Is there anything actually objectively “wrong” about what Israel is doing?

Is there anything actually objectively “wrong” about what Israel is doing?

Is a nation exerting it’s power and influence as best it can for it’s own benefit “evil”, or is it only because the interests are in most cases diametrically opposed to your own?

Also, do you guys ever think about the fact that technology is perhaps more of an enemy than “da jooz”?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Leeching a set of countries to mantain your irregular occupation, force oil dependency to earn easy money selling gas and orinting dollars, summon your amerigolems to wreck the Middle East to keep the scam going on then torturing and killing your opposition is ok, I guess.

Israel is pretty much irrelevant. Jews in the USA need to leave, and women need to lose their rights.

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I hate American Jews but don't give 2 shits about Israel.

I honestly think that Jow Forums is getting hacked by a whole bunch of Muslims who larp as WN and try to get us to actually give 2 shits about Israel.

It's really annoying and I wish it would stop.

I go on here to find a thread about niggers, and instead I see some thread praising BDS or Ilhan Omar. I feel like I accidentally went on the DailyKos.

>Israel is pretty much irrelevant. Jews in the USA need to leave, and women need to lose their rights.

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>I hate American Jews but don't give 2 shits about Israel.

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All the Muslims on Jow Forums (such as this poster right here) need to be banned.

Israel is objectively the biggest exporter of terrorism in the worls, and violate treaties left and right, such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferition Treaty.

That says nothing about how they did 9/11, amongst other terrorist attacks, including the the USS Liberty, and we'll kindly disregard Donald Rumsfeld's role in GMO crops or Samantha Power's role in the R2P. They have to be gassed out of existence.

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

>t. jew

They receive huge loads of cash based on reparations. Native maericans died by tens of millions and novody pays anything

Arguing that Israel did 9/11 is the ultimate sign that a poster is a Muslim who's pretending to be a WN.

Yeah, we have the remains of five planes and Bin Laden boasted about the attacks. And Muslims didn't do 9/11.

>Arguing that Israel did 9/11 is the ultimate sign that a poster is a Muslim who's pretending to be a WN.
Why can't I just be an American? Because you're mentally ill.

Israel did 9/11. In particular, the neocon Trotskyite Jews like Dick Cheney and others.

Will you say this when we create White Christian Israel, the land of God's true Chosen people?

Dick Cheney being a Jew? Jesus Christ.

Israel objectively is doing nothing wrong

they are bordered (and internally infested to an extent) by savages who literally want to genocide them because their devil god told them to

That's the best response you have? What a sad day for the neocons.

Christianity is a fraud, just like kikism and every other religion.

There is no God and no chosen people.

With that being said, Israel needs to exist so kikes can GTFO of the US and move there.


>Is there anything actually objectively “wrong” about what Israel is doing?
You mean the part where they control my government and media so they can extort billions of dollars from my country every year?


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They are doing it at our expense, so yes it is wrong.

Israel has no right to exist, at all.
It's fiction, like Wakanda or Shangri-la.
The whole idea of 'the chosen people' is self-insert fanfiction taken way, WAY, WAAAY too far.