Do europeans really have a standard of living that is way above USA?

do europeans really have a standard of living that is way above USA?

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On the whole, yes.

What exactly do you mean?


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Better healthcare, more socialism, and the yankees pay for it with their NATO slavery. Thanks yanks.

USA worships money so that's all there is to be had here, and even that is slowly withering away

no you don't leaf

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That depends on the country, the US has a better quality of life than the entirety of Eastern and Southern Europe.

Oh, and France and the UK don't have it much better than the US does. Also the NHS is a dumpster fire just to kindly remind bongposters.

Maybe in smaller countries like Austria, but the NHS is a joke in the UK, it's also pretty apparent that public universal healthcare is done either entirely right or retardedly wrong in Europe, Sweden's public healthcare system is starting to look like a joke too comparable to the NHS.

The average European has to work 30 years of their life to be able to make a down payment on a single bedroom commieblock apartment, on top of kicking up a pizzo of 70% of their income to the government, and have to pay an average of 50K USD to buy a used 1999 Honda Civic. So no.

This, North America is general is not nearly as expensive to live in, your money will get you further in the US and Canada than it will in Western Europe.

at least in Finland, if you make over a certain amount your taxes exponentially go up. So if you stay below a certain're ok? The less you make, the more the gubmint gonna help. Idk for sure, this is all 2nd hand hearing for me

>the fuck is up with captcha???

depends on the comparative regions

Much like most things it depends on the place.

By the numbers (aka gdp/capita), no.

That said, being a barrista in a cute Italian or Scandinavian village is probably a much better experience than working non-tech in San Franscisco etc

Similarly, working non-tech/finance in London probably sucks compared to having a house of your own somewhere in Colorado or something and fixing cars or whatever,

>muh GDP muh money

Americans make a LOT more money. We do have more socialism. So as long as you are employed (real employment, not some meme min-wage or part time shit) live should be better in america.

This also, quality of life in America radically varies depending on the state, I live in Colorado and my quality of life is better than pretty much the entire United States except the New England states.

You have more welfare, socialism is when the workers or the government seizes the means of production and you have state owned businesses and manufacturing.

On average in Switzerland you'll have a much better life. But a rich American's money goes much further. Buying a house here is nigh on impossible and in America there are plenty of modern day slaves working for a pittance, making your money go further.

Yes, my mistake.

I have yet to be shot up whilst praying at mosque or had a racist remark directed towards me. So yeah, we have.

The answer I've always heard is that quality of life is higher in the US if you are upper-middle-class or above and higher in Europe if you are lower-middle-class or below.

Travel much, nigger?

No, but what does that even mean?
Both the US and Europe have a better standard of living than Burkina Faso, but the differences between them are gradual.

Hate speech laws

Gun laws

Insane taxes to pay for horde

Shitty tiny cars

Shitty tiny buildings

Government controlled markets

Not even close you fucking faggot

Yes, I do actually, seeming I grew up around aviation.

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>Better healthcare
I beg to differ.

I've also been to Mexico, Costa Rica, Germany, Iceland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway outside of the US.

Europe is better for everyone making minimum wage or near that in the US.

Lower middle class and even lower class in burgerland has cable internet computer smart phones... even bums have cellphones and money enough to buy heroine.

You mean “way below”, right?

Only because of mass immiration. Immiration + socialism don't mix.

>Lower middle class and even lower class in burgerland has cable internet computer smart phones...

Same in the EU. I think the main reason it's always said Yurp is better if you're poor is that you get more benefits and free healthcare.

I have no clue as I've never been to Europe.
I'd have to see it. Live there for a minute.
But I never would. My government really pisses me the fuck off with their regulations, interference, meddling.
So you can only imagine how badly I'd freak out under just about any European state government. Fuck that.

You guys have always had a problem with your government doing retarded shit, as do all larger nations, also it's objectively true that smaller Western European nations (except Sweden at this point) have a better quality of life than larger ones, there is also plenty of economic reasons for this.

I can walk down the street any time I want.
All around me are people of my kin.
The family unit still exists.
The average person despises the globalist agenda and its degeneracy.

