking quickly
honk kong ching chong tripposter faggot
the absolute STATE of the BBC
Shills are doing a lot of work to make this thread vanish:
In fact most people seem to have forgotten about it, so share Jow Forums
That's fair, I guess it's easier to D&C if you make extra groups for it to be against.
I’m curious: why are the Irish so much more beautiful compared to their English counterparts counterparts? Is there a reason behind this?
I can vouch for these memes they are on point
And a bit of Norman