Should Germany preemptively arrest all neo-Nazis

and keep them in reeducation camps until their minds are cleared of their insanity?

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>arrest all neo-Nazis
Yes, so should all civilized countries.

I think germany should just off itself or it can slowly gag on migrant cock and die.

Eat shit huns. Germany belongs to Islam!

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This is exactly what a nazi would do.

I've never seen that flag before. Is this a psyop?

Literally what the holocaust was but reversed roles lol.
WTF is wrong with you Jew's?
I wish the gas chambers were real.

Similar to 3%er flag used in the USA.

Should move them to camps in Poland so there is no chance they will be able to harm German society.

It’s the “Dritte Weg” Flagge, translated as “the third path”.

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Okay, so the German equivalent of the FBI started it?

Post source you lying faggot.

There are no neo-nazis in Germany. There are precisely 0. THe neo-nazis that are shown on TV are all government employees who are on an acting role.

Nobody can be a neo-nazi even if they wanted to, because 30.000 volumes published between 1933-1945 remain banned to this day. We're not actually allowed to know what real Nazis believed in, so it's not possible to be one. It might be possible to LARP as one, though.

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Pretty much formed after the asylum crisis started.

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>Twelve Thousand
>In a country of 80 million
This is irrelevant

It's a false flag.

They are supporting socialism and nationalism ... so you go figure.

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>We're not actually allowed to know what real Nazis believed in
Just ask your grandfather Hans.

My guess it is like 1 million hardcore neo Nazis in Germany right now. As to violence, my guess is less than a thousand are willing to be violent, mostly those without jobs who are alcoholics.

He's dead :(

"Mohammed Number One Name for Baby Boys in Berlin"

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anything is better than the eu and merkel.

Is it a thought of yours, or an implanted animosity?

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How can Americans live thinking everything is a conspiracy or a false flag by their own government? Presidential candidates, acts of violence, organizations, tv programs... You'll end up insane.

I hope all the nazi burn people like you alive for ruining such a beautiful country with such degeneracy and filthy dunecoon niggers
fuck you libtard

>Should Germany toss out all non Germans
>and keep them out until Germany is cleared of their insanity?

ftfy Mohamed

>Belgian flag

checks out, ww1 stealth comic

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Those are mainly white trash from east Germany

Most Germans dgaf about nazis

notice how these guys have very trustworthy faces? Like they don't have the type of face to stab you in the back, they look very honest and expressive of their real feelings.

>only 12k
the sad thing its only 12k, but you would otherwise be absolutely gobsmacked what only a handful people can achieve if their violence if autistically well applied at the right places.

you either do something undeniably symbolic that does the thinking for you or kill someone explicitly, but you need to reclaim the deed not only for yourself but also why you did it with nothing being left up for interpretation (so media can distort it) 5 people with light weaponry could overthrow the bundestag and kill hostages.

What they fear is that they won't have enough lube to put on their wives assholes when the real germans rise again.

>Should Germany preemptively arrest all neo-Nazis

Arrest? No.
Exterminate? Yes.

3% are military goys that fought for Israel, Larp as a paramilitary in their free time, and work for the federal government as a day job.

hahahahaha you wish Schlomo. We, DAS DEUTSCHEN VOLKEN, are waking up. You WISH there were only 12,000 neo Nazis. There are millions of us, all with a fake, welcoming smile on our faces, but when we go home, behind closed curtains, the smile comes off, and the swastika comes out.

Yes every country should jail people because of their opinions

And How many votes do the npd get an election??? Barely any

>Put all your thought criminals into jail
>Most of them are the net tax payer
>Expect the state to continue as usual

Yeah, jail them, things will be good.

No, they should arrest jews because they did this:

>30.000 volumes published between 1933-1945 remain banned


Only 12k understand the ideology of the people who saved your country.

Looks pretty based desu

would be a good way to accelerate things

it's because we Germans are too smart for those untermenschen. We know they are controlled opposition for Israel. We are secretly forming social networks of anti-Semitic hate groups. Everytime the media comes when we are drinking Beer at a bar, we put on a fake smile, pretend to talk about football or some gay shit like that, and then when the kike leaves we are discussing ways to commit hate crimes on synagouges.

Don't fuck with us.

*Das deutsche Volk

>jews literally indistinguishable from arabs

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Which one of those faggots is gonna stand up and be ze fuhrer?

>About 12K neo nazis in all of Germany
>Use broad accusations and definitions and arrest 12 million people
>Now 12,012,000 neo nazis in all of Germany

>12k Nathzees
>5 million raping, murdering shitskins unaccounted for and willing to blow themselfes up
Yes, we sure have a nazi-problem!

shit sorry meine Bruder its the autocorrect on my phone, the Chinese must have installed some anti-volk-programmierung on it. Nonetheless, unser hassegruppen marches onwards fur einen reich, einen fuhrer, und einen sieg.

The 12k is just the tip of the iceberg. Most people with the right beliefs aren't affiliated with any group and when things start to go bad, their numbers will increase drastically.

Move away germans, I volunteer.

only in berlin, that baby replacement.

