Cop was black

>cop was black
>media silence

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Link, faggot?

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>no link
>no vid
ffs kys

The cop did nothing wrong

>>media silence
do we need the MSM anymore? how are they still a thing?

the alternative was going on a high speed chase where innocent people could end up dead as collateral damage.
I don't really have a problem with this.

This is correct for once.

Clean shoot.

If the races were reversed there’d be riots

filthy pig purposely placed himself in front of the car to use the "he had a deadly weapon the car" excuse.

I hope a pig shoots your sons one day

that cop did everything right. this is what happens when you play cops and robbers

do everyone a favor and keep your big mouth shut

Guy escapes police stop, tries to run over police officer with car.
Family still claim he dindu nuffin.

Nigger. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Other than being a cop of course

next time put it in the OP and stop wasting bandwidth you faggot

Cop's weapon stovepipes after a couple rounds. You can see him still squeezing the trigger violently with no discharge. Then he then recognizes the malfunction, clears it, and notices that he hit his target.

It is easier to fight charges from a courtroom than a morgue.

cop is a good shot... took two shots and both head shots.

really tickles the prostate

I hope a cop shoots you, you dumb nigger

Cop did nothing wrong.


I hope MS-13 members rape your daughter and then she kills herself because her really smart father wouldn't report anything to the police because hes an antifa soiboy faggot who thinks cops are bad.

they already tried to claim the cops that killed Freddie Gray were "white African-Americans"
they only damaged their credibility by doing this

there's no cops and robbers thread up tho

>black cop shoots spic
>spics family is sueing the cop

hmm, how can we spin this to make get sympathy for police?

If I swing a 25lb Sledgehammer at you, are you justified in defending yourself with deadly force?

What i I drive a 2 ton vehicle at you?
Fuck this kid and fuck his family, and its a shame his girlfriend didnt get hit, because shes probably the human equivalent of dumpster juice too...

i wish they would give him a medal
based cop

except he wasnt running the cop over. he swerved right to not hit him. shooting was not justified by self defence.

>based black cop kills some spic

dude was a retard, but why the fuck did the cop run right in front of the car? he didn't even try to run him over, the cop put himself in danger and shooting wasn't justified at all
I don't understand why US cops love escalating shit all the time

AP video cuts out the fact that he rammed a cop car

that's a stupid analogy considering he wasn't trying to hit the cop and even swerved

You idiot, if he just followed orders, he would still be alive. How hard is it to follow orders?

Wrong. From a department SOP perspective, cops are never supposed to step in front of a suspect vehicle that could run them over. Some nigger got blasted by a white cop doing this a few weeks back. Idiot cop was on the hood of the car shooting at the driver by the end of it. The spics family have a legit case against the department that they will probably win.

That being said, I'm glad hes dead.

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Nigger is driving a 2 ton death machine.

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no shit, but that isn't really the topic here. it's a case of dumb cops getting into easily avoidable situations
>The spics family have a legit case against the department that they will probably win.
I sincerely doubt that, your "justice" system is beyond fucked. reminder that the simon says cop got away

looks justified to me

>dumb cops getting into easily avoidable situations

The dumb spic could have avoided going to Taco Valhalla if he had just stopped the car.

There are lots of soiboi bugmen ITT claiming Paco dindu nuffin when its on video of him dinsumfin,.

Nice Infinity

Paco was a retard and I won't mourn him for a second. but that doesn't mean the cop wasn't dumb as fuck, there was no reason to run in front of the vehicle like a dumbass, that's not how they are trained. what if he missed and Paco decided to floor it towards him?
>Taco Valhalla

Yeah he swerved when he got shot after he slammed on the gas pedal after having a cop ram his car to try and stop him after he ran from the cop in the first place. If you run from the cops why the fuck should you get the benefit of the doubt? What was black cop suppose to do after he rammed the guys car, go and try and knock on his window and polity ask him to stop running away?

>unarmed couple

I'm so sick of this shit. A 3000lb hunk of metal is just as or more dangerous than a gun. These activists pretend that a gun is the only item in existence that can harm people and justified the use of deadly force.

