If only you knew how bad things are

>"Let's not deal with Venezuela, who cares?"
There's about 6k Venezuelans leaving the country DAILY, places that are being overrun by us consist of: Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, The UK, The US (Specially Florida, Texas and New York) and Spain, so a massive exodus should be ONE of your concerns
>"We're just gonna close our borders!"
Fun fact, most of us are getting out of this shithole illegaly, close your shitty borders all you want we will always find a way in.
>"You guys are not a threat to anyone!"
Uhh, we literally hold the drug trade monopoly of South America and North America (Not even the CIA moves as many drugs as us), we pay leftist morons to lobby for socialism in your country, we have Hezbollah cells in our territory plus some FARC members, we're also gonna allow Russia to use us as a bridge to this hemisphere, we kidnap any gringos that come here and torture them(Does Joshua Holt ring a bell?), and much more.. so yeah we are a threat to everyone in America and parts of Europe.
>"The jews want your oil! Defend your oil"
You're retarded, we dont give a fuck about our shitty oil, take it, also, didn't Maduro admit to being a jew?
>"People with Russian flags and Swiss flags are calling out your bullshit facts Venezuelan who is probs a CIA glownigger"
Russia cucks are brainwashed to believe theyre helping us lmao, and the swiss hold the money stolen by our communist goverment, so why wouldnt they defend their interest
>"How are you posting this user youre meant to be a retarded starving spic, are you LARPing?"
Nope, im posting this because im using my data to catch up on how Jow Forums got destroyed by leftist european cucks.

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Nobody cares faggot, next time don't fuck up a coup

Attached: maduro_bus.jpg (720x480, 89K)

And? What the fuck do you want us to do about it?

Chaduro will fuck you up traitor bitch boi

I just want you niggers to go back.

Based Jow Forums seething when confronted with their hypocrisy

As a latin bro, I don't support interventions/bombings in your country. You should be let to die in your own shithole, Enjoy your socialism . Everybody just want your people to leave our countries, thanks

>Everybody just want your people to leave our countries,
Don't you think that wouldn't have happened in the first place if Maduro wouldn't be in power?

Fuck up, you're lucky the portuguese fags living here make good bread, otherwise you should tell your big nosed relatives to get the fuck out

So what? fix your shit then. People are fucking starving but somehow you never have the numbers to overthrow the government.
It's fucking pathetic.

I hope Brazil annexes your ass. Nobody wants tiny countries disrupting global trade.

Probably, yea.

>Niggerzuelans can't even give a coup to the most stupid world leader in the history of mankind
HAHAHAHA no body cares nigger

Venezuelans are starving but they're more obese than all of Europe. They should eat more healthy, they have a lot of fruits.

Attached: world-obesity-1.png (1076x591, 49K)

Watch out user. They are coming for you next.

>fix our shit or we will break shit in your countrie
What a nigger man
Fix your own shit.
What will happen when everybody just runs from there problems.
At some point there will be nowhere to run.

Dont be moronic now, the thread was to fucking show that the whole Venezuela situation is gonna harm everyone, something we dont want, trust me we want to deal with this ourselves without help and shit, the whole world hating us is something we wouldnt like desu, but theres a bunch of leftyfags here claiming that we arent a threat to the region. If we get rid of the commie pig here by our own means that would be great, if we get nuked that would be good too

>If we get rid of the commie pig here by our own means that would be great, if we get nuked that would be good too
Why settle for good when you can have great?

Based and redpilled.

Attached: 1556635691241.gif (900x900, 240K)

Daily reminder that Maduro is a literal jew
Also, there are two places of this earth where military intervention is justified: Venezuela and China. FREE TIBET MY NIGGAS

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>posting states before the collapse

>Jow Forums got destroyed
maybe if you post it enough itll eventually happen. still waiting tho faggot

Nice vpn Bolton.


>CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelans reported losing on average 11 kilograms (24 lbs) in body weight last year and almost 90 percent now live in poverty, according to a new university study on the impact of a devastating economic crisis and food shortages.

>Venezuelans report big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits


fug :D

Posting in a glownigger thread

Attached: 1539585782924.png (264x310, 109K)

Holy shit i didnt know Egyptians and Suadis were as fat as us LMAO.

What do they have out there? McHallal's