What virtues should one pursue and what vices should one avoid in order to be a non-average person of society?
Requirements to be Stoic
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One should at least kill a Jew child.
>See 10 commandments
The answer to both questions is All of them.
Is this done through trial & error or common sense?
Read the Discourses of Epictetus. They're pre biblical.
Pursue all virtues and avoid all vices.. I don't think you have what it takes if I have to spell it out for you.
the obvious is to read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
then I'd recommend reading the Old Norse text Hávamál
it's all about being a stoic man:
- don't speak to much, especially when you don't know the facts, you'll sound stupid
- learn to actually listen to others
- don't drink too much
- keep in touch with your friends that you value
- be competent, but don't boast
- etc etc
Does what it says on the tin
Fuck stoicism,take the Epicurus pill
Epicurus WAS a Stoic
No that's Epictetus, Epicurus was a "hedonist"
How do the Greek feel about the eternal legacy your ancestors left, but the absolute shithole tier your country is submerged in nowadays?
this board desperately needs SIG threads again
Make one
being stoic. first you have to stop giving a shit what the jews are up and accept it.
what a disgusting statue
This stoicism fad is equally as redundant as trying to be a Christian in 2019. They are obviously models of behaviour that dont work in contemporary society and that might bring a lot of distress to their adopters. The only true redpill is riding the tiger and drinking poison willingly to grow stronger. Denying the world, or seeking detachment from it is the surest way to emasculate yourself.
Stop running away from pain.
Embrace the clown world without being becoming a clown.
>without becoming a clown
Read Seneca
wow such impatience, i don't think you gonna make it with that kind of vice
We feel great about our legacy, of course we had many ups and downs throughout our history,so we understand that this is only natural,I personally wait for our chance to reclaim Constantinople.Other than that ,life can be pretty comfy here desu
in the u.s. even the statues are cut
That's a copy paste ,because it would take much time to translate from greek,but seems decent, regarding the basics of epicureanism
1. The principal objective of life is happiness or pleasure. Happiness is peace of mind and body. It is tranquillity or undisturbedness (ataraxia), the quiet of a mind free from fear (or anxiety) and a body content with natural satisfactions.
2. Mental pleasure is better than bodily pleasure.
3. Mental pain (anxiety) is worse than bodily pain.
4. Quality of pleasure is more important than quantity of pleasure.
5. Fear causes mental disturbance.
6. Do not fear the gods: They do not concern themselves with human problems; nor do they reward or punish.
7. Do not fear death: Life is feeling or sensation; when life ends, there is no feeling (no pain); death does not hurt.
8. Do not fear physical nature: Nature is indifferent; the universe is but the motion and the mingling of atoms.
9. Exercise prudence: Although every pleasure in itself is good and every pain is evil, some pains should be endured for the sake of future pleasure and some pleasures should be forgone since they may lead to future pain.
10. Live simply and prudently (with self-control and moderation). Seek simple pleasures, those that satisfy natural and necessary desires. By nature we need food, drink, clothing, shelter, prudence (reason), and friendship.
11. Seeking luxuries (extravagant food, excessive drink, sexual love, and the like) creates anxiety in our minds and disturbance in our bodies.
12. Avoid excess of all kinds; simple pleasures (with a gentle motion of atoms) are preferable to painful excesses (with a violent motion of atoms).
13. Make friends: They provide security and pleasant conversation.
14. Avoid disturbing people. Stay in the Garden with your friends.
15. Make agreements with others (laws), so that you will not disturb one another.
16. There is no right or wrong (justice or injustice) outside of these agreements. Agreements (and justice therefore) differ from community to community. [cultural relativism]
17. Live justly (obey the laws), so that you will not have the anxiety of wondering if you will be caught and punished.
18. When you are old, think about the good times you have had. That will make up for bodily pain.
19. When you are young, think about the good that lies ahead. Do not fear the future. We can control some things, but we cannot control everything.
20. Dread (anxiety or fear) is worse than present bodily suffering. Present suffering soon passes; anxiety lasts a long time.
21. When enough security against other people is achieved, if one has enough power and material wealth as a base, then one can have the safety of a quiet life in solitude apart from the crowd. (after Principal Doctrines, XIV)
>this board desperately needs SIG threads again
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You already do questions. Not only on what happens around you, but also on yourself. That's a start that needs to be ever more developed. Then there's what drags you down, your own desires that come from vengenance. Look into what makes you tick before going ballistic on porn, drugs, alchohol, medication.
Do not forget, Stoicism is not a natural state of mind and act. Only times whos wind does not have wheels to tell the future needs this kind of self imposed attitude. Remember the times when you were young and happy, loved and loving, with or without a soulmate, and put the pieces of the puzzle together, where it went all wrong,because at the end of the day, that is what she would like to see you doing, for both of you as well for the rest of us.
i was thinking the same thing. it is just gross. and then they made him circumcised? why?
and he looks weak.
Stoicism is profane morality within an already dying society. Greek degenerated from the orphic society to the delphic society, with its profane science and profane spirituality. Scepticism and Stoicism came out of that.
True traditioanlist spirituality is the way to go for every white man, its still within us user.
Degenerate mindset.
also degenerate, its like liberalism of the old Greece, disgusting and already within a fallen framework of true spirituality
Go back to r*ddit, and get the fuck of Jow Forums.
First off, you need to be not cut or you are rejecting God's design.
You will get this or it's already over for you.
I kinda agree with you.
my problem with stoic life is that basically you should become a robot, watch the time go by (or some people will say "live your life") don't panic and wait for death.
the best advice that I got from watching a lot of lectures and docus on history and the ancient world is that nothing is stable, "history is cyclical" even the roman empire had to end, the spanish empire ended etc etc but at least we could be a part of the changing.