Femanons, how can I stop getting so flustered around guys that approach me? I get an anxiety attack when a guy talks to me.
Femanons, how can I stop getting so flustered around guys that approach me...
increasing exposure
I have the same problem user. Something that has helped me, as obvious as it sounds, is to actively try to stay calm. I speak more slowly, I concentrate on my breathing, I just try to pretend I'm a calm, confident person who won't really care if this one guy I'm talking to doesn't happen to like me, even though that's not how I actually feel.
I get anxiety attacks just thinking about trying to talk to women and having them get stressed / flustered / upset because I tried to talk to them. I think what you feel is normal, you should probably just work on disassociating yourself a little from the situation, not like schizo style but more like shutting your personality down for a moment to view things logically from an objective point of view
What? Exposure of what?
I try acting normal but then, I'm maybe acting too normal I might seem like I'm not interested...
Exposure to men, repeatedly talking to them and increasing the frequency and duration of such talking.
Maybe take a front-end restaurant job.
I worry about coming off as disinterested because I'm too calm as well. I think what's happening is we get so anxious that we over-analyze our actions and the (what we automatically assume is negative) impact they have on other people. I know that when I personally don't actively try to stay calm, I come off as nervous, which is worse to strangers than just seeming chill.
I can hardly do it. I've also been told to talk to guys but I CANNOT muster the courage to talk to one. I literally freeze in my place. I don't know what's the cure to this. I think I am too old to still be single. I have to ask out guys but I really can't I swear. I don't know, I feel like I'll be forever single. I hate myself.
Think of his penis. It's like a worm. Worms aren't scary
You're distorting your looking-glass self.
As a side note how would you feel if a man felt exactly the same as you just described about approaching you?
>You're distorting your looking-glass self.
What kind of nonsense liberal speak is this
It's been a psychological concept since 1901. It's a simple way to describe the complicated and often non-linear way a person perceives and responds to others in their environment, with an analogy: The looking-glass self is the process of an individual using others as mirrors to reflect back the behavior they expect or imagine to occur. This process has three stages:
The individual imagines how they appear to others (In this case, OP's low self esteem probably results in her imagined appearance to correspond to how she feels about herself.)
The individual imagines how others would react to this imagined self (Once again, OP sees herself as low value probably due to low self-worth)
The individual evaluates themselves according to how this imagined reaction plays out (Not positively)
This entire process is unconscious
You could just say self-image sperg
I essentially did but you asked for an elaboration
immerse yourself in guys you find unattractive
fuck a couple of black guys, that should rise your confidence.
Bite him , and roar like a t-rex
>front-end restaurant job
Found the developer
Today I learned grills can be anxious spergs too, and also get sick trips
just imagine they're naked
This is what I do, not a worm, but that he likely has a small penis because most guys do (believe me my brother and all his friends always try to embarrass me by pulling their pants down and wag them at me, they are all little). Works for me everytime and my little smile as I think that, they think I like them and therefore interesting.
You know they get significantly larger when erect right?
I know they get bigger, seen porn pics, but no way that much bigger
You don't. You talk to them about how flustered you are, if you're attracted to them.
Be flustered. That's not a bad thing.
you're a literal retard. mine grows at least 3x in volume vs flaccid. at least. are you 12?
So much dude afraid of people thinking their dick is small it's like... well pretty much most things.
I never said it was big, you dumb shit, I said what you've saw on your friends has nothing to do with their erect size. take a logic class right after sex ed class
Biologically speaking, humans have biggest body/penis ratio of all mammals. So yeah our dicks are huge
hahah is this a joke?
>I belong to the gender that holds all power within human relationship dynamics but I can't talk to any of the hundreds of guys who would do anything to get on my good side
This is you. The idea that a girl gets nervous around men is utterly ridiculous.
Nah the biggest porn stars don't compare ratio wise to a dog or a donkey.
Don't you ever go out? Ugly and far bitches exist, some men would rather not be around then, some would, some would sniff their panties.
Oh hi r9k
>I might seem like I'm not interested...
Doesn't matter. They are interested.
You are an incel with no grasp of the other gender. Girls have anxiety about their appearances and being liked as well, but since you are such a socially disconnected reject you put people on a pedestal that piss and shit like anyone else.
Satanic Trips of Unholy truth, gives us your wisdom.
How old is too old?