The Teflon Don or Joe Schmoe
Those are your choices for 2020
So who is it going to be Jow Forums
I dont like pedos, so I'll go with the God emperor
Biden is a draft dodger
Donny, since he sucks off jews more
Im going with Biden
Confirmed to never have taken guns or met jews as president.
Daily reminder that he got much much more votes than drumpf
Once it comes out the Bidens son got millions of dollars from Ukraine and Joe Schome got millions from China....he's FINISHED!
Trump in a Landslide!
So trump getting a 130 mil from the Saudis is okay?
Trump will win again, (((we'll))) continue to get everything we want at the white man's expense, and the white man will continue calling it 10d chess. feelsgoodgoy
Trump was an international business man....doing international business
Biden was the Vice President getting money from a foreign government in exchange for some future favor.
Trump 2020 MAGA
Keeping America Great
More Winning!
We Love Trump
Donnie from those 2, sorry creepy joe I have female relatives
>Once it comes out the Bidens son got millions of dollars from Ukraine and Joe Schome got millions from Chin
they have him on camera accepting an envelope full of money from Iranians
KEK Rules
And he was a much worse president.
Biden is going to burn out during the primaries. I guarantee it. Either Bernie or Harris will get the nomination.
Praise KEK!
Trump is an international businessman in the 2020 election?
it will be Bernie
Trump, because all the media has on tump is he is a meanie and that he is a wasist. Joe literally is a creepy fucking dude
stuttering, sluring Joe by a landslide of rigged ballots
Running against who? Romney and McCain? 2 of the most unpopular GOP figures. Hillary was the closest thing to Obamas 3rd term that people were going to get. He shilled really hard for her during the last year of his presidency.
joe doesnt have a chance in hell. Although I did like his speech on the jews. he made them look like a bunch of vampires (unintentionally of course)
And if its Bernie, I think he'll win.
Trump already won
Yeah the media has nothing on Trump, no wall, no peace, no jails, no safety from terrorism
I don't think he'll do well when the Swing-voters are constantly reminded on how Bernie cucked and supported the Establishment
believe me as soon as Biden gets into office there will be the photo op with the chabad jews all surrounding him like vultures
We pick Trump, you retarded faggot.
Biden will crush Trump and watching /ptg/ evaporate the second their funding runs out will be fucking hilarious.
And then you woke up with your AntiFa-issued pink butt-plug jammed up your shit-pipe you sperm-gurgling cock-jockey faggot
Biden is Hillary's puppet.
Why even bother responding to that faggot who's just looking for attention with (you)s
Go to bed you fucking shill.
Because it's an opportunity to post the truth for others to see.
You shouldn't refrain from participating just because every other post is a shill. That's what they want.
Trump is
Idiocracy might actually be a thing.
>Trump is an international businessman in the 2020 election?
Reading comprehension, you dimwitted cokkksukkking incel!
Trump WAS an international businessman so there was NOTHING wrong with him doing business with Russians or any other country.
On the contrary...Biden was getting MILLIONS from other countries while he was Vice President of the United States!
Keeping America Great 2020 and BEYOND to infinity!
Yes I agree, you lack reading comprehension.
Trump is guilty, biden is a private citizen.