>Yeah he swerved when he got shot
no, the car is on the same course from the moment the cops runs towards him. the video shows him not once steering towards the cop
you're just saying "what if" like a dumbass
you're also talking as if I'm defending the spic when what I'm doing is criticizing the cop for acting like an action hero and generally being a retard

>Cop just doing his job (black) vs dumb nigger (white), 20XX colorized

Connecticut AGAIN?


Do the media care about the 56% mixed tacos?

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he straight up obliterated the motherfucker. the guy wasn't rushing towards him with the car either he jumped in front of it and starting shooting like a crazed ape. criminal spic fleeing a scene, probably because hes illegal and some dumb nigger with a gun and a badge shooting wildly and screaming. welcome to 2019 (((America)))

Imagine being the kind of a bootlicker that you think it's okay for cops to execute an unarmed civilian for trying to leave a traffic stop without permission

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Blacks can kill half the country and the media wouldn’t report it.

people seem to think the solution to every single crime in existence is killing, as if prisons and law don't exist anymore

the prove that black lifes don't matter to society the white perpetrator does


You mean speeding on public roads endangering innocent and law abiding citizens? I have no problem with cops putting animals like that down before they can hurt someone else.

t. fucking retard

This new tactic they have of getting in front of the car so they can kill you. Fucking violent thugs US LEOs are.

All cops are niggers.

That's part of the protocol, they get trained for these situations. If you're attempting to stop a driver, you're supposed to stand in front of the car because he'll (generally) think twice about stepping on the gas. This way even if he does attempt to flee, he'll catch another felony charge - attempted murder/assault on a peace officer.
If you're attempting to stop the driver while standing next to the vehicle, 99% of the time the driver will attempt to flee. Police protocol is based on psychology tests on how the criminal will react.

are you kidding. look at those wheels. this is the real tragedy.

How is the cop acting like a retard?
>pull over car for traffic violation
>car runs before cop can even get to suspects car
>automatic felony for running and cop has to assume suspect is dangerous or hiding something cause he ran
>after ramming suspects car you can see it has tinted windows so you cant see inside
>cop goes in front gun drawn to see the driver and show him he should stop
>still tries to run after all that

The spic is a retard and it all could of been avoided if he just didn't run and said "hello officer here is my info". Cop less so because he has no idea that the kid had no intention of hitting him, all the cop knows is that this guy tried to run multiple times even after getting his car rammed and a gun pulled on him.

Imagine being this much of a retard and thinking you can just leave whenever when feel like it after a cop pulls you over. Also how is the cop suppose to know if hes unarmed? Can he read minds?

They got a bit of culture injection from the military and now they have this 'warrior' mentality where they all want to kill someone.

Just wait till we play cops and Patriots.

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Because of liberalism crime now has no punishement

>Leftists in Dallas have made it city policy NOT to dispatch police for larceny under 750$
Think about that. They blamed racism foe there 75% of dindus as the prison population. And thier solution is to decriminalize petty crimes (larceny theft shoplifting).
So now if you wake up and find your car stereo gone and your window smashed police may not come out and record it as a crime becuase it would be racist...

Think about that...

Most policing protocol is about deescalating a situation, which often times means allowing a suspect to flee beyond visual range. You're never going to make supervisor ya fuckin nigger.

clean kill

>18 year old spic
>driving an Infiniti
Good, another dreg on society has been taken care of. Probably was a drug dealer, or on so much welfare it wasnt even funny.

>comply or die
what a sad state that america has dissolved to

>he doesn't understand it's a slippery slope
So if you can't play Simon says flawlessly with a cop regardless of your mental state, the cops are allowed to execute you?
>protip: people can have concussions, fugue states and all kinds of crazy scenarios without being dangerous per say at all, and THEY'RE THE MOST LIKELY TO COME ACROSS COPS

You can't assume the worst, otherwise you'd have to presume everyone's car filled with explosives and the driver's holding the detonator in his mouth.

What is it with spic paper gangtas and Japanese cars?

