Did Israel turn the middle east into a shithole...

Did Israel turn the middle east into a shithole, or did Islam turn the middle east into a shithole - and why is it Islam?

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They have been fighting with each other since the dawn of time.
Half of the bible is war stories.

Islam did. What Israel did to the land and their country after getting it from the Palestinians is pretty good proof to me. And it's probably because of how ruling with sharia law and religion cripples free thought and crushes ambition.

Israel destroyed the middle east

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The people blaming white Christians and Jews for what happened in the middle east would fit in better on a lefty forum

How come Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan etc. were all developed secular countries until Israel was created



Jews obviously, they're parasites.

I mean.....Islam existed 1400 yrs ago and islam boosted us and we reached spain and china until the mongols attack us and got us bad and then after that they became muslims themselves (the turks now btw) and ruled for almost 800 yrs then they became friends with the white cuck boi hitler and fight with him and he lost and the muslim world shatterd but oh boi believe we coming back bois and please send jews to us so we can end them once and for all

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Ww2 really messed it up by dividing it up and forcing waring factions to live next or with each other.
Ww1 set stuff into motion to take it back.
Most of those countries would probably have become Christians by now. My evidence for this is how Iran and Afghanistan became a less rigid Muslim countries during the 70s.

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(((who))) created this (((abrahamic))) religion called Islam? I wonder what kind of (((people))) invent retarded cults to leech and destroy nations like that.

It's because of Americans bombing them. It's because of greed and oil

Islam turned the Middle East into a shit hole; Israel dragged the U.S. to the shit hole.

Same logic applies to (((Christianity)))

the middle east has always been a shit hole OP

CIA created ISIS and Al Qaeda, kys

I don’t care who turned into a shithole. All I know is nobody there currently will ever be able to make it not be a shithole

Israel is ISIS

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Fuck off kikes. Jews literally get their proxies and mercenaries to wage wars on every progressive country in the Middle East just to keep themselves ahead.
Israel literally has at least 3 separate strategies which admit to this:
-Ben Gurion's periphery stretegy
-Oded Yinon Plan
-Strategy for a clean break and securing the realm

Now they are going after Iran and have been trying to destabilize Syria for nearly a decade after destroying Iraq and Libya.


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The middle east was on it's way to accepting secularism and turning away from Islam since the end of the Ottoman empire. The problem was that Arab nationalism was deemed a threat to Israel so the CIA got into cahoots with Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries to fund Islamist groups and schools around the middle east and Islamic countries to spread Wahhabism. Arab Levantines naturally want to have secular, nationalist and conservative societies but If you notice all those countries end up getting sanctioned and attacked because they don't bend the knee to Israel and KSA.

Islam wasn't the problem until it was weaponized against it's own followers. Europe throughout the span of Islam saw more infighting than the Islamic world did. Islam is still in and of itself abhorrent and barbaric, but it's practitioners aren't pious and just want to live in a their countries without a hostile Jewish neighbor who is trying to destabilize the region and take more of their land to complete their conquest till they reach the Euphrates.

I'm a Palestinian who converted to Christianity myself and want nothing more than to return to my homeland and for all the refugees to return to their homes on the land that the UN stole and gave to Israel back in 48. Israel won't last much longer, so then I can get out of this mulatto nigger infested hell hole and be with my people.

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Mudslimes did.
Mudslimes just like to destroy everything. Even blow themselves up.

The Jews changed a worthless piece of desert into a nice country. If Jews lived all over the ME, it would not be a shithole like it is now.

>nice country

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Israel turned a desert into a paradise. Imagine if they didn't had to spend 6% of their GDP on military alone. The rest of the middle east is still stuck in the 15th century with their backward idiotic religion and never ending dictators.

Palestine was offered a two state solution like 4 times and they rejected it every time demanding all or nothing. How fucking idiotic is that? It's like trying to negotiate with an undeveloped child. They are never going to get ALL the land, and Israelis are never going to leave. With every passing year, their chances for good deal diminish. Instead of wasting their time living in the dirty getting angry at Israel for not giving them their land back, they should just make a deal and start working on their cursed hellish land. Their people don't have clean water yet they keep playing the victim over a shitty desert land.

