So are they making their censorship so obvious to draw out crazies to try and attack Facebook & twitter headquarters...

So are they making their censorship so obvious to draw out crazies to try and attack Facebook & twitter headquarters? Then clamp down on any decent?

They gotta know fringe people are seeing this as a the beginning of civil war 2.0

They live in a bubble but these Bay Area tech giants must know they are easy to find

Why would they do this? What’s the endgame?

Did they not see the
New Zealand footage 1 guy did that much damage for much less

I pray for peace

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Other urls found in this thread:

They're fucking with everyone out of desperation. Rats on a sinking ship

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Can anyone still on faceberg start condemning alex Jones so they can start posting his content?

E.g “I can’t believe alex Jones said this!! I disavow him!”

And then post an article or a link.

They said you can post if you condemn. I want to see if they will 100% ban his name/face/image.

Team Trump took over Twitter on Nov 3 2017 when they took out Saudi Prince Alwaleed

How did OP use #AlexJones if Twitter is banning all mention of Alex Jones?

No we aren't at this point.

Facebook is not the government and facebook didn't kill someone and erase any evidence of their existence.

Why do we tolerate cry baby conservatives and their hyperbolic faggotry?

Its not smart to ban lawyers

If you dont like it then dont use facebook. If enough people agree advertisers will leave. Thats how the free market works

Why are you here? Jow Forums must be a really irritating place for you to hang out

It's spelled descent user.

I enjoy blow you cocksuckers the fuck out. You don't have a counter point because you're a pathetic follower who doesn't know how to think for himself.

Right now what are you doing? Are you refuting my point? Are you being triggered?

What the fuck are you doing, pleb? You're a little bitch dude. Look at you.

>slavery is OK as long as no one gets hurt

>Did they not see the
>New Zealand footage

nope, they didnt see it cause it was censored! problem solved!

If an user attacks Twitter or Facebook HQ I will put money on their books for the rest of their incarceration.

Paki paki, hes so wacky
Dumb, stupid, smelly, tacky
Closest neighbor shits in streets
Then in the clubs he rubs his meat
On White girls dancing who want none
Of this stupid,smelly, paki, scum
He probably calls him self White
Like a beaner or a fucking kike
Other peoples lands he comes
Like the hoards of other non White scum
Were all so equal and all the same
So his stinky smelly family came
To subvert and twist other peoples culture
Just like any shit skin vulture
The world would be better off with out them
And their fucking stinking next of kin.

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Man, that pic on the right is a laughably bad shoop
Why, if you were trying to convince people of a hoax, specifically smooth and bloom out all the fine details which would make a photo convincing

> Muh hugbox
Go die of a snake bite Bruce. You have no right to social media and a private company can domas it wishes. In America a corporation is a human meaning it has the same rights as any other person. Among those rights are property rights which give them control over who uses their platforms. No one forces you to use social media. I dont and therefore could care less. In fact if I ran twitter I would ban these two assholes in OP for complaining

Is that why pussy ass faggot liberals like you are crying because based men won't bake cakes for faggots?

Because sexual preference is a protected class whereas political opinion isnt. Read a book.

You really sound based user. Here on Jow complaining that Alex Jones got banned from a social media platform.

God damn, you're a prissy little faggot.
>muh alex jones

It's pretty funny to see them freak out over a literal snake-oil salesman. He's political entertainment, just calm the fuck down people.

>the faceberg ban

It reminds me of this great Theodore Dalrymple quote.

>In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

They do it not to make you believe but to drag you down to their level. You have to start engaging their lies which means they've pretty much won and it's just a matter of wearing you down.

>sexual preference
It actually isn't

false flags incoming

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It’s de-personing and erasing history.
I always have wanted to record certain historic points in stone so if humanity get btfo then the next advanced life will be able to use my artifacts to discover something rad

Isn't eclair a pastry?

Alex Jones hasn't advocated for a Second Holocaust (even tho the first won was fake)
Unless you birth 7+ white children and kill 8 quadrillion jews and shitskins you are a fucking NeoCuck zionist shill

>trust me Aryan brothers, I'm from 8ch

You just encouraged me to buy an AlexaPure pro Walter filtration system and some fucking X2

No. It's spelled d-i-s-s-e-n-t, user.

They're testing the waters with Alex Jones because he's a fringe idiot. You think they're going to stop with him? Anyone who (((they))) disapprove of can get the same treatment once they refine their methods and condition the general public to accept it.

Why do leftists make special protected classes for themselves? Because they're wake and useless?

