Talcum X at it again

who wants to bet this kid was burned by his own family? he never learns.

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That or the boy is a mexican

A nigger lit an old lady on fire after robbing her a while back, no one cared then either

James Goldberg, White 11 year boy has been arrested by police on charges of attempted Murder of a young 5 year old black child, police also investigating possible hate crime charges and possible links to white supremacy.
Photo has been released of the suspect.

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Wow, cool it with the anti-Semitism.

Why do BLM blacks let their "organization" be run by a white clown in blackface?

The irony that your typical black person would consider Shaun King white by their standards.
Why hasn't this fucking sociopath been thrown in jail for hate crimes and false idenity?

Fire challenge gone wrong, nigglet blames whitey anyways

this is true, blacks have an immense hatred to light skinned blacks for some reason, they love the light skinned girls tho to the point where they're a status symbol if you're fresh of the boat african and get a mystery meat """black girl""" light skinned as a gf.

Why do I get the feeling this is going to be like that time in Texas where that negress said some white guy randomly pulled up to their house and shot her kid. And then it turned out he was actually shot when the drug deal she brought him along on went bad.

There's no standards, he is white.

They have so much hatred towards white people that African tribes ritually sacrifice albinos and harvest their bodyparts.

I know he is. But I'm saying that your typical black person would call a mexican, jewish, or even albino-black person "white".

no jew would give their child a christian name. nice try.

>Ben Shapiro
>Ben is Jewish
Nigger Jewish people have been stealing names and claiming Jewish origin since Greek and Roman days.

Did you forget that Jews are not real Semites, let alone Hebrews?

inb4 it was a middle aged transsexual lesbian of color

Was it the African necktie? Very popular.

Why should I care when blacks do this to whites 10x more?

He didn't learn from last time this backfired on him?

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Talcum X is just constantly wrong

Who cares what Shart King thinks.

>nigger child

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not even one comma. niggers cannot punctuate

Kid was obviously a homosexual. Based nigger.


That is some quality ghetto parenting I must say.

Hmmm... where have I seen this before....

Attached: 1548515476724.png (755x763, 1002K)

The white guy looks like Dino from GoyTalk.

>Facts and logic destroys liberal using Ben Shapiro

Attached: 2D76796F-F56B-494C-ABF1-AB3FF8D93554.jpg (1024x665, 99K)

>types like she's twenty

I hope you die tonight

hey there nigger, whatcha doin'?

In Africa niggers make up rumors to necklace niggers for fun. So the americoons making up crimes to lynch whitey is just typical nigger behavior.

>he never learns.
because the fucking swirlee is never held to account for his lies and misdeeds.

First thing I thought when reading the story, but lets blame the whitey because the media will run with it and some poor white kid is going to cop the blame and possibly face being targeted.

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>hi everyone this is my message some lil glitch or somethin done burned up all my punctuation wishes why I ain never on time

>he never learns.
Well he is pretending to be black.

I bet the parents or a family member did this and they blaming the honky lips.

>blacks have an immense hatred to light skinned blacks for some reason

obviously mixed-race "black" SJWs have to overcompensate. shrieking yale girl comes to mind as an example.

as far as why darkies hate mediums - easy to understand this tendency among black women, at least. 9 times out of 10 a mulatto female is going to be more attractive than a full-blooded african.

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Yeah lets forget about that white woman who was robbed and then burnt alive in the middle of convenience store. No coverage for that was there?

This isn't even the same thing, do you see these two girls setting the other one on fire? No? Then it's really not that bad.

Wow, whites truly are despicable! They're the only race who would ever set another on fire out of hate!
---oh wait

Attached: nigger_fire.webm (400x220, 1.82M)


Oy vey

The hate needs to stop.

Oh wait, one of THESE PEOPLE did literally the same thing a few years ago

Attached: nigger_sets_kid_on_fire.png (544x832, 295K)

Clearly, this is the biggest problem currently facing FLINT MICHIGAN.

Do they even think there's white people in Flint? We left because of the water, and worse the niggers.

I don't think I've ever seen a negro who writes properly.

They can't help but to steal letters as they write