i'm raising your rent by $200 next month

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Wasn't he using all these metrics to bash Obama before coming to office? Hmm..

>Average wage is 27.77
Post median wage. That's what rely matters

GLORIOUS :) we love you little butthurt virgin

If only it were true.

The future is bright, Lambright 2020.

Attached: gibbs_Lambright2020.png (1110x667, 305K)

i make more than $100 an hour

This one.

Attached: gibbsmethat_Lambright.jpg (900x1500, 605K)

I wonder what the Trump fanboys are going to say when their bubble bursts. Who will they blame?

So does a Prostitute when they're on the clock.

>muh economee

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>muh gdp

>don't look at the whole picture look at this particular part i want you to focus on
kys xir

Yeah, but you aren't working every single hour. I also make over $100/hr, but I'm not working 40 hours a week, 160 hrs a month, 2,000 hrs a year. After you average it out I'm making what someone who earns ~$30/hr makes for the entire year.

Post the median wage migatard. Most Americans aren't benefiting from this economy still.

>not supporting death penalty is marked green

>paying 10x the amount for social basics
>thinks country is rich
you are third world to us, don't even try

wtf i love Jeff Cox and CNBC now
i only believe lies when they please me anyway

does that mean that we can ignore you socialist faggots when you post make the "this infographic shows economic growth under uncle hitler so therefore socialism is baste" post?

wow so much butthurt I'm going to raise your rent by another $300

$16.71 is the median wage, but migatards will celebrate their jew bosses getting raises

Wayne, why such hatred for Irish? You consider us lower than niggers? Must I remind you that we produced Terry Davis, E. Michael Jones, and Liam Neeson? Absolutely unacceptable.

what was it before

We need to get the budget deficit down. Embarrassing to be racking up this much debt in good economic times

Unemployment is low because people stopped looking for non existant jobs. There's too many people and too few jobs, even shot ones are hard to find.

Why don't you post the median wage.
And then post some actual proof for that "most americans aren't benefitting" bullshit
I'll wait for it.

Add it all up it comes to about 40 cents a nigger.

So where's all that money then?

From what I see most the manufacturing jobs that were created in the last 3 years are given to Temp agencies to fill. The people working for temps aren't getting any benefits and most likely aren't getting hired by the manufacturer at the end of their contract. For most of these people they get 18 month contracts and are forced to take 6 months off from the job before they can even be eligible for the same job again. Zero job security out there right now except for people who already had a job before 2008.

bullshit. you see nothing. you dont staff a steel mill or car factory with temps doing to FTE jobs

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I don't know what you're even complaining about. Enjoy your president who is no different from Jeb Bush except he tweets a lot more grammatically incorrect LIBTARD zingers.

Whats the percentage of the workforce working in a steel mill?

Fun fact: a minimum wage increase to 15 dollars would put almost 90% of Americans at the median wage. Most housholds are multiple income earners, yet the household income is still only around 56k.

We’ll blame whoever the socialist is that got elected and scared everyone into moving their capital away from markets that could get shlonged on a whim like nuke, coal, mining or cars.

Except thats what car factories are doing. New car factory workers start out at 14 when they used to start out at 22.

I find it amazing, that only boomers benefited from the 2008 housing market crash. Everyone else lost.

nigger nigger nigger nigger

remind government employment metrics dont account for the growing NEET population

real unemployment is 20%

> (You)
>>not supporting death penalty is marked green

I have changed my position.

holy shit what a jokekuck

Biden is toast. And my mom's wages have gone up. Trump is rockin and rolling.

$27.77/hr?! Fucking wow! Hot damn, I'd be dancing in the streets!

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Literally only detached boomers think we have a 'good economy' right now. Nobody's life has changed, obvious homeless population growth, and the country's infrastructure and morale continues to crumble. No one's buying this "America's back!" shit, it's obviously a lie. Also, these metrics are skewed and Trump knows that, at least he talked about it before the election.

>fuck things getting better I want to justify how much of a failure I am by blaming outside forces

Lol, that's cool faggot, I live rent free in your mind.


We got ourselves a flip flopper here, looks like.

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What about your wages? Boomers getting richer off Millennials working for less isn't good.

How are you Wal Mart bro? Was thinking of you the other day.

Show the real unemployment you dumb lying nigger

>Tfw when Jow Forums itself tells me that you are a shill

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You absolute retard, most construction jobs are temp. The construction is finished after a point in time.

I make $52 an hour lol

Looks like one of our memes from 2016, but it's real. Being a leftist who has been wrong so many times in two years must be exhausting at this point.

>inb4 muh Zion don

Couldn’t agree more, fuck incels

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Real unemployment is around 20%

Learn to read first faggot.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing well. Mass hysteria for those whom are in the know.


Slowly, I've been wrapping up my loose-ends and eventually heading towards that great, big wally world in the sky.

