Where do you get your news Jow Forums?

Where do you get your news Jow Forums?

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Jow Forums + WSJ

Jow Forums


AP, Reuters, Jow Forums

I dont anymore it's a waste of energy

Drudge Report

Drudge has everything from Politics, to international issues. Usually the most red-pilled site.

Infowars articles pop up there

Careful to not let your guard down too much with AP and Reuters, they're as close to the source as it gets but they've still got a bias. I favor WSJ since their cuckservative / capitalist bias is at least inoffensive and easy to parse out the raw data from

If anything worthwhile happens it gets posted here

r/politics, buzzfeed, the young turks, or just talking with our bull

Jow Forums and I'm subbed to Fox and CNN on YouTube, I just read the titles of their vids but only watch Tucker's show.

twitter. i like @intelcrab @inteldoge @natsecjeff @intellipus @ELINTnews

other than that, I like reuters, AP, or weighing NBC/CNN vs Fox/Breitbart/etc.

For conspiracy stuff, I like Joseph Farrell at Gizadeathstar.com.

the only thing Jow Forums is good for is live coverage of events and happening threads. Nothing ever happens, but when it does, this is the place to be. Following the Las Vegas shooting as it happened changed my whole outlook on politics and life.

your bull

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(((WSJ))) haha

> Economist
I get my (((news))) straight from the Rothchild's mouth.



>Jow Forums gets news from Jow Forums
How fitting indeed.
Jow Forums is an echo chamber.

Try reading Foreign Affairs if you want distilled NWO strategy, it's published by the Council on Foreign Relations so straight from the desk of the subterranean jew reptilian central council itself

I turn on NPR when my wife taunts me about my cuck cage to keep from getting aroused.


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It's more of a research community really, one which is under shit and cum but it's more preferable than a fake one I'd tell you that

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

It’s written on the bathroom stall where your mother services me.


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It's a marketplace for attention, so actually interesting stuff shows up quickly and in detail, as opposed to other sources who try to spin everything and suppress / boost stuff as it fits their agenda

SVT, Nyheter Idag, Moscow Times, Vesti News (YouTube) and Zero Hedge, sometimes wikipedia "In the news".

You're a sand nigger, no one gives a fuck about you.

why get news when you can create your own, user?

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I don't go actively looking for news.

I'll gather tidbits of info, and if something catches my interests, I'll scour the internet from Jow Forums to MSM to get all the angles, then make my own assumptions about what's happening in the world.

NPR can be fine (Never great, just fine) depending on the topic.

Kevin Michael Grace

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BASED and Fedpilled

I get all my news from Jow Forums


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Straight from kentaro miura

from astral traveling

can someone redpill me on this website

pol, sargon, vee, tim pool, styx666, alex jones, sjwcentral, random bitchute videos

Where else but here?


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From CNN of course.

Jow Forums
Tim Pool
Mike Tracey
Cerno, when he's not blogging about makeup and skin care
Hard Bastard
Jesse Lee Peterson

The voices in my head tell me what's happening and how I should react to it.

Zerohedge is a little like Jow Forums if all Jow Forums did was focus on economics.


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