Jesus was a liberal socialist believed in helping the less fortunate...

Jesus was a liberal socialist believed in helping the less fortunate. He also did not discriminate and loved all human beings equally gentile or Jew.

Change your ways or else you will not see the Kingdom of God.

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fuck jesus and fuck jews

Pick one.

based, muslims too?

He also believed that the poor should be helped willingly of peoples' own accord. He never said "Take thy rich neighbor's wealth by force and distribute it unto the poor."

Quit completely mischaracterizing Jesus and read the Bible yourself, nigger.

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POPE PIUS IX (1846-1878):
>“You are aware indeed, that the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism, by confusing them with perverted teachings.” (Encyclical Nostis et Nobiscum, December 8, 1849)

POPE LEO XIII (1878-1903):
>“…communism, socialism, nihilism, hideous deformities of the civil society of men and almost its ruin.” (Encyclical Diuturnum, June 29, 1881)Ruin of all institutions

>“… For, the fear of God and reverence for divine laws being taken away, the authority of rulers despised, sedition permitted and approved, and the popular passions urged on to lawlessness, with no restraint save that of punishment, a change and overthrow of all things will necessarily follow. Yea, this change and overthrow is deliberately planned and put forward by many associations of communists and socialists” (Encyclical Humanum Genus, April 20, 1884, n. 27).

>“…We speak of that sect of men who, under various and almost barbarous names, are called socialists, communists, or nihilists, and who, spread over all the world, and bound together by the closest ties in a wicked confederacy, no longer seek the shelter of secret meetings, but, openly and boldly marching forth in the light of day, strive to bring to a head what they have long been planning – the overthrow of all civil society whatsoever. Surely, these are they who, as the sacred Scriptures testify, ‘Defile the flesh, despise dominion and blaspheme majesty.’ (Jud. 8).” (Encyclical Quod Apostolici Muneris, December 28, 1878, n. 1)

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show your flag

Okay. What's your point? Are you pushing Jesus here?

Greed is a sin. If you're a multi-millionaire there is no reason for you to help the poor.

That doesn't mean he didn't tell whores to stop being whores, tell the synagogue of Satan to stop being such serpent kikes, tell those who preached his name but did not know him that they would not enter heaven.

>Jesus was liberal
>wanted to conserve God's wisdom
>Jesus was a socialist
>threw out money changers
Its a shame that Jesus would forgive someone like you, but you can't help yourself.

SAINT POPE PIUS X (1903-1914):

>“But stranger still, alarming and saddening at the same time, are the audacity and frivolity of men who call themselves Catholics and dream of re-shaping society under such conditions, and of establishing on earth, over and beyond the pale of the Catholic Church, ‘the reign of love and justice’ … What are they going to produce? … A mere verbal and chimerical construction in which we shall see, glowing in a jumble, and in seductive confusion, the words Liberty, Justice, Fraternity, Love, Equality, and human exultation, all resting upon an ill-understood human dignity. It will be a tumultuous agitation, sterile for the end proposed, but which will benefit the less Utopian exploiters of the people. Yes, we can truly say that the Sillon, its eyes fixed on a chimera, brings Socialism in its train.” (Apostolic Letter Notre Charge Apostolique [“Our Apostolic Mandate”] to the French Bishops, August 25, 1910, condemning the movement Le Sillon)

POPE BENEDICT XV (1914-1922):

>“It is not our intention here to repeat the arguments which clearly expose the errors of Socialism and of similar doctrines. Our predecessor, Leo XIII, most wisely did so in truly memorable Encyclicals; and you, Venerable Brethren, will take the greatest care that those grave precepts are never forgotten, but that whenever circumstances call for it, they should be clearly expounded and inculcated in Catholic associations and congresses, in sermons and in the Catholic press.” (Encyclical Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum, November 1, 1914, n. 13)

kill yourself jew worship fuckhead

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> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You are usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible." 150 years ago someone at a Catholic university wrote a doctoral thesis with the title: "Does a woman have a soul?" From this the whole tendency of Christianity emerges: it is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of this 2000-year old Bolshevism. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we are doing with the communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks.

> The Bolshevism of that time had the power to become great on the carcass of the dying Rome. The priesthood of the Christian church which later subjugated the Aryan church in unending conflicts goes on, since the 4th or 5th Century, to long for the celibacy of priests. It relies on Paul and the very first apostles who derogate the woman as something sinful and permit or recommend marriage as merely a legal way out of prostitution - that is in the Bible - and derogate the procreation of children as a necessary evil. This priesthood continues along in this way for several centuries until in 1139 the celibacy of priests is fully implemented.

> the Church in its leadership, its priesthood, is for the most part a homosexual erotic men-union that on this basis has been terrorizing humanity for the past 1800 years. I need only to recall the witch and heretic trials.

> The attitude about the inferiority of women is a typical Christian attitude, and we also who have been Nationalsocialists up to this day - many even who are strict heathens - have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

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Communism's Christian Roots

The Seed of Communism was Christian

Friedrich Engels and Early Christianity

Karl Kautsky - Foundations of Christianity

Friedrich Engels - On the History of Early Christianity

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That's also for God to judge multi-millionaire himself. God is the arbiter of judgement, not us. Forcibly having your wealth taken and thrown to the poor is not the same as giving it yourself. If you really can't distinguish that for yourself, then you're mentally hopeless and I'll pray for you that you might eventually understand what God and Jesus actually taught.

pope John Paul II on Jews, April 1986

>With Judaism, therefore, we have a relationship which we do not have with any other religion. You are our dearly beloved brothers, and in a certain way, it could be said that you are our elder brothers.

Pope Paul VI on Anti-Semitism, October 1965

>True, the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ; still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today. Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures. All should see to it, then, that in catechetical work or in the preaching of the word of God they do not teach anything that does not conform to the truth of the Gospel and the spirit of Christ. Furthermore [...] the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.

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>shills a nigger

Kill yourself jew worship fuckhead

Which is why Engels compared Christianity to Marxism

The history of early Christianity has notable points of resemblance with the modern working-class movement. Like the latter, Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed people: it first appeared as the religion of slaves and emancipated slaves, of poor people deprived of all rights, of peoples subjugated or dispersed by Rome. Both Christianity and the workers' socialism preach forthcoming salvation from bondage and misery; Christianity places this salvation in a life beyond, after death, in heaven; socialism places it in this world, in a transformation of society. Both are persecuted and baited, their adherents are despised and made the objects of exclusive laws, the former as enemies of the human race, the latter as enemies of the state, enemies of religion, the family, social order. And in spite of all persecution, nay, even spurred on by it, they forge victoriously, irresistibly ahead. Three hundred years after its appearance Christianity was the recognized state religion in the Roman World Empire, and in barely sixty years socialism has won itself a position which makes its victory absolutely certain.

- Friedrich Engels, On The History Of Early Christianity, Die Neue Zeit, Vol. 1, 1894-95'

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That's not how Christianity works,
You can litteraly be the biggest asshole and genocide multiple races and still make it to Heaven on the fact that you believe alone,
You'll just be in Purgatory for a long ass time

what are you even saying here kike worshiper

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fuck off lefty kike shill

Jesus said to help those in need. That has nothing to do with wealth redistribution and socialist tyranny. And yes, he would be against classic racism, like being cruel to someone just because of their skin color or appearance. The worst enemy of an actual 'nigger' is the Bible.

Jesus never said that Rome was responsible to help the poor. You are. You have no right to demand anything of anybody.