Why did he do it?

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You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain

He didnt

what a shit thread

Resort fees.

This is the truth of what really happened in Las Vegas during the worst Mass Shooting in US History.
You are welcome to try to debunk it but I bet a million dollars you can't.

The Official Story. A lone gunman name Paddock went crazy and out of the blue decided to murder 50 American attending a country concert.

The True Story.
The Vegas Shooting was an Assassination Attempt against Donald Trump and The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia by the Mossad, ISIS, The FBI, Australian and possibly UK Spooks or intelligence operators. The concert was shot up as a DIVERSION for the HIT TEAMS to escape after their plot was discovered by military intelligence. protecting Trump and his associates.

>oh, white women and men are happy and celebrating country music? Let me ship my wife back to the Philippines and murder you all

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thank you tom clancy

Tom Clancy has NOTHING on what's been going on behind the scenes since 2016. NOTHING.

Do what. That non-event has been officially memory holed and your mentioning of it has put you on our list of dissidents.

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No one died. The gunfire sounds came from speakers and everyone interviewed were freemason.

The Vegas Shooting was a mass sacrifice timed to coincide with the discovery of Oumuamua - from Vega, the falling Eagle.

Read some of the shit Chris Knowles wrote on it.

He didn't

I know something was going on, but I still dont buy the the crown prince in the Tropica story

Would you buy paddock was a spooky arms dealer but his cover was blown. some peeps in isis or some shit took him out in a gun deal gone sideways just prior to some attempted assassination?


No discernible motive! Sometimes that's just the case, don't waste your time looking into it.


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Can you not just accept that mentally ill people don't need a reason for doing things?

I think Stephen is CIA. I think they created a fictitious background for this guy. its all phony. Like Donnie Brasco was an alias for Joe Pistone. That's why Eric Paddock acts like such a silly comedian when talking about Stephen

its out of the realm of possibility that someone in the room moved a gun for some reason

>that someone in the room moved a gun
Before or after the crime?

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probably after. im guessing an investigator or police officer moved it. maybe even the guy who took the photo

No motive

For what purpose? The suspect's face had been turned into Swiss cheese. No threat.

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the police kill people on your behalf delusional pretentious asshole...

Boredom and a shitty sex life

dont get me started on that phony baloney Chad Nishmura. anyone interested in vegas would have looked this guy up five ways to sunday

Was Trump near Vegas on the day this went down? I really don’t remember him being there.

I actually know people that knew him and the guy was legitimately insane. The reason they all tell me is that he found a way to beat video poker and got banned from a lot of casinos for it even though it was legit.

No. This shit happened at like 11pm at night, and this retard claiming every fucking intelligence agency tried to assassinate the president are fucking space denying flat earthers.

oh did they all go to school with adam lanza, too? just shut up. youre not fooling anyone


So he kills 50 people unrelated to the casino because he was banned from playing video poker? And I’m assuming he does this to give the casino a ton of negative PR?

“I hate you people”

I think that’s the only reason, he was a huge misanthrope and alcoholic

Some say the legend goes a man who had spent his life getting comped Show Tickets, Sushi and Alcohol tried to attend a Country Music concert in Vegas, only to be asked to pay for his Ticket, Drinks, and Food. If only they had comped him we could have saved so many.

He was tired of living and wanted to achieve notoriety like his father.

Q predicted this.

Implying Q isn’t an Israeli psy op to make trumpies think MAGA not MIGA

Aint nobody gettin free comps for life nigger

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his dad was such a spook it's not even funny.
>ol' "chromedome the bankrobber

gimme a break

No they're in their fucking fifties you underage fagot. One of the guys I know lives in Philly now and gets kickbacks from escort services he ran in Vegas.

The guy was always crazy and won millions in video poker to the point where he was fucking comped for everything. Where do you think the meme fucking originated from?

Not his brothers interviews btw. Those we're Steve's fucking words his brother just fucking repeated on live TV.

excuse me if I don't believe your story. Post your badge

just stop

Not my fault you're underage and have no life.

Misantrophy, attention whoring. Why do school shooters do it?

Something something burritos

im not the one pretending that all my friends were paling around with Stephen paddock

Nobody asks why the insane asylum
inmate rubs his shit on the walls though.

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I remember when this happened I figured something spooby was going on.

he stopped getting comped.

Not my fault you're underage and have no life.

They we're more like associates. They just knew him. The guy that runs the escort service was a high end pimp and still gets kickbacks from those jobs. 5000 per girl. I wish I could prove it but he's a literal luddite Boomer that uses burner phones when he needs me to do money pick ups for him.

Lol sorry it's not your latest fan fiction, fagot. Reality is fucking boring. Deal with it and make the best of it by leaving the house other than shit posting conspiracy theories on Jow Forums

says the LARPING old fart

Are you certain he *did* do it?

Yeah totally larping. Fagots like you are why Jow Forums getting brigaided by fucking shills so easily. Go dilate.

Yeah wearing a Sandy Hook elementary shirt and barking COMPED screams spook city

He swallowed too many red pills.


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or did he

>mathematically impossible to make millions from video poker
>zero motive, worth millions with no apparent job
>thousand + rounds fired
>few dozen shells
>impossible to fire from multiple rooms with locked doors between them
>impossible to use bump stocks (which I didn’t even remember seeing) on a bipod
>rate of fire impossible to be AR15

>Terror threat
Nignogs who ain't doing nothing to nignogs are not terrorist but criminals.
ISIS and Cartel are not domestic problems.

Please use some logic and be glad the US didn't invite actual terrorists from Sandniggistan and feeds them until they explode like my country does.

For that we understand the comedic value of existence.

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It was a terrorist attack by Isis. He converted to islam months ago and went to the middle east for unknown reasons before he shot up the concert in las vegas. Isis claimed responsibility for it but the us government never confirmed that Isis did it because that would only be good PR for Isis and a security embarassment from the FBI.

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>The SITE Intelligence Group
come on man

>mathematically impossible to make millions from video poker
>what is progressive jackpot (single player)
>what is high limit tables (multi player)
Neck yourself
>rate of fire impossible to be AR15
>what's a fucking bumpstock
The absolute state of my fellow mutts

couldn't handle all the nigger music blaring.
just wanted to sleep.
took a bunch of sleeping pills..
and never woke up.

The official story has never made any sense. Multi-millionaire boomer poker player walks into casino with 20+ firearms and lots of ammo. He orders room service and a hooker. Then randomly shoots country music fans at a concert and kills himself. Case closed. WTF?

Now what, faggot?

he took the "you can be whatever you want when you grow up" meme seriously

yeah dude i think about shooting up the va daily but to just shoot up a concert with plunging fire from 450 meters away is super sketch...snapping doesn't make someone irrational

Kraut faggot knows NOTHING about casinos. It is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. And you obviously don’t know shit about guns either.

You should be reported. Why the fuck would you should up the VA instead of the democrats who tie their hands?

dont forget about his other hobbies. flying his personal plane and fishing in Alaska