"I am the number one target of anti-semetic attacks in 2016 according to ADL."

>"I am the number one target of anti-semetic attacks in 2016 according to ADL."
What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Whatcha doin', Rabbi?

Hes just trying to stay relevant

because ADL stands for 'Adolf Didn't Lose'

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Hes the twitter equivalent of the nigger that runs into your car while you're backing out of a parking space.

Another annoying burger.

Means he's a subversive kike that doesn't get the message that he's not welcome.

Attached: 1538078179566.png (244x255, 17K)

Why does he look like that?

Attached: 71C5ECA9-7363-4CE9-A565-4887F47CB904.jpg (1024x550, 68K)

internet racists/nazis are jokes

>Internet niggers are jokes.

trump supporters/altright are jokes

We can meet in the middle on this one though.
Cheers kneegrow.

He's a Minnesota Twins fan?

Oy vey why do these filthy goyim cattle persecute me so?

What a clown

Attached: 8382FBDD-51BD-4F29-8D24-5EF8C3321017.png (956x476, 207K)

>im the victim
>no me
>no i am. i have suffered the most
>no i have

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Ben can't take the online bantz

Yet he never calls for those people to be banned (unless advocating violence). He says milo, Louis Farrakhan, etc should be allowed to say whatever they want even if it’s disgusting and even as those people directly target him.

Hate him all you want but if you faggots love free speech, Bens probably the biggest ally the right has.

> look goyim i am wearing a basecap, i am like you..

cringe factor six million

ben is to the biggest ally the right has
israel is the best ally to the united states

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loool what the fuck is wrong with his breasts?

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thanks havent seen this before

Why do americans always dress like they're about to hit the gym?

Khazar milkers are a blessing in his family

He's transitioning

It means we really dislike this particular kike

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>"Islam is a religion of peace according to muslims"

Yes, it's surely because of racism, not because of domestic terrorism!

Attached: antifa_unicorn.jpg (626x627, 138K)

I dont love (((free speech))) because I'm not a judeo Masonic faggot.

we get gym memberships and gym clothing then end up not using the membership at all and use the clothing to run errands in

How dare you say that after he was attacked 6 million times!

He meant he was the number one target of anti-semetic attacks in 2016 according to ADL.