You have none of these things, and the supposed upside is a big paycheck. Guess what mutt - I'd rather live in a society that is not completely broken, even with only 500 eur per month (enough to satisfy the needs of a humble person) than live in the bizarre hellscape that is called the USA. The fact that you spend abnormal amounts of money on frivolities makes you a subservient paypig for your globalist masters, and by no means a happy person.

t. someone who shed tears of joy upon arriving home after having worked in the USA for 2 years

/this/ except for the car part

Germany is less free, has shitty restrictive gun laws, censorship laws, hate speech laws, gov controlled markets, shitty universities, expensive and tiny appartments, awful design houses, a shitty military, dumb politicians, high electricity prices, high taxes, awful women... the only thing that works is the car industry and the no speed limit autobahn.

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Nah he wasn't hostile to you. If your country was so good you wouldn't rag on some poster just for saying something ordinary, like some kind of bitchy little cunt.
So no I don't buy it. Call me a mutt too why don't you but it won't matter. Because you're a fussy little bitch and nothing will change it.

I can also walk down the street any time I want, we aren't Michigan or the South, we have a very low crime rate here (because no niggers)

My state is 80% White, German-Americans being the largest ethnic group, as is other german-belt states

We are a rural state, most people in the region are right-wing and despize the globalist agenda

I have literally all those things, and you have no idea what you're on about

why do canadians act like they are europeans?

This we are so fucking doomed

It's better if you're a teacher or some other lower / lower middle class job. The more above median you earn in Europe, the better and more attractive US becomes. Generally earning 1.5 median in EU country means US would give you way better material conditions. Now the reason you don't see a mass exodus of upper middle class to us from eu is vecause european migrants are threated worse with us migration regulations than some beaner or afghan looking to get in.

I am hostile because the stupidity of Americans makes my blood boil. Your overlords have ingrained the materialist mindset into your DNA rendering you unable to comprehend even the simplest of truths. The most of you unironically believe that the size of the paycheck is the most relevant criterion regarding quality of life (proof: 99% of the posts ITT). Disgusting.

No, they're just larping.

Europe is not a country, there is huge variance in the level of bureaucracy and interference by country.

No. Normal people have a better life in the USA.
Welfare leeches and low income people have a better life in Europe.

Sure thing pal, the 56% weimerica is a germanic utopia. Nobody gives a damn if some village in bumfuck nowhere is 80%+ white. Lmao

There is actually little difference.
The public sector is bigger in most of Europe, but that just means that a lot of people are paid by the state.
Actual meddling in your affairs is quite the same, sometimes rather bigger in the US, because Americans are much more autistic about actually following rules than most Europeans.

Our govenment is a fucking sham. We're a bunch of disarmed subjects cucks. No one ever voted for mass immigration and every year record numbers keep coming and there's nothing we can do about it. Prison island.

no, but the countries that arent flooded with shit from the middle east or arent ex soviet do

Pretty much the entirety of the Great Plains and Rocky mountains are 80%-90% white, we have a lower crime rate than Serbia does for absolute sure, which is fucking laughable when you say "at least I can walk outside at night"

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I'll tell you about Italy

>Healthcare system
A mess. It's free only if you are homeless, but the price is not the point: service is bad, slow as fuck and for serious issues you have to wait so much that usually every illness gets worse. Once i was feeling really sick, had to wait 12 hours in emergency room, there were shitload of people coming and my turn never came because considered not red alert. Had to go back home by walking (i lived close luckily) and recovered there (lasted more days of course, no meds made it awfully painful). Meds costs a lot compared to other european countries. Psychological/psychiatric therapy is expensive, free one is useless doctors/therapists that you get if you are lucky as fuck.

There are none. Unemployment is high as fuck, more in the south but also the north is kinda fucked up. You go nowhere without connections or skills way more valuable than the actual job position. Wages are a joke, no minimum wage, usually you have to work for free a couple of years (for some jobs). Low tier jobs are basically slavery, they can fire your ass instantly because there's an army of people ready to take your place.

A small room in Rome/Milan can cost 500 euro. Buying a house is impossible unless you want to live in a ghost town located in the middle of nowhere. Living out or cities means social death/unemployment.

Bulidings are collapsing, streets have holes and in some south/central cities (not towns, medium-big sized cities) there are no pedestrian roads. Transports are inefficient and expensive (not in the north, it works there), if you dont own a car you are fucked. Hills in most cities makes it hard to go by bike, and even in flat lands you risk being rekt by a car

>North-Center/South gap
Northern italy is better than the rest of italy, not a meme. BUT living there is far more expensive. So unless you save enough money (how?) you are going to be homeless by moving there.

