Holy fucking shit, this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela. Learn it well American PIG

Holy fucking shit, this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela. Learn it well American PIG.



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> isreal first nigger

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>Dead traitors


Venezuelan Embassy in Washington

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Fuck Guaido.
He's an American puppet.

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Uh what's it say, I'm not creating a Twitter account to read that shit

Maduro is going to fucking die and if he keeps up this little charade any longer his loved ones might suffer as well.

We are all going to die, fortunately.

Just like Gaddafi & Saddam?
America steals countries. Lying thieves.
Americans think they control the planet.
Everyone wants YOU dead faggot.
America needs a regime change coup from abroad...

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Try it faggot ass nigga
We have aircraft carriers pussy nigga

Who are the floating noggins?

60% of Americans are broke.
1 in 5 Americans are on foodstamps.
& your leaders are war criminals.
& your gay. I hope you get hit by a car.

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I would break your jaw my nigga
Instantly fold you like a lawn chair with one punch.

Niggers don't count, user.

You have to be over 18 to be here.

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Just a few more false flags like this and we'll have our oil

Yet they wouldn't allow Alex Jones.

lol , sooo true


It would be beneficial to have America in opec and brics with our puppet prez.

I don't care. In fact I wish that was John Bolton.

The Americans will get the oil eventually.

Who was that in the video, I'm not allowed to watch it or I'll get jail time under NZ law.

This guy Maduro used to be a bus driver and now he's a fucking millonarie dictator, we all have hope in life bros.

so the moral of the story is to be nice to your bus drivers as they are lazy millionaires in waiting who will rule your country some day

complete savages
every time i see anything about these subhumans i feel less and less sorry for the natives americans
they should have been completely wiped out

yes, you dumb cuck mother fuckers need to learn how to vote, and take your country back

>muh aircraft carriers

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who's the head guy in the video ?

Pol is fucking gayyyyyyy
>not crushing COMMIES
>not imperializing a weaker nation
Fuck that fat fuck Maduro. Hope he gets droned.

>nnot respecting autonomy of others

go to check the twitter and find out that I can't

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Yes goy keep Maduro in power of a failed state.
Take all the refugees that need refuge from a failed state.
Dont fix the state so they stay keep it failed goy Putin will run it better

That's terrible

So what are those Mexicans saying? Looks like CIA niggers are using drug cartel footage to blame it on commie cartel.

video of people playing with chopped off heads.
No account needed.

>two people playing with human remains

How is this connected to Venezuela and Manduro?
Because twitter says so?
Because those guys says so?

That was my thought. No way for me to know if that was actually in Venezuela or not. Lots of crime and murder there right now anyways.

>Looks like CIA niggers are using drug cartel footage to blame it on commie cartel.

That is also what I am suspecting.

Yes goy fix it like you did Iraq and Libya

>He's an American puppet.
so you're saying he wants his people not to starve to death? how terrible!

lmao that audio in that footage is so obviously re-recorded/voiced over. The CIA under the Trump regime is so sloppy, jesus christ.

>Desecrating bodies
>Being a chad
Yeah sure m8. No wonder everybody wanted UK to keep control of the falkland islands instead of giving it to savages

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FUCK commies

>Maduro stated in a 2013 interview that "my grandparents were Jewish, from a Sephardic Moorish background, and converted to Catholicism in Venezuela"
Can't believe Jow Forums is full of faggots that support a jewish commie

Cuba, China and Russia did that a looooong time ago

except he hates israel though?

I thought they cut off your internet in venezuela. I hope it's not a larp

I hate zog globo homo. But you know what I hate more? Communists. Let the war come and the heads of the non-white communists roll.

They look pretty tired. Are they ok?

Except that he is still jewish? And he supports a terrorist islamic cell Hezbollah, so it's a lose-lose situation.
Caracas is a privileged, we have better power and internet services than in most of the country.

So what's the status there Venezuela bro? Guiado arrested/killed /in hiding? The movement finished for good?

