First U.S. Patients Treated With CRISPR As Human Gene-Editing Trials Get Underway


>NPR has learned that a U.S. CRISPR study that had been approved for cancer at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia has finally started.

>A university spokesman on Monday confirmed for the first time that two patients had been treated using CRISPR.

>One patient had multiple myeloma, and one had sarcoma. Both had relapsed after undergoing standard treatment.

>The revelation comes as several other human trials of CRISPR are starting or are set to start in the U.S., Canada and Europe to test CRISPR's efficacy in treating various diseases.

>"2019 is the year when the training wheels come off and the world gets to see what CRISPR can really do for the world in the most positive sense," says Fyodor Urnov, a gene-editing scientist at the Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences in Seattle and the University of California, Berkeley.

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So.... no more cancer then??
I will literally drop every pretty pursuit I have to pursue the resources necessary to acquire this treatment for my loved ones and eventually myself if true.

Yes this could be the most revolutionary breakthrough in science and technology. We will have to rethink our strategy on many things if it ends up working. We will inevitably engage in designer babies or performance enhancements.


shit is going to get real weird real quick.
>I identify as a dolphin
>becomes dolphman

I almost killed myself first time I saw UPenn’s campus when I first visited my nearby shitballs school. It looks like a space colony. Not surprised at all those spergs found the cure to cancer.

overhyped shit. it's fucking useless. forget about it.

>So.... no more cancer then??
no it's overhyped bullshit don't get your hopes up

If you are serious i think (as some asshole on a Japanese koi-raising forum) that you should 100% throw your lot into this stuff.
Its the only thing ive ever really aspired to do

Ha. This will need a lot of fine tuning to get the results proposed in many articles but, should it work, whats to stop them from tinkering with telomeres and doubling life expectancies for those who can afford it?

Provided it allows one to give cancer cells the instruction to properly self destruct, yes, this would eradicate most forms of cancer, though possibly not cases that are already too fargone.
I won't pretend to know how deep CRISPR goes, though. For all I know the most this can do is try and tell the body to grow an extra hair follicle on your right butt cheek. And fail.

>CRISPR Human Gene-Editing

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The key is the ability to pass the modifications on through offspring. Anyone who thinks this isn't significant is fooling themselves. Its a tool which allows us to modify genes but we don't know the long term ramifications for the human species. This can be used for good or destructive purposes. The problem is that we cannot always anticipate the destructive consequences. I think its inevitable science. This means we should also prepare for it to be weaponized and unintended consequences of designer babies. I do support its use though from a standpoint that we will need it to compete with all the other groups using it. For this we are going to need a fail safe in case it goes wrong. Sort of like a save point before you start altering the program.


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>tinker with telomeres
>get cancer
>use more CRISPR to cure cancer
Sounds pretty based to me

Elon Musk will FUND it

Attached: Elon Musk's cat girl.jpg (700x922, 118K)

finally we will be free from the shackles of the human female

Yo, if I give all of my cells active telomerase, but also slow cell division to normal levels with heavy water, will I survive?

>thinking the first generation of superhumans is not alive already

and permanently live in the world of the porn I'm ashamed after masturbating too? ill stick with considering it another one shot johnny and quietly chuckling to myself.
can feel the cronenberg coming on?

You should not drink heavy water. This will kill you

genetic engineering is the most important technology humans can research at this time and if you disagree I want you dead because you are in the way.

hopefully not but hey, I hate everyone I don't know well enough to like

Yeah, it interferes with spindle peotein function and inhibits cellular growth
My question is if low concentrations can nix the increased growth that comes with active telomerase
Also, it makes you sterile

>and permanently live in the world of the porn

With 10/10 girls everywhere around?


Attached: elon_musk_catgirls.jpg (640x360, 73K)

>Altius Biomedical

Yup that's a proper name for an evil corporation

>tool that allows to easily and cheaply cut out DNA and insert new code
>overhyped bullshit
Legitimate mutt post. Nigger

I don't know. I wouldn't do this unless you are already dying from something. If its age, you'll probably just die sooner

>edit genes to remove all mental illness
>no more left wingers will ever be born again

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Elon Musk senpai
We need your funding!

Attached: Elon Musk funds Catgirls.jpg (640x783, 93K)

Learn to genetic code

Yeah, it's a hypothetical
I have neither a setup for CRISPR nor 15-20 kg of heavy water

Also keep in mind that some things have a cumulative effect. You can do this with modifying genes eventually. If you have already had kids, perhaps editing your genes to live longer once you reach a particular age might be an option. This would be safer than trying to slow biology.

>Altius Biomedical

As Resident Evil's
Umbrella Corporation?

Attached: Umbrella Corporation - Resident Evil.jpg (522x522, 35K)

not just that
no more herpes
no more HIV

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Heavy water is easy to make. You would use electrolysis in the process. Thats why I know a little bit about heavy water. I have to dispose of it.

The Feel When No Cat-girl-friend

Why even live?

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I use electrolysis to separate H20 into hydrogen and oxygen gas. I then cool it and compress it into tanks. I then use the gas for a rocket. What is left is heavy water at the bottom. I can then separate that out if I wanted. I tested it on plants and sections of the yard. It kills things.

if you can't get a girl you can't get a cat girl

My brother in law is an oncologist, that is a grim fucking job. Go home on Friday with 11 patients, come back on Monday to 7.

The ridiculous amount of money the leafs give him helps, I guess, but still..

Forgot to mention that is also how you can get deuterium
>What makes cancer such a financial killer? Average costs for treatment run in the $150,000 range.
>So.... no more cancer then??

>eat like shit
>sleep like shit
>chronically stressed or exposed to toxic environment
>body systemic falls into metabolic disorder
>thinks symptomatic treatments can prevent holistic destruction of the body

Why are faggots such stupid mother fuckers. No there is no magic pill, no gene slices for destructive self destructive behaviours.

>don't you fucking dare start the "live forever" bullshit
>that is a puritanical delusion of the infantile minded, and the mentally feeble

The purpose of gene editing is to domesticate the population. Like humans to animals, or like Globalist rulers to slaves.

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>if you can't get a girl you can't get a cat girl

CatGirls are not Technically Humans so it's not Slavery...
(*Bioethics issue detected*)
(at 1:12)

Attached: Catgirl.jpg (750x1000, 141K)

If you ever get brain cancer you'll probably meet my bro in law.

CRISPR can be used to cure Cancer & extend lifespan.

Even if it takes years, or if it fails
It's still worth a try.

At least even if West doesn't get ahead.
China would achieve 1st.

Attached: Cat girl.jpg (740x1000, 91K)

>doesn't understand what a metabolic disorder is
>doesn't understand that "gene editing" cannot prevent it
>doesn't understand genetic variability
>doesn't understand that variation in hormone expression can also alter gene expression
>South African

Why am I not surprised

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