>Be me in political science class
>Shitlib teacher asks for a show of hands. How many people think free speech should be limited.
>Nearly everyone puts up their hands. She asks the opposite question. Who believes all speech should be free?
>Me and several other people raise our hands. Clear minority
>Lecturer literally then says “ notice how everyone who raised there hands to that was a white male” I noticed too.
>Starts going on a tangent about how if you’re not a member of a marginalised group you wouldn’t be avow to understand how hurtful certain speech is (she was a rich white woman).
>Begin to think about the topic. Realize how dangerous a society which limits free speech would actually be. Who would actually be allowed to choose what is and what isn’t allowed speech.
>Begin to think about how only western countries value this concept. Begin to realize that nearly all right wing and left wing figures who are known for debate are white men.
I’ve swallowed the inequality pill now. All I’m noticing now is the differences between peoples and groups. How do I stop it?
White men are the only people who give a shit about the open exchange of ideas
You can't stop. You now have the chance to become a hero.
Abolish universities.
>not understanding that the teacher did the decade old trick to spot the autist
Welcome to Jow Forums, remember, you're here forever
Come to think of it, I've never seen a non white advocate for freedom of speech. In my experience they also never hear you out.
Embrace it, and plan to secure the existence of our people and a future for civilized children
>free speech
guess which the (((shitlibs))) have chosen?
Do it for her
I don't get how they are allowed to openly say shit like this in college classrooms
>notice how everyone who raised there hands to that was a white male
did teacher really said that?
>Starts going on a tangent about how if you’re not a member of a marginalised group you wouldn’t be avow to understand how hurtful certain speech is
Yeah it's almost like you'd have to have some sort of self esteem or confidence in order to want to express yourself, or in order to be okay with others expressing disagreement with your fragile leftist ideas
Sit back and enjoy being at the top OP. Let the "minorities" fade into history and follow your white dreams.
>How do I stop it?
You don't.
So, white people want free speech because it helps them oppress minorities by allowing them to speak freely. Really makes you think.
Congratulations, you figured out women as well. Women don't care about truth or lie, right or wrong, they care what the goup Thinks, what people with authority Thinks and what's in it for them.
You should have lowered your hand and said you changed your mind and told the teacher she should be silenced
These fucks don’t realize they are arguing against a thin line of respectability keeping white people from genociding them
When facts are hate speech. That's when the liberals go too far.
Did you say that to her? What was her response?
who is that? she looks like a cute version of brie larson
>All I’m noticing now is the differences between peoples and groups.
Welcome to Jow Forums. You will never stop noticing and piling up differences between people. You can never not come here to comment after blood spills because the MSM will be only lies. You're here forever.
looks like Kimerbely Garner from Made in Chelsea
Kek, yeah free speech is such an easy debate to win... Sadly the issue is only a debate in the presence of considerable freedom of speech
Yes. She was trying to shame us because she also believed free speech should be limited
Welcome to reality. It only gets worse from here. But the show is about to get better.
The key difference between whites and non-whites is that all other races envy whites.
I wish it wasn't the case. (I honestly really do)
It's the source of 100% of this stuff.
The reason why white men are 100% okay with all speech being absolutely and completely free is that there is literally nothing a non-white could say that would make you feel inferior to them.
That's what it all comes down to.
A few months ago a nig called me and 2 other white guys I was with bird shit.
All 3 of us burst into laughter because it was funny banter.
Then my bro was like,
>Maybe we're bird shit but you're turd shit
Nigger was assblasted as fuck but there were 3 of us and 1 of him and it was clear that even 1 on 1 all 3 of us would beat the shit out of this negro if he attacked.
That's the reality of the world we live in now.
>raising your hand at all
LMAO cuck.
There is free speech in African nations what the hell is this cunt on about.
OP will also start to notice that non-Whites don't care about other things that Whites care about as well.
They don't care about Environment, universal rights, etc.
How often do you see non-Whites give foreign aid to other countries?
How often do you see non Whites adopt kids and especially kids of different ethnic or racial background?
How often do you see a non White person admit that they, their Culture or people done anything wrong?
>white men hold all the power
>white men are the only ones that value free speech
Do these retards even listen to themselves?
