The eternal atheist

Jesus will never show himself to you unless you believe in him and believe he died on the cross for you.
This is the eternal struggle, atheists and Pagans refuse to open their hearts, so Jesus is never able to show you the peace and fulfillment he can bring into your life.
Until you BELIEVE, he will never enter your life.
But once you do believe, you sense his presence immediately. The more you talk to him, the stronger this presence becomes, you gain an eternal companion and teacher.
Can you give him a chance? or will you keep allowing yourself to sustain this internal void?

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Atheists will run away from this thread, while JIDF will post nasty comments.

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Jews? Who needs Jews when you just have atheists. They’re even more loyal to the dems

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Atheists are also the biggest consumers of Hollywood propaganda

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You can be shown things to make you doubt the very fabric of reality itself. And still you will be called schitzo by the godless.

the best part is conciousness development gifted to you through Christ is infinite.
I’ve gained 1000x more from prayer and transcendental meditation than DMT and shrooms ever gave me before I became sober.
“psychonauts” need to accept they are on the wrong path. Their path leads nowhere.

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Atheists are the useful idiots for the Jews. The energy, money and organization behind the vicious and rabid attacks on Whites/Christianity/Western Civilization are from the Jews.

Pic, church destroyed by Jews and their useful idiots, the atheist traitors.

Attached: Destroyed by Atheists 16A Trinity Church Pyatino village (Ulyanovsk region).jpg (900x611, 278K)


Attached: Destroyed by Atheists 16B Trinity Church Pyatino village (Ulyanovsk region).jpg (600x900, 344K)

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Fucking lol I remember that church I once took a shit there

o look its the eternal mutt shilling for rabbi jeshua again

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Read what the pagans wrote about Christians.

Christians were the first atheists!

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> cow worshipping poo.

>Atheists: Seeing is believing!
>Catholics: Believing is seeing!

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Of course you did Jew. That's what makes you Jews. The nastiness of your tribe is unmatched.

Here a pic from you when you destroyed the church and carved your beloved star of david in the painting. Left side. Enjoy, Shlomo, but please don't masturbate, as you Jews usually did on dead bodies of Orthodox priests tortured to death.

Attached: Destroyed by Atheists 32C Dormition Church, 1755. The village of Elokhovo, Yaroslavl Oblast.jpg (800x600, 195K)


Attached: Destroyed by Atheists 32A Dormition Church, 1755. The village of Elokhovo, Yaroslavl Oblast.jpg (800x600, 226K)

orthodogsy is the cancer

Read the Truth and forsake all vile philosophy.

I get that christian values shaped the culture of the west but its a middle eastern religion and fuck that shit

Time for you Jews to leave Russia. Go home to Israel, where you belong.

Pic, inside of Church destroyed by the vicious Jews and their useful idiots, the atheist traitors.

Attached: Destroyed by Atheists 32B Dormition Church, 1755. The village of Elokhovo, Yaroslavl Oblast.jpg (800x600, 231K)

>Go home to Israel, where you belong.
Jews neither belong in Israel or Europe.

if I was jewish I would move to israel decades ago instead of living in this shithole filled with HIV infected inbreds who worship obese clergy and pieces of wood with so called saints drawn on them

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Are you an atheist or just anti-Orthodox? Or are you just anti-Russian in general?

philosophy is love philosophy is life

>MSpaint projections of shit that never happened.
Is there honestly anything more pathetic?

>b-but don't you understand that Christianity is the truth
>user, why won't you have a taste?

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It may be 'love' (philo) '''''wisdom''''' (sophia) but it sure isn't life.

Jews are flooding Russia to loot more of Russia. Look at Jewish Virtual Library, Jews in Turkey are going to USA and Russia, as they hate to live among fellow nasty and vicious Jews, and much harder to live as parasites. You are clearly a Jew Shlomo.

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I shit on all religions but since orthodogsy is the most widespread one in this country I hate it the most
poltards can cry about muh churches and dead priests as much as they want but if bolsheviks put more effort into it and completely wiped religions in russia maybe this place would not be such a shithole nowadays

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jesus was a fag

Either way it'd be the same. Russia would still have the same dirty commieblocks whether they're Orthodox (who are mostly not even religious anymore but just cultural) or Bolshevist.