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It's the same in western Europe ever since they decided to immitate the Amerixan model. I live in a blacked garbage migrant country with the only culture visible being old buildings and curches. Consumerist culture has won over here except here wwhn you're upper middle class have like 1/3 the disposable income someone from US has.

They do, but it's just to pacify us from the creeping lack of control into being completely docile, complacent and drugged up sheeple.

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>that works is the car industry
and even cars are not the same they were 20 years ago.

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Yeah they get daily doses of acid thrown in their face by mudslimes while unable to carry a sharpened pencil to defend themselves. I wish we had such high standards.

At least I have my foreskin

That feel when I'm at the 75th income percentile in the UK but would only be at the 58th percentile in the US. Granted it's not like-for-like since I get muh free healthcare but would having to pay for it really move me down that much?

Fixed your flag

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>threated worse with us migration regulations

Despite the cryptic English, I agree. Legally migrating to the US from Europe as a white Christian European with a top STEM background and several years of work experience is next to impossible.

Meanwhile, if you sham marriage an American idiot girl or knock a US girl up on her European roastie tour... of you go getting your green card right away, sir.

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It's actually easier to move to the US in general, doesn't matter which country you are coming from, we have less strict policies and requirements than countries like Norway, Switzerland, and The Netherlands do on immigrating here.

They will come for your nation.
So long as you have a liberal democracy, you will likely follow in our footsteps as western Europe has.

>they will come for your nation
They already have. It feels awful watching total societal collapse unfold before your own eyes. We are only a few decades behind westerners.

A good IT consultant with a Msc and 2-3 years work experience would gross around ~4500-5000 euro a month here. And it's still peanut pay, the actual disposable income you have is very low compared to cost of living and property cost. It would definitely be better in this case if such a person would move to US and gross 9000-12000$ a month, that's the salary you'd be looking at. No need to even move to a garbage state like californea either. And it's actually a salary good enough to afford property. Average house (shitty looking one) is 400k euro here, well have fun affording that with your 60k a year where the gov takes 70%|of your paycheck with direct and indirect taxes.

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Tesla liked US and he changed the vvorld from there, not from Serbia...

Only because they have legal hookers.

A guy I know went on a business trip to Connecticut, I asked, "how was America?"
"Shit. America is shit."
>Soulless mess of strip malls etc
>"Black people brown people yellow people"
>Rich area has comfy houses but they are miles from each other and anything else
>No communal space, he's from Jablonec do he was comparing with the reservoir in their town centre.
Russia is much better, apparently

Probably because he visited the south.

Absolut. Ich sitz seit etwa 4 Jahren hier in Colorado, ich + Arbeitgeber zahlen zusammen ~$800 fuer Krankenversicherung ALLEIN. Jeder Arztbesuch ist zusaetzlich $20, egal ob ich nur kurz hallo sage oder eine neue Lunge brauch. Dann kommt noch copay fuer jeden Scheiss dazu, letztens $120 fuer Augenarzt-check gezahlt. Besser als Krankenkassenleistungen in Wien? - ned wirklich. Einziger Vorteil sind die Sekretaerinnen hier, sehen gut aus uns sind freundlich.

The NHS was the best health service in the world up until about 20 years ago when New Labour opened the floodgates.

LMAO no. In Switzerland food is extremely expensive, housing is extremely expensive, and most homes have no AC and just leave their windows open.

Soon, mate.

I hope you guys can get your shit back together again. desu I think you guys should consider jumping on the yellow vest train, I think we should too because our president is now Israel's bitch.

>we have less strict policies and requirements than countries like Norway, Switzerland, and The Netherlands do on immigrating here.

Are you serious? I have lived in the US and I can tell you, the US legal immigration standards are the toughest in the world. Tougher than Japan. Tougher than Russia. Tougher than any country out there.

Switzerland? You can legally move there easy as fuck. Norway same thing.

The Netherlands? The freaking Netherlands? You can get in there with like any job paying 30k... from India or Sudan or from freaking Eritrea.

America is a completely different ballgame on skilled based immigration, which is why pretty much all migration to the US is family based. Plus, employment based visas are to 90% not permanent visas, but time restricted ones while family based immigration is all permanent!

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The only reason it's easy for you to move to these countries is because of the schengan agreement, but it's extremely hard for anyone outside of europe who's not a nig-nog claiming rapefugee status to get it.

