Lol fucking CNN

lol fucking CNN.

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but let me tell you why a good economy is bad. Although Yang is correct GDP is a worthless number.

>"His" economic numbers
>"Economic numbers"
>Economic numbers are "through the roof"
>Ever increasing debt and a massive bubble with more exposure of investment banks than in 2008
>Drumpftards are so braindead that they are actually celebrating this mess
Well, WHEN, not if, the credit crunch cometh, you will eat your words, because apart from human flesh, this will be literally all that will be left for you.

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At least they have believable polling numbers this time.

They literally print the money. Shut up.

>Trump eliminates world hunger, here's why that's a bad thing

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No matter how good the economy, you will never see the spoils of that success.
Blood will forever be more important that money.
A win for blumpf is a win for israel.

Who gives a shit? Trump fulfilled none of his promises to white people. All he's done is suck Israel dick.
Where's my wall? National reciprocity for concealed carry? Where's the deportations? Why did we get prison "reform" that just puts more niggers on the street?

Let it burn. Trump is the an cap vote cause he will burn this shithole down on the way out

The only people who want Biden for president are the people who are going to get caught up in the IG and AG investigations. They NEED Biden to win or else they might wind up disgraced or jailed and I know and and THEY know it. I expect the screaming to be cacophonous the closer those corrupted career criminals get to being outed publicly for what they tried to do, AND what they actually DID do.

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>A win for blumpf is a win for israel.
Israel? Or Russia? Face it liar you can't make up bullshit as fast as the bullshit is disproven...

>Who gives a shit? Trump fulfilled none of his promises to white people. All he's done is suck Israel dick.
See the comment right above yours? Yeah you shills are really fucking bad at this. Two posts IN A ROW of the same exact bullshit. Go to fucking hell you goddamned piece of shit.

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>Supreme Court is solidly comservative
>Military budget was finally stabilized
>showed Obama was a hack and a clown
Looks pretty good to me desu!

Here they go with their polls again lol. Fucking retards. Nobody believes any fucking thing they say now a days, especially any polls. Even the normies dont trust CNN.



Everyone stopped paying attention a month ago. Only the die-hard lunatics have doubled down to a dwindling number of people. Look at all the ((polls)) released in the last couple of days showing Trump losing. It's complete and naked desperation.


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>Austrian giving economic advice.

Fake polls are fake.

Nothing new here.

Trump is literally cutting taxes and increasing spending and throwing the entire different on the National Debt 23 Trillion dollar credit card, and the deficit is higher than ever.

the fact that any of you would defend this is insane.


These assholes had Hillary winning last election too but Trump won.

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This guy gets it, Trump is all talk no action on immigration, where's the wall? What about DACA? Obama expelled more people than him at this point, his executive orders are just temporary and kind of useless.

Trump started a discussion that made the media and the establishement, including the glow niggers, painfully naked. This, if nothing else is the biggest achievement of his Presidency.
Do you remember when everyone who suspected what's going on were called a conspiracy theorist? I mean no one had a proof of the deep state, or the connections between CIA and Media.
Some people knew what's going on but had no way of proving it, nor did they have any legitimacy. That changed thanks to Trump vs MSM war.

incredible what cucks and cowards trump supporters are.

Keep giving more power to Israel!

No one is defending that, but after Obama doubled it and nothing happened people don't understand how bad that is.
On the other hand: when the debt becomes too big to pay across the globe, does it really matter? I mean the US isn't the only country with the debt surpassing the GDP, not by far. So who is going to call for the repayment of the debt if almost everyone are in the same boat?

Dude I did not vote for him in 2016 because I did not think that he is going to be good for the country and only gradually come to accept the fact that he is a net positive for the US.
And if not Trump then who? I mean seriously, name another person that would not serve the Jew and did not try to destroy the economy or build a fucking dictatorship? Name 1.

10 reasons why economy is bad. Here's why.

dude Bernie sandars Alone is 10x stronger on Israel and hes a fucking jew.
And the far left is also more correct on ecomony and on taxing the rich now.

Would you rather someone who you don't really like or agree with
or someone who lies to you, spits in your fucking face and uses you as a useful idiot

Imagine how many people told the CNN pollsters to go shit in their own mouths rather than participate in the polls.

