I guess now we dont like the free market, huh?

I guess now we dont like the free market, huh?

Attached: 24-zuck-jack.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:


soros dominated poor little zuck and took control of facebook from him

Need Eric Schmidt up there too

might makes right, stay seething righties

Anything is free market by your definition. Hey, free Poop-A-Roni in San Francisco. Since it's nancy Pooplosi's district, it has to be good right?


Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Off topic, I guess you are tired of losing

This is social hijacking, not money.

We don't live in a free market. Us companies enjoy lots of protections from the state, in the case of facebook and Twitter yhey get funding too. We would all be better off if these protections were removed but they aren't going to be. Therefore they must endure restrictions which serve the public interest.

I'd much rather we went full free market, but that doesn't mean these pricks get to teeter between 2 extremes and reap the benefits of both.

>muh free maket
*gets enslaved by Cocacola*
great plan there buddy

Free market doesn't mean the freedom to be a parasite

I like that.

>multi-million subsidies
>free market
pick one

wish I was mark zuckerberg

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These monopolies dont exist without government help.

Yeah its like people lose sight of the purpose of a free market. Its supposed to create the incentive for smart ambitious people to help us by helping themselves. If you're stuck toiling away for mining tokens all day. There's probably something that needs to be rectified in your incentive structure.

>Free market
Pick one.

>free market
>switches to publisher into telephone company back and forth and use the government as protection whenever it suits their need

Why would Coca-Cola enslave me when they need my business to be wealthy?

Free market?

Facebook and twitter are virtual monopolies. Especially when you take into account the fact that Chase, PayPal, Stripe, and Patreon are following victims of censorship across the internet and actively colluding to prevent the establishment of functional alternatives.

Silicon Valley is effectively acting like an information/communications cartel and using that power to influence elections across the globe.

You being a short sighted faggot and cheering them on as they do, might feel good now. But eventually those chickens will come home to roost. It’s inevitable that they’ll start flexing that same muscle against shit you care about.

Think twitter, google, and Facebook won’t use that power for corrupt corporate practices? Like maybe you want a privacy law to protect your data from misuse? Where are you going to advocate for it when they shadow ban you? Then you complain about it and they perma-ban you bc your public discourse off their site “made their employees feel threatened?

Freedom of speech is critical for Western style democracies. No freedom of speech, no democracy.

because you will be used as a slave to produce for free for them to export the cocacola to the elites which whill consume

There is no reason that you should enjoy property rights, which are given to you by the society, if you at the same time harm society by spreading leftist propaganda. Facebook should be taken from Zuck and sold to someone right wing.

there is no free market, only a oligarchy you rigs everything in clown world

i guess i don’t like free market

They don't want democracy. They only want control.

by putting heroin in the coca cola

Hahahah watching these people get put to death for treason is gonna be awesome

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monopolies often happen in Laissez-faire free market buddy. Look up standard oil or the railway conglomerates.

if only

Properly defined, Facebook and Twitter are governments.

You think it's funny now but you won't be laughing when Twitter and Facebook are declared common carriers. Which they are.

It's either penis cakes and privacy or no penis cakes and no privacy

I guess they don't like safe harbor protections, huh?

Jesus fuck Jow Forums is commie as fuck. Free market will never be defeated, deal with it.

free market is like communism an idea impossible to apply because human are corrupt and full of greed

Funny you should mention that since that’s literally why we have anti-trust laws now.

I lean more libertarian, but really there’s no denying it at this point. Silicon Valley has far too much power to shape global politics.

I'm applying for a job but they wont hire me unless i give them my facepage password? But I was banned from facepage for saying globalism was bad?! Help!!!!

Zuck doesn't even look male he's so estrogenic. Look at those pink lips and lack of facial definition. He looks like a little girl.

That is correct

its not a free market when the government gives you contracts and subsidizes your business, thus preventing your "private company" from having to pay federal taxes

suck a dick EU-scum

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>CIA assets
>Free Market


They’re not monopolies, nit even close.
You could make a case for Silicon Valley as a cartel though.

We don't like corporate collusion and censorship.

anti trust laws are against libertarian ideology. That is big government interfering with the free market. Libertarians somehow think monopolies are not a bad thing. Also anti trust laws are not enforced much at all; not used since Teddy Roosevelt

Yes private companies with monopolies on the public square working with the government to censor wrong think is the epitome of the free market

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Nah, we just don't like enemies within our country that are trying to destroy. Hopefully they get theirs soon.

>free market

No such thing, retard.

Attached: no free market, censorship, stonetoss.png (1000x1000, 102K)

>Muh free markit!

Are you confusing us with Boomer libertardians or something?

Attached: Fat frog.png (800x600, 70K)

>starts and runs a company with FED black fundings
>the company is nothing else than a glownigger large scale ops
>free market
Jean-Claude, please, now quit the cognac and go back to Luxembourg.

No they are three letter agencies covert ops. My guess is NSA = kikebook and CIA = twatter

>free market
There has never been a free market, its a utopian ideal like communism.
Theres free-er markets and more controlled ones, America does not lean on the free side of the spectrum by alot.

He always looks like the guy in a zombie movie who got bit and he’s attempting to hide it.

It kind of baffles me that those two weird fucks have so much power. I mean, there's no actual reason that justifies using their platforms and leaving your info vulnerable to the world, yet people keep using it.

Then why do people still vote Republican, who give subsidies to Wall Street and oil and chemical companies?

so then why do Republicans keep pushing policies that allow corporations to have more power?

What do you mean the free market is just starting up because of these bannings.

Lets hope so. Hopefully its live streemed as well

Jeffersonian economics is the whitemans economics. Not this Lincoln free market kike shit.

when has Jow Forums ever been a laissez faire board?
newfags leave

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"we" never liked it, newfag

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who told you this was a republican board?