Free speech only works for your race. Niggers, spics and all non whites should have zero rights at all, let alone speech. Either bite the bullet and go full on ethnic authoritian forever or bite the bullet and go fascist just long enough to wipe out the mud races that assail us, and then after our place is secure then we can have free speech. You can have all the white guilt and 'poor niggers' you want when they're all ash outside the death camps of Norrich.
I got called racist for pointing out that Maoris make up the majority of prison population in New Zealand by white people who live there.
>oppress minorities
Name one.
Go watch 'The Backpills' review of Office Space and understand the truth in what he says. The 'stages of white anger' meme is true, and we're getting closer and closer to the end game when we just start up the ovens.
Speech can't be truly free. Anti white speech should be illegal, obviously.
>name one
So shes arguing that we never should have given minorities rights, as it was not in our best interest to do so.
They have their freedoms because men like you agreed it was right, not because they did it for themselves.
Cambodia took the opposite approach.
Lefties that celebrate the end of whites and want to silence/handicap me against others, are telling me that Pol Pot was right.
Niggers in Africa can shit talk their parliaments so they obviously have free speech. The Sudanese are protesting against theirs right now. In a fascist nation like Eritrea you cant say anything about the government.
There isn't one. Anarchist war zones don't count as governments. Communist nations are the first to install anti-speech laws.
funny thing is op many women if most are like that they will choose safety over liberty most of the time probably it a feminine thing but knows
>How do I stop it
Gradually, the ride never ends.
Japan does do all these things. But other than that I can't name any country.
>political science class
egood luck with your job in McDonald's
Your mistake was not arguing to take away the speech of minority groups because their speech incites hatred against whites.
Here is the truth,
Before Trump no one on Jow Forums wanted to talk about white genocide besides stormfags
There are only 2 types of speech
>speech you like
>speech you do not like
and people choose to get rid of free speech de facto by not listening to speech they do not like.
>Niggers in Africa can shit talk their parliaments so they obviously have free speech.
true dat!
>All I’m noticing now is the differences between peoples and groups. How do I stop it?
Why would you want to stop it? You've realised the greatest truth - that white men created and are the only defenders of western civilisation. If women and niggers are in charge, it will revert into barbarism.
You cant. The realizations only grow more detailed over time. I was raised to not be a racist. My parents were always very careful not to be racist around me. It wasn't for my protection, it was for them. A kid running his mouth at school about niggers these days is going to be expelled. Now that I have experienced many groups of people from all over the world in commerce and conversation, I know white people are superior.
These truths are realized even by the inferior people. Blacks, faggots, etc. know that they are not equal to cis white men in intelligence and seek to stop the public awareness in order to keep the antiracist brainwashing that I was subjected to alive.
You don't.
Problem is this makes white people too passive, and not raise our voices when it matters.
You should have said you are Jewish and verbally raped her for dismissing your opinion as a Jew
when you race your voice you often get to take alot of heat while all the others are pampeed with or even encouraged to race their voices.
Someone just learned de facto
Expect Asian pride to get an x in the next century.
Who's going to stop them? Everybody up and down the hiearchy of academia agrees with this shit. They should all be murdered.
The only whites that defend POC don't live near them or talk to blacks, so they will never realize how stupid they are without talking to other whites. Propaganda is hitting most people constantly about how POC are not only equal but superior to whites, which is easily proven wrong by taking a walk.
>Before Trump no one on Jow Forums wanted to talk about white genocide besides stormfags
Universities are literally voluntarily segregating, things are getting pretty bad and barely anyone is even talking about it. We're heading for some really dark times I think.
what happens if I wanted to exchange ideas about fucking children and cutting off my dick?
Spics say the n word casually
The young woman in this picture is so perfect she's not even hot anymore. How can 1 single woman embody everything I ever wanted physically? Who is this creature? If I win the lottery I will find her and abduct her. Then I'll house her in a laboratory and make as many babies with her as possible. I would even hire a doctor to do fertility treatments on ger at peak birthing year so she would give me
Octuppletts. God if I could just sniff her dirty sweaty taint I would be forever jizzing on my mind....
