Why do Europeans call the Irish the "niggers" of Europeans? Is it because they can drink and aren't afraid to fight?

Why do Europeans call the Irish the "niggers" of Europeans? Is it because they can drink and aren't afraid to fight?

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Same reason people claim gingers aren't white

>tfw no ginger gf


because they're prone to chimping out, which I admire

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I've never met an Irishman like that OP.
Typically they are Conor Mcgregor wannabes, dress like black people, listen to rap music, and are in general very loud and obnoxious.
I'm sure there's good Irishmen out there but the stereotypical Irish are becoming more and more common.
Do better, Ireland. Seek your roots.

are travellers gypsies? they don't look swarthy like balkans gypsies desu.

It is because they chose the degeneracy (gay marriage and abortion) not because EU, not because their corrupted elites, not even because of (((them))), but by free elections. Ireland is in my bottom list of priorities in knowing Europe. I still need to know Albania and Moldova before.

because it's a meme
that's literally it

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I'm certain they don't all, and definitely not the majority act like this.
Why do you admire it
That's surprising because I know an Irish dude and he's actually really cool. Laid back, doesn't get uppity about anything but is always itching for a fight.

this stuff looks very Russian
are we related?

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Drinking and fighting are not exclusive to the Irish, I guess they are mentally Slav but they happened to be born in a wrong country.

Because Irish are Alpha compared to British faggots.
We drink, we fight, and we protect our friends and families. Something most other white races refuse to do. Family is more important then money.

>In b4 fuck off Potato Nigger.
Never forget the majority of Trumps cabinet is Irish.

who has ever claimed this?

Jews Hate Us.
Cromwell was bankrolled by Jews and Loyalist terrorists were connected to Israel.

>aren't afraid to fight
they are literally taken over by left wing cucks and the 'IRA' are just antifa now.

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It's just bants.

Jews hate Europeans and general so I don't get why single out the Irish.

At least in America, the Irish were pretty fucked up when they first came to America, and many early on were indentured servants, on a level lower than niggers because they couldn't work as well in the sun. Total losers.

They quickly gained a shit reputation, and were known for having a high murder rate, and being drunk and fighting in the streets. Some Irish leaders blamed society, but eventually they got their shit together and all became cops in New England. The end.

Fuck you. I’m seething.

I honestly don't know. I've been all over Ireland and the people were generally polite and we'll put together. There were exceptions, but that is every country.
Their desire for Independence and the will to react with violence to get what they want is my conclusion as to the reason the rest of Europe shits on them. Let's just put something in perspective here. They started a revolution against the most powerful empire in the world at the time. Not like America where the enemy country was an ocean away - Ireland is a stone's throw from Britain. They had varmint rifles and we're drunk half the time. They just didn't give a fuck. They would plink a few British soldiers, blow up statues, and get executed. The next day, a few more would do the same thing. Half the island wouldn't know what was going on but each morning, a few new Irishmen would get up, decide they were pissed, and shoot up some Brits. And they won their independence doing that. They are a stubborn bunch of people and I respect that.

It is because the (((Eternal Anglo))) tried to make us hate the Irish. Now as things are progressing the Anglos are increasingly becoming the wiggers of Europe. While the Irish actually look pretty sane.

based. can we get some high quality british responses to this?

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Fassbender is half German
And has dated multiple Nigresses I might add.


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And yet today, the irish are among the most successful groups in america.

The Anglos fucked them up, mentally over centuries.

>irish pretty sane
Votes in gay marriage and abortion

I'm starting to think that Europeans are a mostly passive group of people that resent those that are willing to fight to get what they want. Except maybe Germans.

it's because they're a bunch of primitives who received their dim spark of civilization from north Africans who colonized southern ireland for the Carthaginian empire in early 5th century bc


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>the reason the rest of Europe shits on them

Thats just wrong. Germany was allied with the Irish cause for independence. We send them weapons. Made movies about their heros.

I doubt the rest of europe looks down on the irish, other than the english.

John Paul is fucked
>t. Irish

This more or less. There'll be those who disagree, but in my personal experience with those from outside of England, it's been the Belgians who acted most like niggers.

I don't know why. They just act like faggots.

Germany saved many Irish during the famine due to their unwillingness to trust the English to deliver food aid to the Irish; Germans said fuck you, we'll deliver it ourselves. The English are pure-bred cunts.

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All of these a-social degenerate low-iq animals should be sterilized and be deported to some island.

All the HQ brits left for the Colonies a long time ago.

they don't. the niggers of Europe are Albanians

fuck (((freemasonry)))

answer to your question is because the anglo usa forced that meme on them due to the anglo nigger only ever having interacted with them and niggers

anglos are niggers themselves, and it’s actually the irish who are pure

Well, drinking and brawling are pretty much THE defining characteristics of niggers,

No. They are pikeys.


