Trans rights are human rights

nothing can prove me wrong

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Trans are mentally ill. Nothing can prove me wrong.

Danm, and I thought I was the only one running bait threads tonight.

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Gun rights are trans rights.

Imagine being this fringe in 2019. Get over it! Your son will be gay and your daughter a sexually liberated independent woman. Fuck off with that bigoted shit

You have the right to cut your dick off at your own expense. You have no right to my labor (tax dollars). Feel free to cut your wrists after you cut up your genitals.

Clutch rights are tranny rights.

You have to be human to have human rights.

Reminder - LGBT endgame is and always was the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia.

In 1989 two Harvard faggots developed a blueprint to brainwash America into accepting homosexuality (and subsequently, all of the other RSTLNE sexual debauchery). This book is their blueprint.

This is taken from After The Ball - How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred Of Gays In The 90s.

Attached: AFter The Ball - pg184 - NAMBLA.jpg (471x407, 126K)

When a machine malfunctions in the execution of its purpose, it is ether repaired, disassembled, or terminated. A machine that is still technically functional but is missing a key part, which cannot be replaced due to the machine's uniqueness, is terminated for it can no longer fulfill the purpose instilled into it by its creator.
My point:

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You have the right to be a mentally ill faggot.
Now what?

Biden: Jewish Leaders Drove Gay Marriage Changes

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Agreed, which means they shouldn’t have any special privilege whatsoever, like dictating language or government funded cosmetic surgeries.

They have the same rights a retarded person has, because that's what they are.
They have the right to be laughed at behind their backs (and to their face by some folks), and they have the right to a cure if one can be found.
At this time though, the only known cure for either ailment is pill roughly 9mm in size, and it must be administered internally at high velocity.

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>right to a cure if one can be found.
No they don’t you commie scum.

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A nice story, but I notice you didn't dispute user's point.
Seems you know the truth in your heart, but just can't bare to express it.

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trans rights are pedophile rights.

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Here's a better depiction of trannies, user

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"trans rights"

until your children are the future, you can fuck right off

oh wait, they will never be

Are you ninefags still this desperate?

It’s been sad for a while, at this point it is tragic.

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The ironic thing is when they have their balls cut off it seems to cure them.

>Jewish Leaders Drove Gay Marriage Changes

Attached: After The Ball - Propaganda.png (519x347, 328K)

>Jewish Leaders

Attached: After The Ball - pg153.png (850x901, 1.25M)

They're not humans, op. Your statement was invalid right out of the gate.

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