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its sad knowing you are right

doesnt mean much and though i hate islam and muslims in general,im sorry user :(

it isnt the religion but the people itself
what you expect from 3rd world middle east anyway?

May 1453 was a sad day for European history

I feel like you guys ignoring the history and thinking like the world existed after the WW2 and discarding the past and what the muslims did to the world its just sad seeing white cucks like you thinking like that

ironically enough, thats a sefardic neighborhood.
Basically arab jews.

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Just realize that these Muslims today are what the west created. Even the lowest tier of Arab Muslim would have been somewhat more honorable than what they've devolved into from years of war, purposely corrupt leadership and economic strife.

Things will change, fren. They always do. Israel is on it's way out of existence.

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because it's their shithole

Why not both?

You sure do know your Jewish Israeli neighborhoods quite well, (((toothpaste))).

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israel won't go anywhere as long as america exists

when britain left phendora box was opened

Actually Europe turned the middle east into a shithole when they arbitrarily divided it up after ww2. Mostly Britain's fault.

Nice opinion, friend.

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Like I said, nice country to enjoy your holidays.
Nice weather, cheap, nice girls.

hi bro :)

Here are some pictures of Palestine before 1948, back when the Jewish population of Palestine was less than 10%, all of them native to the region. Make up your own mind who fucked it all up.

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french and british did, israel and the us took the torch and ran with it

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Most of the middle east was always a shithole, now it is less of a shithole and more of a shitshow

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>posts POTUS pic
fuck off shill

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>The Jews changed a worthless piece of desert into a nice country.
This is literally a myth. Fuck off kike.

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Yes, the Middle East looked like this in the 1950s before the current hard core islam ideology.

When was it not a shithole?

Brown people = shit


Islam turned the middle east into a shithole. The jews turned the west into a shithole.

hard core islam ideology funded and created by whom? You did not finish that sentence.

Islam turned the ME into a shithole. Israel is incredibly tiny compared to the size of all the shithole countries put together.

There is no such thing as a hardcore Islam Ideogy. Islam has always been a death cult. Rainbow fag.

The Jewish population Palestine was near closer to 40% back then. Back in 1850 there was only about 15,000 Jews in Palestine out of a total of 500,000 inhabitants. I know what you are trying to get at, but you have to revise your information. Jewish immigration became heavy since 1860. we have to go back further than 1947 because even then the Jewish presence in Palestine was largely illegitimate.

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You mean (((hardcore))) created by the CIA and their stooges, that is not even a conspiracy, look up Operation Ajax, look up Operation Cyclone. Don't forget that Muslims had a functioning caliphate for more than a 1000 years, during this caliphate in the Ottoman period, prostitution was legalised and Hagia Sophia turned into a museum. Muslims were progressing just like Christians and embracing secularism, look at pictures of Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. even have a 1000 years of Islam they looked like any Western society.

The creation of Israel and the wars and conflicts that were instigated to secure its existence has harmed the Middle East beyond measure.

Its sad to think that palestine actually was one of the countries that helped the jews not getting killed during hitler time with moroco and albania they got backstabed so badly

Islam has made the middle east into a shithole before Israel was ever even thought of

calling the symbol of white solidarity fag is pretty discriminory. So what you are telling me is that race is irrelevant and Jews dindu nothing and only look at that horrible mussi religion because rich Jews don't fund shady operations?

The Ottomans turned it into a shithole.

>being this stupid and not knowing how the world works.

Most of those buildings were either built by the British or the Ottomans. The Arabs who lived there were cheap slave labor brought in in order to do grunt jobs in the ports and as construction workers. Same as the Arabs built literally every single building and skyscraper in Israel today. But all the architects and engineers who planned them were Jews.

Arabs had 0 control of mandate Palestine. The British had control on who could arrive. And they stopped most of the Jewish refugee ships from arriving and sent them to Cyprus. "Palestine" was actually considered a colonial invention by the Arabs back then. Only Jews and Brits called themselves "Palestinians". Arabs adopted that name in the 60s.

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>Islam did it don't look any further into it?
that bear and eagle eating those poor jews in Buchenwald sure was horrible.

>Jews only came into existence after the creation of Israel.
Imagine being a mutt and this stupid.