>Absolut. Ich sitz seit etwa 4 Jahren hier in Colorado, ich + Arbeitgeber zahlen zusammen ~$800 fuer Krankenversicherung ALLEIN. Jeder Arztbesuch ist zusaetzlich $20, egal ob ich nur kurz hallo sage oder eine neue Lunge brauch. Dann kommt noch copay fuer jeden Scheiss dazu, letztens $120 fuer Augenarzt-check gezahlt. Besser als Krankenkassenleistungen in Wien? - ned wirklich. Einziger Vorteil sind die Sekretaerinnen hier, sehen gut aus uns sind freundlich.

Oesterreich ist eine Insel der Seeligen. Hier in Deutschland zahl ich 1000 euro fuer Krankenversicherung im Monat... und die Leistungen sind unter aller Sau. Zahnarzt zahlt man privat und jeder Facharzt fragt zuerst "privat versichert? Selbstzahler?"

Da lob ich mir das amerikanische System bei dem man so und so immer selbst zahlt...

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That's not Schengen. Schengen just eliminated intra-EU border checks. The freedom to move to another EU country for work is much older than that.

it also allows for EU citizens to move to any EU or EFTA country they want.

Wait times here are shit.
If you want an actual specialist, you better pay him privately - most public doctors only do fast, basic shit that brings them money.
In Vienna the waiting rooms are full of inbred muzzies, outside they're full of inbred hicks.

That's literally the same in America. Its your country who spends money on frivolities

>The only reason it's easy for you to move to these countries is because of the schengan agreement
Bullshit. I was talking about people from Sudan, India, America etc. moving there.

Under Germany's new immigration laws, you can essentially come from anywhere and look for a minimum wage job in Germany if you speak a bit of German... or you can come without any German skills if you have a job that pays 35k.

In America you got to show like no American could ever do your job and make 100k or so... or be an executive.


Welcome to your "skills based immigratioon"

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We’re not like that, that’s a French attribute we unfortunately don’t have.

We ended up emancipating poor people by creating the first two party parliamentary democracy, rather than placing heads in guillotines. But it took us a lot longer, and I don’t know how much time we have honestly.

I think the only positive out of all of this will be a renewed global sense of white consciousness, but by design it requires that we first slip from being a majority in the West.

France,Germany, Benelux and some Scandinavian nations yes. The rest not so much.

>village in bumfuck nowhere
your entire country is a poor slavic hovel with turk rape blood

Minimum wage.earners in.burgerland would.make 7.25 dollars an hour denmark According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American fast food worker makes about $9 an hour. Compare that to the $20.70 paid in Denmark.

So if you're one of the lower incomes in denmark is the place to be, youll have much more disposable income and have greater social posistion than living close to death and being.stressed.

>Hier in Deutschland zahl ich 1000 euro fuer Krankenversicherung im Monat
Ich glaub da laueft was falsch, Brudi. In Oesiland ist EUR1000 schon weit ueber der KV Obergrenze.

everyone but me gotta learn this is cringe.

>we used to have community in the US
>we used to have a vision of the future that wasn't a hellish dystopia
>whites are becoming a minority and are too brainwashed to even consider it a problem
>everyone has a victimhood complex for all the wrong reasons, especially women for the dumbest reasons of all
>sister is a retarded feminist that looks to get offended at everything
>no extended family for a hundreds of miles and even they adopted niglets
>distanced from friends because I can't stand their dumb libshit nonsense they want to insert everywhere
>the people responsible are worshipped by even most detractors of the globohomo dystopia

I make good money, so I can save up and go somewhere sane. Either innawoods America or somewhere in Eastern Europe.

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Germany is shit. France is worse than Germany. Belgium is worse than France. Sweden is worse than Belgium.

I assume you were talking about Finland then... oh wait, that isn't even Scandinavia.

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That also doesn't account for the higher tax rate they have on their pay checks, which in reality their net pay isn't much higher than in the US.

Irgendwer muss ja fuer die deutschen "Gaeste" zoin. Is ja ned so, dass die Gaeste ihre eigenen Versicherungskosten tragen koennen...

the standard of living within the EU or Europe varies widely, just like in the US.

Yes. In my economical situation I would be a hobo in your country. Here I have a house, internet, car, motorbike, free emergency healthcare and a 90% white town.
The problem comes when you are a buisiness owner or in a liberal profession, but peones live faaaar above your peones.

What? A 1999 citycar comes for 800€...

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They also get free education, healthcare, social assistance, social benefits and have a clean society without trolls that are unhinged by their economic posistion, have worker unions for collective bargaining so you have more power over your posistion work and pay.