I have a contrarian opinion on this poll compared to all of you. I actually believe the numbers are right, more or less. BUT if the numbers are right, Biden will lose terribly. His headstart would be way too small. The reason is the following: Trump has negative press all the time because he is the only one in the focus right now. The Democrats share the negative reports by 20 people or so. As soon as one candidate has been nominated, this candidate will get the unshared focus with its negative side. And this does not even include the part where Trump will character assassinate the nominee. In the end, you only need to outrun your opponent, and not run faster than the bear.

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Because it allows nigger to breed unchecked, causing a migrant crisis in the first world.

Bernie? Look I was born in a socialistic shithole and I'll be damned if I die on one. All that shit that Bernie is peddling I've already heard before. Guess what? Nothing good ever comes from it.
This and 2A stance- fuck that shit.

>time to shill up a pedo
They can’t help themselves

>executive orders
There’s your answer, kang nigger ruled by the pen. Democrats gave no fucks about it because he was one of theirs and republicans didn’t want to pipe up too much because they didn’t want to get called racists. Trump can’t write an EO for shit without some activist judge or congressional overreach happening

no no dude, smarten up
this "socialism! Venezuela!" shit was made up to trick dumb people.
Their version of democratic socialism is literally just a plan to hire taxes on the rich and spend it on health care instead of war.
Which lets be honest is more necessary in this broke poor country than ever

you guys seem to misunderstand that this system has already failed

this guy would 100% have a soi beard if they allowed him to

vagueposting. what are you trying to say


Good ol CNN.

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I was BORN during socialism dude. I know how it looks like from the inside. I don't need any socialism is bad, type of propaganda to tell me that. I lived it, and really is that bad.

No goofy, it CAN be.
But to pretend every attempt at solialism is even close to the same is pure stupidity.

You rightfully don't want your countries form of it.
Doesn't mean the Nordic system hasn't been a great success.
Point is every plan is vastly different.

Socialism = bad is kindergarten level dumb dumb kid shit simplicity.

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You should listen to it, Austrian economics says this economy is fucking fake.

...but its been the same trajectory since recovery in 2009. fixed it for them now pay me

Who exactly do they supposedly poll for these things? I'm a registered voter and no ones ever asked me for my two cents. I understand they can't poll literally everyone, but there's obvious bias at every level, including those asked. So, where's this data coming from?

At least they included the last portion of the quote.



Holy shit, how will he recover???

101 Federal Judges and counting. Appointed for Life.

This is your reminder that those "economic numbers" are the stock market and the employment rate, the latter being expanded through minimum wage service jobs.
If you are not rich, you are not winning. The limp-wristed neoliberal millionaires behind CNN are winning.

but it's a peophil.....

Good question. Honestly, I don't think he does.
Remember that time he claimed he was being spied on?
Thank God CNN was there to ridicule the very idea of spying.

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>When the credit crunch comes it will be from one president instead of the last century of the banks acquiring more and more power
Kill yourself

I want to see him taking van Jones black bull in his ass

>t. Ice cream sandwiche flag

Proof Trump wanted Coke.

>bend the knee bernie
>no refunds bernie

Fuck right off, that guy is a con artist. He hypes people up just to take some sheckles and give his endorsement to the already preselected candidate. If bernie actually was true on his morals he would never have stopped calling hillary or the dems out for stealing his nomination. But he is perfectly fine with it today. Why? Because its made him a millionaire

But ...


CNN is clowns, literally. It's the Clown News Network.

wow that's painfully stupid.
>he would have stood against Hillary while she was competing with Trump
Why would anyone who isn't drop dead retarded do that when the country is on the line?

>hes a millionaire
oooo ahhh he wants himself taxed more, and he never fucking suggested people shouldn't strive to be millionaires or cant be

Drumpf is a tool of the jew

>he wants
if he ever became president hes too weak. nothing he wants would pass

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You can make that argument, I just don't like stupid arguements

>And the far left is also more correct on ecomony and on taxing the rich now.
Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>Holy shit, how will he recover???
He wont :3

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t. designated shitting streets

>trump tries to stop wars, here's why thats a bad thing.

>56% approves
Yeah no shit

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I’ll take good economy for $1,000 Alex.

But... we're still faggots and drumpf is bad so here is why we will deny undeniable good news.

Give it up shill