Op here
Sorry auto correct

I just have the feeling something really bad is going to happen really soon.

This seemed like the last straw for so many on social media like they were past the anger that they were at the numb “it’s time” phase.

I hope I’m wrong. I pray I’m wrong

It is on facebook and Twitter, sweetie. Saying the F word will get you banned which is their righf

Imagine being such an incel, loser disconnected with the larger world around you that a bunch of idiots on an anime forum have convinced you that this is actually an accurate understanding of the modern era and the issues faced within it....

I mean we meme a lot but take a step back and just realize how fucking insane this is...

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dissent. Learn to english, you shame all us burgers with your spelling.

Cry more, bitch

Your money bro.

plebs man...

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Internet still isn't the government

I hope one of farakahn's nogs chimps out and does a snackbar on FB headquarters
the race-traitors have it coming, so let the peaceful nogs kill them

These are the same people who.dont realize Jow Forums is for trolling and satire,like that dumbfuck who shot up that synagogue, killing one woman and the dying in prison. Imagine being them

I'm sorry but I do not take corrections from meme flags. I will hold onto my descending opinion, thank you very much.

Imagine being such an incel, loser disconnected with the larger world around you that a bunch of idiots on a social media site have convinced you that trolling Jow Forums is going to stop the RWDS's.

>inb4 a thousand ad hominems and strawmen

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I'm sure he's a sweet boy.

>Jow Forums is for trolling and satire

the reddit cope

Speaking of Jones, been searching a while anyone know the reason he's banned?

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he's been banned for quite awhile already for spreading "conspiracy theory" and fakenews

>tfw these people are happier than you'll ever be

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Probably for some vague form of agitation.

They're testing waters on the fringe because the censorship push itself is on the fringe. Censorship doesn't work on the internet and it's funny watching them get desperate enough to take out anger on some fat guy that yells about inter-dimensional vampires. You can't manipulate while everyone sees your hand, and the conspicuous attempts at narrative control on social media has them stuck in a feed-back loop. The control over the general public is fantasy, but some mistake the fantasy for reality because it is so ubiquitous on social media.

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Hello 2016 tourist!

>banned for quite awhile already for spreading "conspiracy theory" and fakenews

the Washington "iraqi wmds" Post and the New York "russiagate" Times still stand of course.

Not sure, but I think is because of the things he said about Sandy Hook

I clapped.

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If a company is in America, makes money, it falls under the FTC regulations, which have to abide by federal laws and regulations. American company = American law = Bill of Rights. However, there is a loophole right now, as "online" has not been defined in the same sense as in-person. SCOTUS has already made official statements that social media is the new public square. All that needs to happen now is a case to move up to SCOTUS to be ruled on.

most of normies wont even notice that right wing is getting censored and banned, they will just see less right wing posts and more left wing and wont even realize it.

ok, cant find that, do you have a source I can see?

Half-kike, half-nigger. Steals your bike and then tries to sell it back.

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no one knows which one, what does it mean?

Describing one’s self here I assume?

The second amendment applies to the US government.

Your interpretation is obviously ad hoc. By your interpretation, we wouldn't have free association. Just because you operate within the US doesn't mean you are now the US government and the 1st free speech clause applies to the US government, not private citizens or companies. I'm not even sure you want to set that precedent. Maybe you should think about what moves you'll be setting up the SJWs for.

There is no loophole. You Republican dipshits had the chance to classify the internet as a utility and you passed it up for corporate cock sucking when you struck down net neutrality.

No it isn’t retard

first amendment*

Facebook and twitter are blatantly government agencies. Do you really think the fed sat around waiting for private individuals to start these companies? Do you think the fed actually has to ask for user data? No one would use these websites if they were openly US government entities, so they lie, they can because the government holds a monopoly on force and is the final arbiter of justice in all cases, even involving itself. They have no obligation to follow laws, just to keep up an appearance of law and order for population pacification. That is, if the people knew that the government is heavily invested in spying and influencing them, they would resist, but they would not resist if they were under the guise of a public company. They even made a major motion picture to sell the facebook IPO. Apple Google youtube Netflix Uber, all are fake deep state front companies.
Think how expensive it would be to start a youtube like site. Youtube was free and no ads for ten years. Who was paying the enourmous hosting costs and server fees? Who was paying thier bills for a decade while they stifled out all competition, coinciding with the death of cable tv and the fact that you cant even buy a 4k nonsmart tv, they are all 1984 telescreens, so are phones, every cell phone is the telescreen from 1984, recording our every moves and sounds, running algorithms and data analysis and reporting to home base.
Thats why in European countries the public transport schedules are only posted to twitter. They wouldnt trust some random foreign company if it wasnt fed, also they want to coerce people onto their shitty censored platform so you can be monitored and influenced

It's pretty accurate honestly. Millions of people have to die.