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Where do they get these numbers from?
Of those 12'000 neonazis 6000 are probably old and chubby and thus averse to actual systematic violence.
The rest is parted into those that actually follow their ideology and those that just got socialised into it from their tinyfuck village or football club and life it more as some subculture to be a part of with only ocassional small scale violence to keep up the hooliganism spirit.

LEL that's nothing. Embarrassing. Is that how many Germans are left?

Can't criticize jews only Christians and Muslims.

algerian ?
I understand why we call jew semetic they look like the average dunecoon.

quality over quantity

>not wanting your country overrun with 80 IQ moslems makes you an ALT RIGHT FASCIST NEO NAZI WHO KILLED 6 TRILLION!

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Well, they aren’t hiding their intentions, are they?

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God these people are so fucking stupid. Imagine if they put that energy into political organizing and activism. I realize the headlines are probably hyperbolic in the extreme, but if the numbers are anywhere near accurate they're sacrificing a lot of young right wing potential for good. you can't come back from wignat shit without cucking completely and renouncing your old views. its a one way street. on a pragmatic level, please avoid wignattery if you want anything like a decent life for your children and country.

No they should preemptively deport all Muslims

enough to retake berlin from mudslimes, what are they waiting for ?

You can't be a nazi in germany post ww2. They were basically genocided to the point where they had no choice but to submit. Being a nazi meant you could be arrested or killed. Those 12K are some brave mofos

Neonazi culture is a dead end.
And even of those, some are bosnian or other kind of eastern euro that wish to assimilate by being the most nazi german of them all.
We need something new or perish.

And it’s really worrying that they hate capitalism so much. Somebody hand them a coke and a McD burger.

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No, there are far more Erwache Deutsches than just 12,00 of uns. Wir ist erwache at a rapid pace.

Me and my fellow German Aryans were just at the local park the other day in Berlin, discussing the most efficient ways to exterminate the parasite once and for all. A group of young German kids walked up to us and gave us the Roman salute, and said "wir kannst nicht wait zum Tod der Juden" with a killer, exterminative look in their eyes.

Don't worry, we will be Weisse again soon.

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Dritter weg may not be totally undermined by the vs yet but hell their wish for a brown ddr with some esodudes as religious authority is pretty silly.

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Sounds pretty Nazi to me Kevin, maybe I should report you just to be sure.

Surprised there are that many. Post ww2 they had no choice but to submit. Hard core genocide of germans. The ones that were left had no choice but to reject naziism. In the USA it's all fun in games but in germany saying your a nazi is pretty real.

its called Hans, we know, they know we know.

sounds good, yet you make it sound negative. How come?

Im in the trades.
Fuck off with your based communism and leave the richfags their bonzenmoney.
Theyre our best customers.

thats where youre wrong kiddo

Maybe they could move them into buildings, with some kind of waterless showers.
I dunno, they must have some traditional final solution to this situation.

Based India bro

This. Unser Reich bekommst soon bruder.

you have no clue.

12,000 federal agents*

Try. It will redpill 100.000 more young europeans

Im fine with them networking and making german babbys. Thats great. Should I ever get into a group cooperation would be on the table.
But I dont want pic related to be fed my taxmoney so he can tell schoolkids the poles wuz eastern germanics and folkish spirituality can cure their measles.

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A body without a head.

dont fall for the demoralization of the system to tell you how marginalized and weak you are, its a scam. I know of SPD voters who are fine with mass extermination of certain tribes, yet vote reigiously left wing.. the polls have nothing to do with the sentiment within the Volkskörper

true the propaganda was strong, funny how austrian are much less ashamed of being nazy than the average german.

Even if austrian seem to be angry all the time.

Also something tells me that a bunch of disenfranchised proles from eastern germany screaming for gibs wouldnt be the best platform to get some of the industry on our side which is absolutely essential to ever get anywhere.
If you call for socialism let it be the kind of "socialism" that makes daimler set up shop here instead of there.

It's really a very small number. We have at least 90k neo nazis in California alone.

based and redpilled

Austrians somehow managed to block out that austrofascim was a thing and tell themselves they were victims of fascism through the annexation.

Self-preservation is not nazism you fucked up kraut.

Given how artistically organized Germans can be, 12 000 is a concerning amount, and I wouldn't hold it against the government to try to dissolve them with force.

Not a fan of Germany, just saying, I'm Saxon, Germany isn't even real.

>Spirituality can cure measles
because that's dangerously wrong?

i think we can all safely rule out that we'd keep the esotheric approach on Jow Forums.
no one is trying to find codes in documents and says "dubs!!"

Real amount is hundreds of thousands, millions across Europe. Question is when do they act, because they dont want to ruin blue pilled life without making sure there will be better.

>1 post by this ID

neck yourself muhammad


oy vey goyim what "certain tribes" are you talking about?

Yes. Never again.

Jewish nationalists are called "zionists", retardo

No but, for real never again, they need to sort our their shit without chimping out violently and attack other white people.

Fucking hate that country.

yes, submit to drunken, degenerate puppets who compose the vast majority of EU's governing body and institutions

dunno outside of pol, most of "good opinion of nazy" I found on youtube or think like that came from what look like austrian or "german" american. Otherwise if you are right it is quitte funny, because if I remenber well austrian were quitte supporter of nazisme.