This. Syria and Egypt were once some of the most prosperous provinces of the Roman Empire and after the east-west split they were still wealthier than most of Western Europe. Then Islamic barbarians conquered the middle east and the entire region went into sharp decline.

he is partially right Islam made it into a sitshow then they started to recover and along came Jews

>Most of those buildings were either built by the British or the Ottomans. The Arabs who lived there were cheap slave labor brought in in order to do grunt jobs in the ports and as construction workers. Same as the Arabs built literally every single building and skyscraper in Israel today. But all the architects and engineers who planned them were Jews.
Shut the fuck up kike. My Grandfather was literally a Palestinian architect back in the 1950s

>And they stopped most of the Jewish refugee ships from arriving and sent them to Cyprus. "Palestine" was actually considered a colonial invention by the Arabs back then. Only Jews and Brits called themselves "Palestinians". Arabs adopted that name in the 60s.

>Much earlier, even directly after the Islamic conquest of Palestine, some scholars from Palestine carried the name “al-Filastini”. The most interesting discussion about this Palestinian belonging is to be found in the works of the Palestinian geographer al-Maqdisi/al-Muqaddasi, who lived and wrote in the tenth century AD. He uses the terminology “Palestine” and “Palestinian” with the clear-cut meaning of geographic belonging and identity (Al-Maqdisi 1906).

I can't wait until every single Jew is dead.

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Al Aqsa and the dome of the rock was built by Arabs, restored by the Ottomans, the Ottomans also built the fortified old city of Jerusalem which you use to attract tourists. Either way we're not talking about Arabs vs Jews ITT, we're talking about Islam vs Israel, don't forget the Ottomas were a caliphate.

The middle east has always been a shithole, Jews and Arabs are the maggots that crawled out of that cesspool.

not all evils are of same value one is greater and the answer is baby-dick-blood-drinker

>My Grandfather was literally a Palestinian architect back in the 1950s

Impossible back then unless he lived in Israel. In which case it makes sense, because Israel was full of communist lefties back then who gave Arabs affirmative action. There are even Arabs studying engineering using affirmative action in my uni now, but most of them drop after the first year because they are too dumb and no one ever employs them.

I wasn't talking about those ugly pieces of crap. Most of the modern buildings back then were built by the Brits who had control over that area for 30 years. Same as the Brits built much of India's infrastructure. All of the Arabs who lived there were cheap slave labor brought in from the surrounding countries. Either by the Brits or the Ottomans before them.

And those families you keep showing are the epitome of the cockiness of Arabs. Arabs always have ruling families that subjugate their population. Those families usually marry Europeans too because of self-hate. The king of Jordan today is half British.

I know arabs didn't had the control of the muslim world i mean we still don't control the arab/muslim world otherwise israel wouldn't exist its all because of the stupid turks as i said before also fuck you kike but you can't ignore and delete that muslims hold you while you were fucked by the christians catholics you stupid nose

In the West Bank you fucking lying piece of shit kike and my grandfather was far from being a leftie.

>One of the most recognisable building in the world and landmark of jerusalem
>Ugly piece of shit
Don't be jealous because Jews have no classical architecture to show for because you never did have an empire

I like the new look I am a shill with my shill flag strat it makes people interact with you. You know that the big Jews gladly throw the little ones under the bus right and you see how the world is starting to look at you. Do you think your power is big enough not to be shoahd?

fornicating with goats can be seen as their invention.

>Those families usually marry Europeans too because of self-hate
Dude, Israel is a country that exists because of Jewish self hatred. Zionists absolutely hate Jewish orthodoxy, they want to LARP as European and embrace this hyper materialist and secular worldview. You have been mixing with Europeans for more than a 1000 years lmao

Arabs in the west bank were Jordanians back then. They had Jordanian passports and everything. Jordan "confiscated" their nationalities officially in 1988, which is against international law actually.

I take it back they probably saw some other sand niggers do it and stole the idea. It is known they can't create, they only steal.

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Self hating Jews are usually extreme lefties and against religion. And yes, they mostly look very white. It's actually quiet interesting. Go to any Antifa or pro-Islamic demonstration in Israel and you'd think all the people there were Russians and Germans.