Arrogant bunch for no reason

Arrogant bunch for no reason.

Attached: b3b332f1.png (808x456, 109K)

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>creates the most successful and prosperous societies in history
>starts to virtue signal globaly
>destroys it all by bringing in niggers
The modern day Icarus

Finland is Winland.

Attached: hnnnng.jpg (482x640, 49K)

Attached: cndhZ5f.jpg (1000x700, 211K)

Attached: fresh.jpg (1841x1227, 1.21M)

No reason? Scandinavia has the highest quality of life in the world

This Sven speaks truth

Download this (pic related) and share it around:

Get active!

Attached: !!.png (7070x10000, 1.02M)

Ha... they've been cooking the books. That's old Scandinavia... new Scandinavia is all about Allah, rapes, and race mixing... good by good old days of peace quiet and happiness.

Goodbye is for ever.

post her smelly fingolian feet

Attached: smelly fingol.png (461x766, 620K)

>No reason
Yeah sure.

Oh, shit, I was hoping you wouldn't find this thread.

Attached: popopopopopo-1.jpg (940x627, 211K)

Show flag friend.


did swarthy mongolian women dip their stinky toes in her gene pool?

Attached: binnish feet.jpg (1080x1350, 113K)

You unnerve me.

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I would only sniff a polish girl's feet if her ancestors were forced to huff mongolian toes.

Attached: polish mongol.jpg (482x720, 275K)

Why is AfS so cucked? Seem like liberal faggots ideologically, just that they also want niggers out so they can continiue to be liberal faggots.
>Strong borders! Why you say? So the interior can be faggy! Vote AfS! Sverige at svenskarna - alle er svenska!

Attached: jeff the cuck.png (587x1403, 160K)

AfS = Alternative for Sion

Attached: IMG_20190504_011837.jpg (1061x2069, 636K)

vill se filmen där polisen angrips.

I've seen the clip of the cops crushing a NMR members foot with their bus. Nothing else.

>not posting the original

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*Success breeds your daughter getting fucked by Muhammad