My girlfriend is too perverted

My girlfriend just wants to fucking sext every second day and I really don't enjoy it and never get any pleasure out of it. She's even pervy in real life too touching my dick through my pants everywhere.

She doesn't even want sex in real life yet, you know why? Because it's too early both into our relationship and she thinks she's too young ( made a vow to herself she won't loose it before 18, she's 17 and me 18, we've been together for 2 months ) but I guess it's not early for this?

And the second I try to express how I don't like to do it so often and stuff she starts screeching about "oh well then I won't do it ever again" and gets mad a talks about never doing what she wants and likes, even though we do, more than what I want and like.

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Just get yourself a boyfriend next time, m8.

I'm not gay, sorry to reject you man, try another thread

>we've been together for 2 months

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Yes, and she's already doing this

Why the fuck are you here? Why would you use a reaction image from welcome to the nhk? You're a normalfag through and through. I don't get what the appeal of this site is to kids like you. Is it le epic may mays?

>Why would you use a reaction image from welcome to the nhk?

Satou literally had sex with his senior when he was like 16, man I'm sorry to break it to you but your idol is a Chad by your standards. Who are you gonna relate to now?

She wants to be desired.
She wants you and thinks it is fun to let you know. Just play along, it only happens in young relationships and it is kinda precious. Just wait it out and have some fun.

>Yes, and she's already doing this
This is advice board. You already know what to do.

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Pity sex once with a slut who ntrs him later.

I don't want to break up with her, I was a total mess before and thought I'll never get into a relationship and that I don't deserve it, I don't wanna waste this.

I'm playing along but I never really get a a hard on for it or horny, it's just like me playing along to her while listening to music or playing games. Once she got mad that I didn't masturbate while doing it because she did but it doesn't mate me horny.

I don't enjoy it, it's not fun.

>Pity sex once with a slut who ntrs him later.
Ultimate COPE, sorry bro, try other shows I'm sure there's a cool virgin anime dude somewhere you can relate to. Like damn, I'm virgin too but you're taking it too far.

Also checked

practice safe consensual sex with her

"Too early for sex, too early for foreplay and teasing, hun. If I don't plan to bake a cake, I don't just mix up batter for the hell of it."

You can always tell a redditor when he's overdoing the buzzwords and social proof.

You don't mix up the batter and leave it out, you finish that god damn cake. Very few people have enough self control *not* to finish the fucking cake

Yeah my wife did that when we were teenagers, just keep doing what you're doing and maybe she'll grow out of it

No shit Sherlock I bake the fuck outta those cakes, you know I can't be lazy
But if that bitch doesn't wanna keep an oven in the house, like, she's gonna call the cops if you use a hotplate na'mean, then you find a fucking girl who'll let you stick your dick in her after sexting like what the fuck son

She doesn't want it yet. I'm not rushing anything, if I did actually say what said she's just get mad and start being like "oh okay I won't do it ever again then" and be mad.

>Cope is a buzzword and I have now negated all of your reply

I just really prefer her more when she's all cute and when we're a cute couple more than "oh I'll just touch your dick randomly in the park cuz why not that's what couples do"

Tell her to stop and if she doesn't then dump her. That simple.

I don't wanna dump her, I'll try to talk some sense into her

That's a bad thing?

OP is a faggot and probably porn addict
Son stop masturbating to online and other girls and get some sense in YOUR head.

Youll fuck her and at 6 months will break with you to experience. Mark my word

She'll break with me to experience? What?

Experience other dicks


you sound homosexual, I would kill to have a gf who was constantly hungry for my dick and didn't cheat