>the niggers of Europe are Albanians
Albanians aren't Europeans though.

It's because they're the niggers of europe.

>dats rite
>dey hate us because the are jealous of our drunks

I dont know honestly

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Based Frisian superman.

The Irish are dullards and beasts.

Ireland is among the richest countries in Europe.

who the fuck calls them that burger?

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just english butthurt desu

irish are white

>Why do Europeans call the Irish the "niggers" of Europeans?
we don't, you amerimutts do

Because they never stop whining about muh oppression. Just like niggers.

Probably for the same reasons everyone calls Romanians gypsies. A meme gone too far and eventually some idiots fail to realise it's a meme and actually take it seriously.

Do you know how many idiots in the USA come online and claim France is already an Islamic state, just because they read it on Breitbart and FoxNews or heard it from some Youtube faggot? There are thousands of them and they keep spreading the same shit everywhere.

I've never heard of other Europeans calling the Irish niggers. I only heard about people calling the Russians white niggers, because of how impulsive they act and fail to think of consequences, or they just fuck up their lives completely doing stupid shit.

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No they are genetically Irish, they just wander like gypsies

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>based. can we get some high quality british responses to this?

They fought a war to gain independence. Then they sold their country to Brussels less than 50 years later. They hated protestants, so now they are importing thousands of Muslims. What was the fucking point?

Because Anglo-Saxons took over the world and they had a 2000 year piss fight with the Irish

Irish mutt here that made me kek

they are called pikeys
if you live in england, half or more of the irish people you'll ever meet are exactly this
literal subhumans

Hes pretty much an Anglo

Wasn’t Carthage pretty based or was that more of Rome talking their enemies up so they could seem to have a more triumphant conquest?

800 years!!!!!! reeeeeeee

The jews brainwashed the white Europeans into separating the Irish from them. They done the same with Portuguese and Spanish (Iberians) and now they are trying to do the same with Italians. They'll divide Europe until no one agrees on who is and who isn't white.

If you think Irish aren't white, you are a good goy.

Ancient history generally agrees with that pattern of behaviour. Apparently Gauls were pretty ferocious but that’s mostly based on Caesar’s propaganda he wrote about himself.

“And then Caesar and his men defeated 6,000,000 Gaulish human sacrificing barbarians”

It was like 100 guys up there, max.

The latter.
As Rome grew so did the idea of Carthage.

Hes german.

WTF? I was just in Ireland they are nothing like that. They are super nice normal people that can drink like fish and somehow roll cigarettes with filters that look factory made.


lmao I can do this while being one sip away from passing out
that's what you get from learning to roll when you're 12

It blew me away I watched a dude do it outside a bar in Cork and I had to stop him and ask if I could see it. I was seriously impressed.

its because of their violent tendencies

saxon + Anglo irish.
Guys essentially Anglosaxon

You also helped out the Irish because in 1916 they were chimping out against the brits which helped the war cause. I like all Europeans except for the britbongs. There's just something running through their veins that make them the bad kind of authoritarian. Not the Hitler I love my people to death kind but the I'm going to enslave everybody including my own people kind.

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>I've seen a post on 4chin
>I'm starting to think everyone in Europe thinks like that post on 4chin

Muricun school of "thought".

All the based white subgroups like Italians, Greeks, Irish etc are ridiculed on Jow Forums because of complete insecurity.

t. irish-italian mutt

I take it in jest, I'm really handsome unlike the alpine shreks

>'seek your roots'
You realize this has always been the stereotype for them right? Why do you think everyone hated them in the 1800s?

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it's because they fight over stupid shit, develop nothing, and will steal anything not nailed down.
they are fucking white niggers dude

why are irish women typically portrayed as beautiful while british women look like popeye? theyre so close geographically

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>Irish fight a nigger tier war to declare independence
>Mommy gives them independence; deports Brits
>Ireland sells out to EU as biggest cuck; imports Muslims

100 years after independence and all Ireland got was an atheist poo for a PM who is upset about everything. Why even bother? Should have stayed a part of UK.

But does that mean they're worst or better than gypsies?

because they are potato niggers

Basically they're also a little dumber and fall to jewish tricks more easily.

The only time I've ever heard it was in the movie "The Commitments" (although I think the line was blacks of Europe)


I know what you mean. I think it is Roman blood that makes Brits that way.

Are you aware of how the Irish in America were discriminated against?

The "No Dogs or Irish" signs? The (still prevalent) slums of ethnically Irish in places like Boston? The indentured servants akin to slaves?

>Why do Europeans call the Irish the "niggers" of Europeans?
Because they are proud Catholics! And only anglos call them nigger.