Typical trump supporter

typical trump supporter

Attached: trumptard.jpg (1400x1288, 223K)

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the amount of onions guzzling required to still support this kike cuck is astounding

His name is Robert Paulson!

Typical jew threads

Attached: 1554392095433.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

>this is your brain on trump

Attached: meadelolo.jpg (500x524, 153K)

>won't drop the purse to fight
gotta admit that was a sweet take down.

typical Trump supporter

Attached: 1503087432188.jpg (1024x1024, 170K)


He has to stay in character

Attached: 1556813241833.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)


Attached: whatamI.png (333x666, 586K)

you think you could take him down, pussy?

knock it off retards let this shit die

Attached: 1554751654806.jpg (624x628, 37K)

>You're just triggered libtard

Attached: 1511864736452.jpg (1080x1440, 83K)

he has the energy of an 80 year old man

Afraid of the sad reality?

Attached: ptg.jpg (720x960, 90K)


Attached: 1479097574753.jpg (1080x1514, 251K)

Is this a reverse tranny?

Trannies are un appealing to all except other mentally ill

jesus christ what gobllin level is that?

Attached: 1538858578178.jpg (271x240, 13K)