Is Trump bullshitting about Pittsburgh?

Is it really the "steel city" again? Is it improving? As far as I know, the city is a shithole. Even Philly seems to be doing better

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>how did trump not fix 30 years of mismanagement by shit government officials in just 2 years?

Someone likely already fact checked him in the replies. Just read those. They will be more well sourced than any garbage posted here.


*MUrIcA iNdUsTrIaL pOwEr AgAiN*

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pittsburgh was mismanged for 30 years?


Who knows... he had rosey words like this for Trump Steaks too... he’s a huckster, but in a comically endearing way.

>"Fact check" by the crazed twitter posters that reply to every single one of his tweets


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I don't know about steel, but Pittsburgh is one of the most affordable "cities" to live in.

thats a lot

People don't realize Donald Trump is currently the best stand-up routine on Earth. That's why he won and draws crowds.

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Philly sounds pretty bad to me with the whole nigger and opiod zombie situation but I'm not an expert.

>Is Trump bullshitting


Trump bullshits about everything and just think this is our best option for 2020.

Mon Valley Works is in West Mifflin
Technically a borderline suburb of Pittsburgh, but a nice development nonetheless
AFAIK there has not been a single steel mill in Pittsburgh for some time, though there are a bunch scattered throughout Western PA

Pittsburgh is doing really fucking well. I live here. It rocks. People visiting or moving here from other cities are shocked at how affordable it is and how genuine people are.


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Reality check.
No one in the world is going to make a steel plant in Pittsburgh and even if they did, Steel is not going to bring jobs back.

1. Steel is not produced by the Bessemer process anymore. EAF and DRI are used and both of them require just a fraction of the workers per ton. What used to take 1000 people can now be done by fewer than 15. So no jobs would be coming back.
2. There is no reason to make steel in Pittsburgh anymore, or anywhere in the mid west. Transportation does not need to be by water, and the railroads in that area are all fucked up because of the bottle neck at Chicago. The highways are all tolls and a cluster fuck.

You make steel where it can be shipped overseas and use Port connected distribution.
That is exactly no place in the USA. The only steel made in the USA is in a steel plant that is modern and currently working. No one is going to build a new one here unless it is a specialty plant for steel that can't be bought elsewhere.
So any talk of bring steel back to the US is just so much wish thinking and political lying.

>Meme Flaggot

Now that's fact checking!

>railroads in that area are all fucked up because of the bottle neck at Chicago.

Make more railroads then. and make them out of USA steel.