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dead: Anthony Jose Vega Cruz
and the cop did nothing wrong here

>Anthony Jose Vega Ebuelle Manuel Raphael Cruz

Prove me wrong Jow Forums nigger supporters. Protip: you cant.

Weak limp-wristed nigger uncle tom. His gun jams at 0:17seconds. He wanted to keep firing but it was jammed. He should be charged for that, he was already clear of the vehicle and was no longer in danger. He clearly ran in-front of a moving vehicle that applied it brakes when it saw HARAMBE approaching from the broadside and took evasive maneuvers. The driver never accelerated, and even applied the brakes and tried to move opposite laterally from the cop. This is an easy case for even a token minority affirmative action hire or elected prosecutor.

>This is an easy case for even a token minority affirmative action hire or elected prosecutor.
prosecutors don't have a hard time stacking juries with people who are willing to give cops the benefit of the doubt

As a Christian Republican, I'm obliged to side with the police 100% of the time

The media is the enemy of the people

Don't forget media silence when Antifa calls black cops niggers.


I hope cops enjoy policing a jew'd niggered society. Anarcho-tyranny is a hell of a drug.

Why didn't the cop just show restraint?
Is restraint only for non black officers?


This was a solid shooting. Of course, if the races were reversed it would be national news and a horrible racist attack.

You can't go on a wild car chase like the movies. It won't be allowed. What did he think he was going to happen? If a cop steps in front of your car it's checkmate. You stop. You lost.

didnt magdump either which was decent

Cop dindu nuffin wrong.

> Implying "Jose de la Cruz" is white

Because he's a cop and it's his job to stop retarded niggers and that includes killing them when they don't listen and attempt to run over the cop. The cop did nothing wrong and should be commended for selflessly defending others who could have been victimized.

>If a cop steps in front of your car it's checkmate. You stop. You lost.

He was stopping. Look at the video, as soon as Harambe gets near the side fender the brakes are applied. You can even see the chassis move forward, that's how hard he applied the brakes and the driver also veered opposite of the nog.

>there are only two extremes, no middle ground
ok dude
>cops running in front of cars to give themselves an excuse to shoot is completely normal
how is that standard protocol? why would an officer be trained to put himself in harms way? >attempt to run over the cop
we've been over this, he attempted to drive away and the cop ran in front of him. he didn't even have time to brake because he shot immediately

He dindu nuffin he wuz a gud boi

Nice black and white picture you painted right there. Yes when a cop pulls you over for whats most likely a traffic ticket then yeah you should probably comply and not run multiple times. There are tons of times when suspect didn't comply but also didn't die you just don't hear those too often on the news.

You have to assume hes hiding something and it could be a number of things from suspended license, unregistered car, arrest warrant, illegal immigrant, drugs and or weapon in car anything. Point is in the cops mind hes running for a reason and he doesn't know what so he has to assume something. Jumping in front of the car isn't the best idea but he needs a better view, you cant see into the side windows because of the tints. He sees the suspect drive at him so has to make the split second decision of "is my life in immediate danger right now". If it is he thinks it is then he has the right to shoot.

My child won't be a retarded criminal who tries to evade a traffic stop then floor it right at an officer standing in front of his vehicle. If he does, well he gets whats coming.

If I was a cop I'd be happy to have him watch my back.

I respect all law enforcement, regardless of race

He tried, but he started doing the nigger gangsta hop which made him have a weak wrist, that jammed his gun during the recoil phase. This nog doesn't even know how to operate a semi-auto pistol. He is a danger to his own police officers and puts their life at risk. He is a liability, and most likely an affirmative action hire.

see nothing wrong, if the spic just follow instructions and not make the situation difficult he would be alive today... Unless he's an illegal or was hiding something illegal.

Yeah so I guess the cops should be like European cops and just hold back while violent lunatics get innocent members of the public injured and killed. The cop even restrained his fire to two shots, I would have emptied the entire magazine.

>If I was a cop I'd be happy to have him watch my back.

So when he can't back you up because his gun jams for having a weak wrist, you're still going to say the same?