Working with an Indian in a group on a project

>Working with an Indian in a group on a project
>Get mad at him for not doing any work and lying by saying he wrote code when he obviously copied and pasted it from a Google search
>Inform the professor that he is trying to use fraudulent code and CC the Indian student in the email as well so he gets the message
>The Indian does the SAME THING the next day when he says he worked on his code

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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i would sniff tomoko feet

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Based Hadji is probably too busy watching porn to work

What's the deal with Indians? They're either super diligent or lazy as fuck

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Would you smell tumko feet?

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>anime will never be real

>implying cheating is a bad thing
>implying you aren't a sucker for wasting time working hard when you could just cheat

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>professors won't notice the blatant plagiarism and fail the entire group

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More real to me than real life.

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just fill the tank shells with anchovy's foot odor.

Chemical Warfare is not okay especially with something so potent.

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Pajeets don't give a shit. Or maybe they do. A lot. Except they don't give a shit where they give their shit.

What are tomoko's political views?

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Oh come on it's not so bad. You should only feel a painful burning in your lungs after breathing in the anchovy feet stink.

ALL girls have smelly feet.

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Not really into feet desu

pic related

Probably fascist, I would guess. If she spends most of her time on the internet, it would make sense.

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>not knowing that all the nearby flowers wilted and the water turned into a mucky swamp when she dipped her toes in

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Anchovy's feet stink single handedly defeated the Ethiopians.

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We're getting closer to a reasonable facsimile every day.

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>manga about girl who isn't popular
>actually has several friends and is surrounded by people who are obsessed with her

where are we going with this exactly

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how do they smell?

My guess is something like rotting pizza, old fish from the mediterranean, basil, and a slight kebab smell from the moor blood.

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how does 2d pussy feels?

ew go put some socks on stinky tomoko.

All that grass is gonna rot from your feet scent.

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at least it won't harm indians

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Manga went to shit after she got a fucking lesbian harem
The Tomoko I know is a lonely neet just like myself, fuck off

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did you know russian girls used their smelly feet as bioweapons?
>Footwraps are notorious for the foul smell that they develop when worn under military conditions, where soldiers are often unable to change or dry the cloths for days. Russian veterans used to jokingly pride themselves about the stench of their footwear, referring to their footwraps as "chemical weapons" that would defeat any enemy unaccustomed to the smell.[3]

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you are tumko

Like the worst smell I've ever smelled, Rotten tomatoes.

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call him a street shitter

If you insult anchovy's feet odor I will make her stuff her used socks in your air conditioner. It'll blow the warm, smelly, feet-tainted air all over your house!

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Jokes on you the air conditioner doesn't reach my room.

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>1 post by this id fuck off paki nigger
Is this some kind of weeb thread now

i would how anchovy feels about having mudslime feet stink in her genes
>Sicilian girls used to have pretty pale dainty feet. But then muslim girls polluted them with their stinky brown moor foot scent
>[pic of a brown anime girl]

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They are liars and cheaters. Here's one for you, I'm in manufacturing.
>Delivery truck driver docks at warehouse, waiting to be unloaded
>Get call from pajeet
>Pajeet tells me my delivery never arrived, wants his order cancelled immediately and refunded 100%
>Tell Pajeet your people took his paper work and signed for it already, truck is waiting there 4 hours to get unloaded
>Pajeet yells at me and calls me a liar, says he will sue me
>Truck gets unloaded when talking to him at the same time
>Pajeet still blames me for this, says he will not accept it
>Truck already left, paperwork signed off ages ago.
>Turns out Pajeet wanted to cut me off because his customer cancelled on him and he wouldn't need more of my product
>Tell Pajeet that's not how the world works you fucking poo, maybe in your poo brain and poo country
>Pajeet gets angry, says his company will never do business with me again
>Next week, got order for same company, Pajeet not working there anymore

Poos have poo in their head. They are the reason the economy is going to shit.

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I bet you’re that one Italian dude but now you have a proxy

The fuck is going on with all the foot fetish posts?!

italian girls have the smelliest feet. Italy is a feet.

To be fair, you need to have a very high iq to understand feet.

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Foreign exchange students get leniency when it comes to honor code violations because every one of them is a fucking cash cow. They pay like 2-3 times your tuition rate. They get the best accommodations. It can be a hard pill for undergrads to swallow. As a grad student I think it's great. Chink dollars fund our research.

Indians are by far the most perfidious group of foreign exchange students. They tend to be middling in their performance and undermine American workers by remaining in the country after they graduate. At my university it's the Chinese who are bro tier. Not only do they go back to where they came from, if you know how to play friendly with them, they'll include you in their cheating schemes, something an Indian will never do.

Also I want to lick anime feet.

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>To be fair, you need to have a very high iq to understand feet.
It seems i'm immune than

Muslim girls aired out their tired, brown feet in sicily after marching for months in the hot african sun. The moor feet odor forces the host to cough to help spread the stink to new hosts and brown up everything.

That's why sicilian girls have dusky feet.

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Usually when poos or shitskins get angry at a post, they will spam stupid shit like this. Such is the world of Jow Forums

Plus they smell awful


Get a fucking grip, it's code not an essay. This is why I hate group projects. Either I have to deal with the aforementioned cheating pajeets, or otherwise I have to try to placate overbearing neurotic nerds like you.

it's 4:00 am almost no one is awake, this is all your degenerate weebs

when your country has 1.33 billion people you need to step on quite a few to get anywhere

Kill yourself

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Nah it's just the one fellow who I like to play along with.

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you are very nice

talk to my d*scord about the feet

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Sorry as a rule I try not to join Discords from Jow Forums.

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but its my account and i just use it to discuss cute anime feet

don't be a bulli

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