How do I convince my bf to go poly? I think we would both benefit from seeing other people

How do I convince my bf to go poly? I think we would both benefit from seeing other people.

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you're just a fucking whore that's it, just go and fucking die he deserves someone better than you

maybe something yo mention at the start you know

This desu, but with a little less butthurt.

Shut up incels.

I don't know, we just had the "what are we" talk like a month ago

lmaooooo you literally looking for more dick because 1 dick is not enough and you call me an incel, this has to be a bait

Have you considered not being a worthless slut?

>I think we would both benefit from seeing other people.
That's called breaking up.
Or at least, to quote a certain show, 'being on a break'. As long as both understand what that entails.
"Open relationships" and "polyamory" are a joke that almost always hurts one of the people involved. Usually the one who didn't propose it.
If you actually care about him, don't pull this.

Checked those quads

No, that's what some people believe. Polyamory is not being on a break, it's simply exploring more relationships at once. I love him dearly, but I also love other men just as much. I can love and make happy more than one person at once, and so can he.

>I want to fuck other dudes but don’t want to leave the security of my current relationship
Break up with him and fuck around all you want or stop being a dumb whore. Either way, stop lying to yourself AND him.

Even assuming that was true, most people vastly prefer being exclusive in their relationships. Are you certain he's not? Because otherwise I guarantee he'll be hurt by this. And in that case, even if he agrees in order to appease you, he will never stop feeling bad about this.
And if you're curious how I know: Experience. Not personal, exactly, but from witnessing the same scenario repeat itself dozens of times. Without exception, someone came out of it hurt.

Probably you don't truly love neither of them then.

Bringing a girl home for a threesome is cute, but you probably just want to whore around and have him be okay with it for some reason.
Most people prefer to be with just one person.

The only way I could justify polyamory is:

1) A threesome (or foursome, fivesome, etc.) wherein everybody is mutually involved with everyone else in at least the emotional sense, if not actually the sexual one - you better be having multiple date nights with multiple dates. This is basically a standard relationship with a larger (but fixed) number of people who all care about one-another.

2.) Friends with benefits, where you're just having sex but avoiding deep emotional involvement, in which case you still need to practice safe sex and regular medical checkups when sleeping around.

3.) Cucking. I find it a reprehensible fetish, but some people get off on weird shit and at least they're not findons or footfags.

a deadend is a deadend.
If you re-ignite the relationship you will profit from later expenses and spending time with him/her.

If you aint down for you man/woman or dont get long, it was doomed long ago.

This. If he's not into that don't even think on convincing him. That shit just hurts if you are not into it.

lol. Well he has a right to tell you to fuck off too.

I love the way she doesn't respond after being called out so many times but she decide to respond once to me when I was alone on this lmao, I'm no incel I would say the same thing to a guy


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Say there's a surprise party you want to bring him to. Bring him to an Orgy and hook up with another Chick. I'd say pick a dude, but that might throw him off. Either He'll think its hot and attempt to join in, or he'll leave, after a few chicks try a guy, and if he backs off, tell him to pick a girl to bring back for 4

Break up with him

>2 girls for 1 guy is totally ok
>2 guys for 1 girl is unthinkable

biased much?

I did it by staying monogamous for a whole year while I let him see other women. After a year of doing this he saw that I didn’t NEED sex from other men and that from his side of things that he didn’t fall in love with every woman he slept with. It gave him the security to wrap his head around the concept. We have been deeply in love and non monogamous now for about 4years AMA

You don't "Convince" him, either he wants to or he doesn't. At best you can get him to agree but it's likely going to hurt him emotionally. Please just break up with him, because if you actually loved him you wouldn't want to see another guy. That's not what true love.

Just tell him. If he wants to break up, you can find someone better, or find many guys who are better. Or he accept, and you can do the same thing. You can’t lose. Guys have no real power.

Wild guess here, but I'm guessing you were the one who started or provoked said talk?

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This all sounds like a fucking headache, maintaining one relationship with one person is hard enough. I don't need to have the problem quadruple on me.

I honestly can't imagine anyone but a woman wanting this, period. Most men would legit only see this as a headache.

While I don’t agree with the previous posts pre requisites for polyamory I do know plenty of men who enjoy the freedom of healthy open relationships ( my partner included) when you are completely trustworthy as a couple it isn’t a headache at all. He goes out on a date, he sees who he wants and comes home when he wants. As long as he wears a condom ( or on the very rear occasion when he drunkenly forgets gets a blood test the very next day and tells me about it) I don’t care because I love him. Love doesn’t have strange conditions to us as it seems to have with everyone else

This sounds like a good idea. I want him to know that I'd want to open the relationship for both, not just to go with other people.

the only one upgrading in that scenario is him

If you’re happy being discarded for someone who’s better than you in any way, then yes.

I mean if hes cool with that and gets to get some on the side too. I'd be too jealous of other men. Maybe that says more about me though..

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You need to communicate with him with what he wants. Understand his limits in physical and emotional intimacy with others. Tell him what you would like but make sure he knows that irrelevant of whatever fancy you have his feelings and your relationship with him are the only important thing in the whole situation and you won’t ever ask or do anything that he isn’t absolutely agreeable with.
And it will take a while for him to be ok with it too, you need to accept that you may need to let him be open ( wile you yourself remain monogamous) for an extended period of time to let him feel secure and in control. Doing anything when he is just “ ok” with it is taking advantage of him. If you want a real honest and open relationship you will need to not only communicate with complete honesty with each other but you will need to sacrifice for him ( probably by letting him explore his sexual freedom with you being monogamous for a while to give him security to really experience ) as he in the long run is sacrificing a bunch of predetermined ideals and secrities he has had forced on him from the whole world since birth by opening the relationship for you.
Open relationships are hard on men because their friends see them as lesser for letting their girl be with others ( obviously this is stupid but it’s how men are) giving him about a year to try it for himself and build confidence in the dinamic BEFORE you yourself start playing with different people is really crucial. I mean don’t get me wrong every relationship is different but this is the only way I’ve ever seen it work long term. Be patient and nurture him while he sees the benifits of this kind of freedom. And at the end if he says “ no I just want to be monogamous “ which may also happen you will have to accept that as it is. That’s who he may be down to his bones and if you can’t deal with just him you need to leave because that is an unfair expectation you are forcing upon him.

Protip: it wont work now.
Just end the relationship and avoid a lot of drama.

Don't think you can.
My ex brought it up once with me. I said no, the thought just disgusted me. Half a year later she confessed that she cheated on me. Then I broke up with her.

what's with all the bait threads today rofl