it's pretty obvious now there are different factions/agencies working against each other. so which belongs to which? who is who?
It's pretty obvious now there are different factions/agencies working against each other. so which belongs to which...
CIA agent reporting in
I am all of them
opinions on the NSA and FBI?
c'mon Jow Forums
DHS are the jews. CIA is jews. NSA is jews. Air Force is gay mafia
Intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies and bureaus would probably be aligned with neoliberals/neocons. The combat related elements of the military are conservative, but I'd be willing to bet however that many of the 4 star generals who run the show are more aligned with a globablist point of view. Most of the generals that I heard speak in person while I was in the Marine Corps sounded like your prototypical politicians and were always harping about how WWIII was going to occur next week. The logistics side of the military I'd say is more left leaning.
God dammit. I accidentally joined the gay mafia then. I thought it was the Navy.
> 800,000 + "secret clearances" last time i saw an article published on it...
i guess they all think they are james bond now
they probably have no idea what their common department goals are anymore
how do you get 20 intelligence agencies to have congrunet goals
with 800,000 clearances i wouldnt be surprised if they have OFFICIAL opposing goals/agendas
t. i actually pro burgers...just saying
CIA is ivy league faggots, FBI are slightly-smarter cops, NSA are tranny autists, and they all work with the Mossad.
Which side Jews/Pagans which side Christians
I heard there is "mini civil war" between 2 fractions inside the Pentagon.
did you know there are people still missing to this day who got lost trying to find their out of the middle of the building. one guy has been missing since 1974
its been made pretty clear the last two years that there is a war between military inteligence, who stand with trump, and the fbi and cia who are obviously fighting trump...
is there any other reason trump was backed by so many generals from the very start of his campaign?
To garner support from the populist base that elected him. Many Americans hate establishment politicians like Rumsfield, Clinton, Eric holder etc. who held roles of important cabinet positions in the White House.
>who got lost trying to find their out of the middle of the building.
who got lost trying to find their way out of the middle of the building. What? Whats so special about the middle?
the way the building is designed. if you don't know where you're going you get lost. One guy went to go get coffee in 1986. first day on the job. he vanishes. he shows up again in 1994 & he still had his job
i dont understand. what did he do for 9 years?
no one knows. no one even reported him missing. He was still wearing his ALF t-shirt
what reason did the generals have to back trump from the very start?
i dont remember any candidate to run for president that had generals backing from the very start
>what reason did the generals have to back trump from the very start?
Being pro Israel.
Secret clearance is nothing. TS lets you know about the current mission you are on and Q clearence is big boy clearance.
I cant get TS clearence because I was suicidal when I was younger. There are also a lot people who cant get it due to drug waivers.
99.9% of american politicians are pro israel
please, at least try and use your brain
>if you don't know where you're going you get lost.
Yes that's generally how it works faggot
Makes sense about the NSA since Jews are big into voyeurism fetish
>it's pretty obvious now there are different factions/agencies working against each other
No, it isn't, and no they are not.
>military inteligence, who stand with trump
The DIA and NSA are the good guys because they recruited right from normal society and from the military. The CIA and FBI are the bad guys, they recruit from universities and corporate structures.
Sounds like something a CIA nigger would say.
you guys talk bad about each other all the time on Jow Forums, whichever agency you are, it doesn't even matter, you all do it
your ass wouldn't last five minutes in the pentagon, mr. big shot
>t. Director of National Intelligence
Generally, if they wear a uniform (read: military) they are fare more likely to care about the constitution. The officers corps is generally pro-trump, pro-2nd and based. The NSA under Mike Rogers literally blew the whistle on spygate.
It's the Millenial law school grades at the FBI and the glowniggers at Langley that you gotta worry about. Obama flooded both organizations with Ivy league ideologues during his tenure.From my time spent with DHS, the overwhelming majority is based and literally wants all the spics to go home.
Logistics and any Fobbits in general are more likely left leaning because they are more likely low IQ browns that enlisted for gibs. Combat arms is based.
CIA AND FBI are Ivy League faggots. Obama made sure to run all the real cops outta the DOJ during his tenure.
They are unironically constitutionalist patriots who knew Obama was shitting all over the Nation's principles thanks to what they heard from people like Flynn and Rogers.
Not everyone in the pentagon are deep state glowniggers. Some honestly do love their country.
Bingo. DHS is generally "good guys" too from my own experience, at least CBP, Coast Guard and FEMA. can't speak to any other agencies.
Before every REEEEEEEs about FEMA being much evil deathcamp, most the people working for FEMA have a background in Fire/EMS and literally just spend their time on disaster response shit.
but why do they work with Mossad if they're "based"?
To kill shitskins obviously.