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Reducing the population by the number of illegals in this country would lower your rent by $500


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>I make $52 an hour lol
i make $55!

Unemployment at 20%, debt reaching over 22 Trillion.
>B-but these slanted numbers tell me not to worry and this economy is better than the 50s!

gas the boomers

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Learn how the industry works first before you go making an ass of yourself next time.

yet even if the land lord was paying you, it is exploitation

>fake unemployment numbers are suddenly real now that Trump is president

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Are you drunk?

Manufacturing is using temp labor to avoid paying benefits and taxes. No one is speaking about construction contracts you mong. Jesus fucking Christ you are a broken person.

Fries or burgers at Wendy's?

It's true, our branch of manufacturing has unfullfillable demand, orders behind to provide atleast a decade of work if not more but shareholders always layoff temps at the end of summer or beginning of winter because they don't intend on providing benefits.

>muh gdp
What a cope, no one cares

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Goddamn! I'd be dancing in the streets if my rent was only $510/month!

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Holy fuck that cannot be real

>Giving free money to chimps

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except the biggest job gains were blue collar hardhat jobs. median wage 27.70/hr. Unlike Obama these are not part time jobs to fudge real numbers.

Amazing how u commie scumbags have nothing but lies to add to this thread.


>there are no Irish in America, only “whites”
Stop blowing me kisses, fucking faggot. And project your suicidal ideation elsewhere.

Increases for jewish bosses. The economy necessarily can't be "good" in the proper sense ever again as long as illegal immigration, legal immigration, work visas, global free trade, and women in the workforce are a thing.

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It's anecdotal, but the factory I worked for from late 2014 to 2015 was desperate for qualified workers. They hired temps because they were easier to fire, and get rid of the pond scum that tends to accumulate at factory tier jobs.

If you were even mildly intelligent, felony free, and capable of showing up to work on time, you could almost walk in and get a 15 an hour job without any fuss.

It wasn't even backbreaking work.

With some time there, I think the non foreman pay capped out around 18 to 20, in a part of the country where 12 to 14 are totally livable wages without splitting costs between a partner.

If you don't have a felony(that's hard mode job seeking), you should not be incapable of finding work.

Car factories are nearly automated man. You get paid more for hard to replace skills. If Tyrone can do it, it's not a valuable skill.

The worth of a Nation cannot be measured in GDP

>envy of the world
why do muricans make it so hard to like them?

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Post links then.

My first apartment in the 90's before the mass importation of (((cheap labor))) was $275 a month and the appartment was located in a trendy part of town.

It means you should be worried about becoming a minority soon

The exact same metrics from the exact same sources.
Mindless Trump cheerleaders don't care because he is "owning the libs."

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Wow man!

>I live in a shitty blue stronghold, and it's not great here! Fuck you blumpf!

So, lowest unemployment for "high school dropouts" (blacks), spics, and women. This is not going to help the middle class or declining birth rates. White men need good paying jobs.

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The rust belt hasnt improved at all

>saying anything about economics


Not all high school dropouts are niggers.

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God it would be beautiful if the millions of illegals we're rounded up and deported.

Rents would fall, wages would skyrocket. Boomers would have to pay more for their lawns to get mowed. ECT ECT.

Welcome back wal mart fren. Has the trump economy improved your finances at all?

This. When my older brother was in college (he's gen X) rent on a one-bedroom apartment located in an area where you wouldn't be knifed in your sleep was around $400. That same apartment now rents for $600, and you will get knifed in your sleep if you rent it. To have a one-bedroom apartment in an area where you won't be knifed to death in your sleep, you have to pay $1,400 a month now. This is in a relatively small town in Mississippi.

Deport the illegals and cut HUD. HUD is destroying the housing market. Generational Welfare whores who shit out future felons and future generational welfare whores to get more money were already causing rent to skyrocket. We've been up to our ears with illegal beaner trash since they came here invented to steal jobs after hurricane Katrina kicked our shit in, and all they've done ever since is not leave, breed, and bring their other little friends in through our absolute joke of a fucking border.

Then why is (((Amazon))) paying me 16.25?

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Here in the PNW we have Silicon Forest, and those jobs pay mildly skilled clean room workers 15-17/, but a 1bdrm runs 1000-1300. When I first moved here in 2002 my rent was 450 and that same job paid 11/. But of course food is crazy, gas is upwards of 4/, and so I’d say things are quite a bit worse.

Can someone explain to me how Trump is responsible for high employment? I'm being serious, can someone explain the direct connection there?

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Not all outnigger schooldrops are high

ive been applying to the shittiest fucking jobs and I'm not having any luck.

gonna kill myself in a few months if I cant get one

No, not really. Got back less in my tax return, but I pay less so it evens out, but nothing in the grand-scheme of things.