>that pic
>those thighs
>my boner
from all i know me and several dudes are the ones who are for free speech and gun ownership most of them are absolute statist cucks and to be honest its pretty frustrating
I would happily debate you pedofag
Maybe you should point out how the people that invented literally everything and built all of modern civilization are the ones who also support free speech. Wow what a coincidence
>next century
The takedown of based Japs is already happening.
Confirmed it's Kimberley Garner. More pics here.
>who would be allowed to choose
the same dusty old farts that decide the legality of everything else.
please tell me who this is
sure smells like incel in here
A society that marginalises groups of people would target those groups for speech restriction. Opposition to free speech is the domain of people who are confident that their speech won't be targeted for censorship. Marginalised groups don't want the society that marginalises them to have more power to marginalise people.
This is why we shouldn't have to raise our voices alone. Have you noticed sjw's usually can be found in packs, while whites can many times be seen swarmed by said packs whenever they speak their mind... We need a stronger community, and our individualism while commendable can be our downfall if we forget the power of community.
Whites have become cowardly... well, not all of us.
Just remember that speech is just the physical manifestation of thought. So it’s not freedom of speech they want to limit, it’s the freedom of thought. And what is the red pill except the ability to think for yourself.
come and suck my dick then.
and i would do it again
Well you just walked in so...
You're thinking too much, goy.
This post explains why white people become more and more radicalised and why young boys are becoming proud of being fascist. It's lack of proper debate. When you get ostracised for showing even the smallest sign of disagreement with these tards you just start to hate them and treat them as brainlets they are
Have pity on the majority who has swallowed the false solution of banning free speech.
Also, I went to a university in the boon docks and had the most based black literature professor. He lit into a student who thought literature with racist references should be ignored/banned.
His premise was that eliminating this speech would only amplify racial division by removing the ability to openly debate and come to a consensus on problems no matter what color you are.
Just because you are not allowed to talk about it doesn't solve any problems.
So it's not always the rule to think it's a shallow identity politics ploy at every university
Your insults don't work and just make you look like a spanked boipussy
>t. Smelly Germcuck
Similar thing happened with me in Pol Sci class
>discussing Liberalism vs Realism in International Politics
>"Do we have any Realists in the class?"
>I'm the only one
Free Speech is in place to oppose the idea of ideas being officially silenced. Obviously, being a burger, you achieve wood at the mere sight of the word 'free', but ideas can be unofficially silenced in all sorts of ways, anywhere in the world.
I've realized something in the last few weeks.
Leftists/Liberals have a problem with "hate speech", but they start to stumble on their words when you ask them, "Do you have a problem with someone speaking truth? Even if that truth might be hurtful for someone to listen to. Would you want to ban 'truth' speech?"
They CAN'T say, "I want to ban 'truth speech' without sounding insane. This helps break a bit of cognitive dissonance. It's not fool proof but it's a start. If more (insane)people start saying, "we need to ban all truth speech" - it will either wake people up or make things worse.
How many intelligent people will these demons target? I truely absolutely hate jews.
Check your shoe.
Dont stop anything. Just do what I do, bottle up all the anger. I'm betting by the time the bottle bursts this country will be collapsing. Use this bottled anger later to be too angry to die or commit war crimes. Come on user, it'll be fun.
OP, while you are noticing things and having revelations, this is the next thing you should realize. There is a pattern to who pushes the leftist narrative that white men are evil, free speech should be curtailed, and you should give up your homeland to foreigners. Have a look at which tribe of supposed chosen people this author belongs to:
Once you start seeing it, you will notice this pattern everywhere.
>speech is just the physical manifestation of thought
Filthy, dumb, dualist scum.
Free speech is a meme for lolbertarian cringelords which 95% of burgers are.
This is why nonwhites first and shitlibs later must be physically removed from the nation.
If you want to oppress minorities free speech is not a way to go retard. You don't want them to talk back
True true pol pol. Certainly affected me
people that seek to censor or control
free speech of others
maybe the domain of
incompetence and indifference
they are too stupid too understand
how much damage it causes
to censor
and incapable of understanding
why that matters
Japan is already 100% diverse
>opposed to Jewish subversion
>Bolshevik flag
never raise your hand