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just need something to use, difficult to write about it without the actual information.... im trying to see how others approached the story, i cant tell you a signle reason thats been confirmed by them or in courts

>public and private don't have a meaningful distinction anymore because Alex Jones got banned from myspace
This is why we don't put you fucking morons in charge of policy. You're reactionary and you'd fuck the entire system with short sighted precedents.

Normies are inconsequential to everything. Static is all they are. "left wing" or "right wing" they never actually see any of it. They will however notice the evermore obvious agendas being pushed in their entertainment, but that's a different topic. Manipulation and subversion loses control as the subject becomes more and more aware of what is put in front of them. Propaganda no longer works if it only reveals an intended agenda and naturally resonate in the targeted audience. That's why they work so hard to manufacture a consensus through social media. It won't work, though. It becomes like an alien trying its best to mimic a human being.

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net neutrality is not net neutrality you stupid nigger. it wasn't even the same fucking thing. it actually allowed companies to do anything they fucking wanted, allowing them to ban and remove anyone for any reason they wanted. that is why that faggot shit got removed. in retaliation for getting their nigger asses rekt, they started to remove right-wing accounts or did you forget about all of this happening? they are getting away with it because there was no need before to have to define such horseshit, because people weren't massive liberal faggots willing to strap on an SS uniform against the right. now its needed
>muh tiered service
>comcast, all cell companies already used tiered service during that fake NN

doesn't naturally resonate*

do you know why Alex jones got banned in the first place?

hey, do you guys know anything about the reason why they banned alex jones?


Wow. Even fucking James Woods is perma-banned from Shitter

where does it say?

from what i heard on tucker, you can only to condemn him basically. so youre example would be ok. basically you can mention him if youre talking about how horrible he or something bad he has done. so people can post articles and shit if its negative about aj. its fuck up

should have mentioned this is just for facebook

why was he banned, do you know?

for facebook, they said it was because they were banning 'dangerous individuals'. and with alex they linked him with Gavin McInnes who used to be associated with proud boys. i'm not sure their reason for banning paul joseph watson or laura loomer


> private businesses are exempt
> bake that cake

make up your mind

Because, brainlet, the point isn't to fool people, it's to find out who is willing to go against the party

i saw about it on a few fox shows and tucker did a good opening segment on it

They're revving up for the 2020 election.

Alex Jones, Milo etc were the biggest social media influencers that supported Trump in 2016.


not one source between you. isn't it funny when we talk about this stuff no one knows the reason why were having the conversation? Even Donald Trump, do you think he knows why he's banned, do you think that makes a difference?

nigger timestamp or gtfo

what the fuck do you what to know? if they were really banned? the reason? what? there was a shit ton of articles yesterday saying they were banned under their new 'dangerous individuals' policy.

Facebook said they were shutting down several of Jones’s pages for “glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies.”

Shit source but whatever:

The point is not why exactly he was banned, but the actual persecution of right wing and conservative people on these platforms

The other ones were banned yesterday duo to direct mentioning of what Facebook sees as hatefull people or whatever they called. One of the reasons was because one of the people interviewed Gavin mcinnes( connections to hate group "proud boys")

Are you fucking new to the world or something? He's always been under attack on social media BY social media and the news media. He says something which the news takes out of context, and he BTFO out of them showing the next sentence of whatever he says that proves they outright lied about him. he was doing that for years. TIP/AIPAC has been aggressively pushing politicians and social media outlets to remove anyone that Jews don't like and are outspoke against them. The Lobby - USA shows just how aggressive they are, and how they are using colleges to get people angry using deception, then focusing that anger at internet personalities like Alex and others. Jones in 2017 called out Zionism, calling it a mental illness. This is when the media started to target him ferociously. do i need to dig up the jewish owners of the media, hollywood, producers? or the fact facebook is owned and operated by a jew that was stealing people's personal info to sell? that jack of twitter is a raging liberal faggot and targeted people who spoke out against BLM and had people banned and content removed that outed DeRay living in a house owned by Soros while Jack was buttfucking DeRay

i said opening segment so you could maybe try oh i dont know, the beginning. that would be 0:00

You are very over-emotional, fruitcake.

why make a point yet struggle with simple questions about why theyre making that point? i cringe hearing people defending them about a specific thing when they cant tell you what it is