29 year old boomer here. legit question
what does "queering homelessness" mean?
29 year old boomer here. legit question
what does "queering homelessness" mean?
Making bums, faggots
>29 year old
Gawd you're fucking stupid.
Just looks like a jew on vacation
Beats me, OP.
>has a garage
>mrw he can't into boomer me.
Taking advantage of homeless butts ofc
What do u think the SLAM is for
Raping bums if you know what I mean.
No fucking idea what half those words in that article’s title means. Probably some degenerate faggotry on par with the trans kid agenda
it should not be legal for "journalists" to write articles on and glorify degenerates who break the law. they should be forced to give up their info and then fined themselves.
>eating food anyone actually homeless could never afford nor would ever buy
>vice article
>obvious jew
Bait or newfagotry
Hard call
>We need more unemployed, homeless mentally ill people who abuse drugs and make SLAM poetry.
Nope, I'm pretty sure we're full up on those sorts of people actually.
What kind of word salad is this?
Queering homelessness is when you’re a dude who only fucks bums
well soros is their daddy now, so prepare for vice to suck even greater
>what does "queering homelessness" mean?
nothing. "queer" is a +50 SJW word to add to anything
Memeflag implies bait, would have been impossible to tell otherwise
It’s actual boomer newfaggotry
Must not be a good ketamine dealer if she is penniless
holy shit thats hilarious
>29 Boomer
Kys idiot
I don't know but I've been thinking about how 10 years ago there weren't nearly this many retarded shitskins everywhere, even considering the West was already pretty pozzed
your average small time drug dealer makes less than minimum wage
Who is this guy?
kek, I waited for this
>google the exact headline
>its not even real
>OP had to fake a vice article for (you)s
Fucking pathetic. Suicide.
Hope she die
It's a way for pseudo-intellectual morons to sound intelligent.
Another PseudInt signal is "De-colonize"
>can't into memes
say it my face meme flaggot
I just can't right now.
keep in mind he already had long hair
I think someone is breaking into m house. Wish my6 luck lads
>29 year old boomer
you're not a boomer retard
Feels like it means...
Nothing at all. Nothing at all.Nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all.
Damn I'm not homeless and even I don't have a garage.
rape homeless people to turn them gay
Is shartblue getting active again with all these new fags?
Wait what?
>29 years old
Unaware newfag morelike
So that's how god created abbos
>deals drugs
Women, everyone.
This webm never fails
>29 yr
I'm almost a decade older, and I've been called a millennial.
Ok; so millennial is technically an insult, but 29 is not borderline.
That's not real is it?
Queer here, no idea. I assume it just means bringing a gayer perspective, but a lot of the homeless are queers whose parents kicked them out so idk what adding more queer is supposed to do.
Of course it is real. It's 2019 you bigot!
>breaking the law
Im sorry but i think you forgot the first amendment human rights granted to us by america the greatest country on earth thank you very much
so now the homeless are going to suck eachother off?
Thats not a new thing
I think it means indoctrinating the homeless with progressive politics, in this case through bad poetry.
Absolutely brilliant. KEK
It's fake you fucking retards holy shit.
You dont have to actually be homeless to queer homelessness it seems.
I think it really says alot that the Left are so retarded that this could pass as a real article. It's not us being retarded, it's the retardedness and insanity of the left which fooled us.
Basically, Poe's Law is a fucking bitch.
This. I often see "onion-style" articles and legitimately confuse them with the real thing. This clown world meme that's out really kinda sums it up. This is all a circus and we're in the show.
fuck you cunts are stupid its a meme.
>makes fake article
>but the article is fake
>but it could have been real
Wtf does this even mean
it is quite something isn't it, the prescience.
It is Vice. Half of their schtick is just finding absurd shit to click-bait about.