>supports hezbollah
>hates israel


Ma diocane

Lmao why do indigenous people have mud colored blood?

>aircraft carriers are useful counter-measures to a peoples' uprising

I bet you're the type of person that thinks fighter jets are useful for opening jars.

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Guaidó gives regular speeches, Leopoldo is supposedly in the spanish embassy asking for aid. Operación Libertad not finished, but as always it is slowed down by Guaidó cuck tactics.
>swedcuck supporting islam
Lmao not a surprise

>fighter jets

What happened to America First? How are Iraq war neocons running the show again? This American coup is going nowhere, the third attempt after 4 months gets 25 people

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Why are conservatives so obsessed with Mexico?

Fuck off chink

>Thinks voting will get your country back

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lol , that retarded image , venezuela has 25k homicides per year since 2011 , -25% gdp contraction per year, a collapse of it´s oil production , nearly 20% of it´s population in exile.

Yea sven really based , now go be fucked by ahmed.

This , fuck commies

At least we have guns and can afford food. Now go suck off a dog, faggot.

powerful image

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>take country back

Nigga if you haven’t noticed, voting is a sham. Only thing left is violence. Too bad they don’t have the right to bear arms to fight against the oppressors. That’s why you never let go of the 2A

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Yeah, and turn said country into rubble

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they are redditors, ignore them. Real Jow Forumsards are anti-commie.

WTF is that a photo of on the twitter page?

It's all so tiring.

USA has already got special forces inside Penezuela

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Overthrow your own government you stupid lazy fuck


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>Operación Libertad not finished, but as always it is slowed down

OK, retard.

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because they are closest.


Holy crap! On second thought maybe messing with those Communist Venezuelan Chads is a bad idea

>he thinks they won't flood even if you "Fix" the failed state

you are a (((retard)))

Why are South Americans so violent?

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>I hope you get hit by a car.
Of course the chink goes straight to car accident. Get some peripheral vision, insectoid.

Great latino culture.

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>wiped out

Cool, ISIS level bullshit.

>memeflag actually thinks this is about humanitarianism

Good. Fuck G*aido and his inbred supporters


Too bad you live in a pussy country and can’t do shit, little leaf

The fact is that the US feels that if people dont bow to them, they can make them with a sanction and a trade levy... Money makes the world go round, sadly we have to accept it. Most countries, apart from China, Russia, North Korea, (which are run basically as dictatorships) which has enough cheap laborers to dictate their way through these levies, but smaller countries like Iran and Venezuela suffer in the wake of these decisions, which kill their economies. As prof Chomsky lays out, even the mainstream media, like CNN (
youtube.com/watch?v=sjVHUEI_0-o) are trying to spin the USAs stories.

In the below video they are trying to make it look like Guaido had military support for a coup.

But in this video, days after the attempted coup the military stands behind Maduro. Now I have to put into context that Maduro is no angel, but I dont think this is a dictorship in full fledge as yet.

No shit, Trump and Putin want that oil youtube.com/watch?v=q_AyhsII_u8

>south American shitskins playing with human heads

Is this supposed to be news?

> hurr durr it is for oil, maduro dindu nuffin

>P A Z
>P E A C E

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KYS fucking faggot.

Beheading videos and gore acceptable

Pro-life conversation unacceptable

the state of 2019

>this is how you end up if you go against Nicolas Chad-uro in Venezuela
What? Literally nothing happens to you and you keep getting to try again and again?

BASED and saved

Let's laugh at the mentally retarded who BELIEVE this is a victory against the JOOS.
What their little brains cannot comprehend is that most of population don't understand their views so they beleive in. Democracy and Jewish things so since cannot understand the GREAtNESS that these people preach they will INMIGRATE to other countries and replace the population and cause problem inviting local populace to INMIGRATE to the best place of America.
United States!!!
So HURRAY for winning against the JOOS in Venezuela!!!

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