What do we do if republicans win again?

Sigh with relief over the democrats not winning?



>spew more 80IQ horseshit
those horseshit are specially catered for mcdonalds' employees.

Of all the shill threads today, this one is the most low effort.

Attached: 1kb merchant.jpg (55x60, 1K)

chimp out even more so that we can have another 4 years of memes to spend our time with.
after that you are free to an hero.

I was curious why they all said "I'll move to Canada".
Those fuckers racist or something? They want jumping beans bouncing over the border, but they don't want to go live in THEIR fucking country?
Like, where are their fucking standards and honesty?
I fucking loathe those hypocrite faggots.

The republicans WILL with back both houses and Trump will be reelected in a landslide. The dems slit their own throat.

I'll get a medium quarter pounder combo with water, thanks.

>They want jumping beans bouncing over the border, but they don't want to go live in THEIR fucking country?
do you think that libtards and nu-commies care about countries?
those kind of people who vouch for socialism think that public money come from a bottomless pit filled with money.
Have you even heard of anyone of them claim that "we can take X much"?
No. They want them all in.
That's how much ignorant they are.
They have no idea how a fucking country works and how it is kept stable with a certain amount of tax money and a certain amount of expenses.
all those commie shits and socialists are just opportunists that will sellout everything they can for 4 years in the parliament/congress.
The same fucking shit happened in Greece. When the nationalist gov't fell, because "dictatorship bad, democracy good", every big economy back then promoted either socialists or liberals in Greece.
Those pieces of shit are the first ones that were bought with Siemens/Daimler Marks and petrodollars.