Death toll of the current Ebola outbreak is over 1000! Ebola-chan needs your support to jump international boundaries...

Death toll of the current Ebola outbreak is over 1000! Ebola-chan needs your support to jump international boundaries and flood into Uganda!

Doctors are threatening to go on strike if there are more serious attacks on treatment centers, after a senior epidemiologist was killed two weeks ago. Rebel groups and other locals are attacking doctors and burial details because they think Ebola is a cover story for the white man to steal their organs. Such is life in the Congo.

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op is a faggot

Says meme flag boy

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I love you Ebola-chan!

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Oh fuck, flashes from the 2014 Jow Forums.

>Tumblr raid
>Zyklon Ben
>Darren Wilson
>/x/ x Jow Forums


doctors should put a bone in their nose and call themselves shamans. It's the only way the people of Congo won't be afraid of them.

rollin for mass epidemic.

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But reddit will ban me for trying to encourage worship of a loving DFC avatar of bloody plague. True believers know the flag is retarded anyway.

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love you styx san

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you make me laugh kek. fucking idiot.

This outbreak can be even better than the last, you just have to believe. I'm probably going to put the old shrine back together today.

Will I see the bottom half of pic if I help Ebola-Chan?

Based, rolling too

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Maybe with enough slavish devotion, she'll visit you in your dreams

>tfw no pandemic gf
why even live

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Bumping for complete global saturation

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>rollin for mass epidemic.

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They will still kill them for not being black as coal

I don't want Wakaliwood getting hurt.

memeflaggots are the biggest faggots.

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We need to spread a rumor that the cure for Ebola is kissing a Sudanese hooker.

This will spread the disease into Muzzie Africa. Hookers will spread it to the masses.

Who can meme in Congolese?

Thank you, based Ebola-chan, for BTFO'ing those nogs.

That's fucking nothing. Wake me up when death toll is at least 1 million

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Why can’t the west ban all international flights to and from these countries infected? Just let the disease take it’s natural course, stop trying to treat it or cure it. So long it stays in Africa it’ll be fine, maybe it’ll finally reduce the population to manageable numbers.

Look at what the Black Plague did for Europe. It made way for the Renaissance & Industrial Revolution.

Rolling for more virtue signaling epidemiologists to get BTFO’d of by superstitious niggers!

>over 1000
still more than the dead jews in ww2

I just love these Ebola threads


memeflaggot niggerfaggot
I am rooting for ebola chan

The Congo seems like hell on earth, hopefully these doctors are being redpilled now on the African and will leave and let many die. Also Ebola might be sent by god him self to beat down there unwanted population.


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Godspeed ebola chan

Fuck off niggerlover. Get ebola and die in your trailer park.

hah o vey

You know what's comin' to ya

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Thank you, my goddess ebola-chan!

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This guy gets it.

This is so fucking dumb and not funny. How can you take pleasure in the suffering of others, even if they are subhumans?

I bet you are an antisemite too.

Paging Dr Congo, paging Dr Congo

The sadest redpill ever

Not Congolese, but here's a Nigerian forum:


Doctors need to leave

fuck niggers and fuck mods
loli is redpilled, don't like it go bitch on resetera

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This !

We've been through this before. Nothing in Africa is a happening. Even if it disappeared into the ocean tomorrow.

>not wanting a pandemic to kill everyone
morality faggots detected

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fuck off nigger lover

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They kicked out a doctor that could cure it for about $10, fuck em.

How do you seriously not see the humor in this?
The west just begging to save these people and they reject it. It’s hard to figure out who the real idiots are here.

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Any tips on posting? The weird English looks easy enough to fake.

>lewd ebola chan
I want ebola now

Introduce it into Hajj 2019.

Hajj 2019 will commence on Friday, 9th of August 2019 and will continue till Wednesday, 14th of August 2019; in the evening time. This is the tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Dhul Hijjah.

Thank you Ebola-chan

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Any bbw feet art of Ebola-chan?

She clearly shat the bed in her game of Plague inc, there's already a vaccine. You don't go full lethal if you haven' infected the entire planet.

Fuck you faggot

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>Death toll of the current Ebola outbreak is over 1000!

pathetic. you call that a plague? the black plague killed at least 100 million.

I love you Ebola-chan!

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where's the finbro that helped me set up fake forum pages in africa the last time?

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and not even the rwandan genocide killed 100 million nigs.

nigs have it way too easy.

ganbatte kudasai, Ebola-Chan!

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even the flu kills over 300,000 people every year. what the hell are we so worried about ebola for?

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and that works out to almost 1000 people a day.

roll i guess. the nigs are probably more dangerous than ebola.

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more people die of the goddamned flu every day than have every died of every school shooting in human history combined.

good luck Ebola-chan

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every day more people die of the goddamned flu than every school shooting combined.


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this is a job for...

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they see me rollin’
they meltin’
niggas all be turnin into puddles

thanks, but my grammar was terrible so i had to redo it


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I love Ebola and I wish I could carry her into the western world!!!!

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