Tell me one (1) reason why pure Castizos shouldn't be allowed in the White Ethnostate while Dagos should be...

Tell me one (1) reason why pure Castizos shouldn't be allowed in the White Ethnostate while Dagos should be, I'd really like to know.

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don't exist. even in your picture I can see the muslim nose.

No reason at all.

Whiter than you Tyrone.

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No, they should go back to Mexico.

>jew nose
>arab hair
>attached earlobes
>tiny mouth

You don't get it, amerimutts don't get an ethnostate.

How many times have castizos lost their countries to brown hordes now?


White Europeans have lost a bunch of countries to brown hordes as well, in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, Germany, UK, Sweden, the list goes on

The alphabet organizations are using them to pretend like they're anglos to infiltrate the right. No shapeshifters.

Because they’re not white.

Castizas can be

Being a speaker of the Sp*nish language automatically disqualifies someone from being white.

He looks like your typical rich cali fuckboi. Good for him.

That’s like saying the same thing about English because Tyrone speaks it

shut up jewish fag op

fuck (((freemasonry)))


>while Dagos should be

>pure Castizos
There is no such thing as a pure castizo. They're still beaner trash.

average Mexican (left) vs average American (right)

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Non whites fuck off. Slavs and meds can crash on the couch

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Europe for Europeans.
You don't get to influence european matters.
Sit in your cuck island continent and think long and hard about your future as the united states of south america.


white skinned Asian girls can crash on my couch