>be me
>new job
>coworkers wanna be my friends
>everyone is npc, but I really wanna blend in for a change
>they added me to WhatsApp group where they share funny videos
>can't send any of my chan gore
>I'm stuck
What do normies like when it comes to videos? What can I share without looking weird?
Anal vore & ISIS executions
Orange man bad videos
Disgusting porn and scat. Go slowly with the gore. Start with chinese getting rolled over. I dont know why but every workrelated whatsapp group was mostly just really disgusting porn and nazi stuff. I only introduced the chinese nerve gas thing.
Post some boring topic, like old cars or some sport. Make it something that you actually know about and like, but which is very neutral politically.
They'll be bored but nice about it, and they won't notice that you're not participating in the politics.
>What do normies like when it comes to videos?
Cat videos. Popular memes. Some tiktok memes.
>tfw no friend who casually sends me disgusting shit that I have to quickly hide while in public
I got you senpai
I fucking hate when Norms at work send ‘hilarious’ videos to you. They are all laughing thier heads off and I feel nothing but irritation and contempt that somebody would take the trouble to sent this dumb video.
>go to imgur
>find meme dumps
>save them and share with your group
How about this? it's my go to
Top kek
One of them literally shared a guy falling vid yesterday and everyone kek'd
Send this it's normie enough
Trust me this isn't normie stuff, I'm dying
>it's not them that are wrong
>it's us that are too ruined
It is possible to have multiple aspects of your personality. If you find you cannot find common humour with the average person then it means you're spending too much time on the internet. The fault is your own, not theirs.
Why would you send normal people Gore videos? Remember you're the strange one there. The average person isn't an NPC because they don't want to look at a babies head being crushed like a watermelon while the mother screams and cries.. or something like that.
Try some Reddit subs for normie stuff like r/wtf, r/offensivememes, r/nonono, r/whatcouldgowrong. You can probably find something shareable there or on related subs that's shareable.
they like garbage
>Remember you're the strange one there. The average person isn't an NPC because they don't want to look at a babies head being crushed like a watermelon while the mother screams and cries
>recommends Plebbit
Just leave and never come back
send this and a bunch of gay stuff
cant wait till you sick fucks are bred out.
send cats
Cat videos transcend culture.
i've never laughed so hard at something i've seen on Jow Forums. WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY!?
Send them Rick and Morty baby rape video, they can't deny that and you redpill them.
Who's the faggot who made an edgy webm of the fucking good Hannibal series ?
>AI will replace you
Why is it always the scat stuff with you lot ?
This is normie friendly
>It is possible to have multiple aspects of your personality. If you find you cannot find common humour with the average person then it means you're spending too much time on the internet. The fault is your own, not theirs.
Right in the feels. I can't laugh at any movie/TV show that normies find hilarious, but there's posts I've read on Jow Forums that will have me in tears. I wish I could leave this place but I can't. I'm here forever.
This looks extremely fake.
When you get fired, and the superficiality of your new relationships becomes palpable, drop red pills on your way out.
kek this looks so stupid
Yes, orange man bad. Good work user. Orange man bad lol. Knock knock who's there orange man orange man who orange man bad. Orange man walks into a bar, orange man bad lol. Orange man. Lol. Orange man bad. We should protest.
considering you are prob american. just share this, theyll thank you
So good
such a strange webm. what lead to this
Animals doing cute/funny things, people falling in funny way. Plenty of normie safe videos get posted on this site
Why is Beto O'Rourke beating that black woman?
This is all I have OP hope this helps
> you pass butter
It's so much better with audio. But yeah good choice.
Fuck I kek'd. Am I a normie now?
>nerve gas
i haven't found any definitive source on that being legitimate.
What? People being electrocuted or retards calling it nerve gas?
you need subtle redpills that are funny no matter how many level of nigger they're on.
Send them wholesome Christian stuff and the porn memes that are photoshopped to have girls licking ice cream cones
Wtf source?
Would have been better if he started to do a fortnight dance after shooting him.
i'm just thinking of that webm of the chink tied up at four nub points looking melted af, and when i asked for sauce multiple anons responded "nerve gas".
i found some stuff posting it with a reverse image search but all dead ends.
Just post cute animals and you will get laid
That guy at the end is laughing his ass off / having a seizure
You mean the retard chink in the self made contraption so he dosent harm himself? Its just a retard chink and no money for real equipment.
But nerve gas refers to chink death videos mostly electrocutions.
Just send youtube cat videos.
Chinese rekt videos.
Tell them they're actually lessons in workplace safety.
Can't stop laughing
Post memes from 2006 like you just discovered them for the first time.
Cultural appropriation. Why are niggers dressing up as western fantasy characters? Niggers know better than to take another man's culture and what it implies to do so. Shame on them.
Just go to >youtube >trending
Holy shit mogged and cucked to an extreme lel
I've seen this movie be4, but I can't remember.