Tim is already getting more youtube views than TYT each month.
He is saying we should do more research on race and intelligence and the video is 99% liked.
Some relevant research everyone should read:
Tim Pool video on Race and Intelligence
Not sure why monkeys are so triggered by race and IQ research.
As a straight man I'm not offended by research concluding fags on average have higher IQ on average.
As an african/european mix I'm not offended by research concluding east asians have higher IQ on average.
As a manlet I'm not offended by research concluding lanklets have higher IQ on average.
So I don't see why niggers are so triggered. They seem like fragile, insecure, whiny narcissistic pieces of shit desu.
>unironically shilling for Tim Pool
the absolute fucking state. UK truly is the most cucked
Its hard for someone to have their world view disrupted. Its called cognitive dissonance.
>we need more research
"Because I don't like all of the current research..."
Typical Left Arguement
I argue with my poker buddy liberal older friend in his 50's about this. He thinks it isn't true at all despite all the evidence that a large portion of blacks act like animals.
But then I ask him...... if everyone is equal than why are there so many more nigs in the NBA and NFL? And then I say are blacks more athletic than whites? And then I think the light bulb clicks in his head
I mean he expects the research to go the other way. His heart is in the right place but his head is not. It's a net gain regardless though.
There's a difference between dumb and stupid.
I think a decent % of the left is smarter than the right but a much larger % of the left is stupider than the right.
I mean if you are against gun rights you are stupid and retarded to history. Although I firmly believe that liberals actually know the right is right about gun ownership it's just that they secretly want us dead
To continue..... a lot of blacks aren't stupid, but most of them are dumb. Blacks instinctively know what to do in certain situations much better than whites know
Alright dude enough with the screenshots
It might just be that its mostly ideological liberals crying about it.
Think about it, the most vocal detractors of this have consistently been jews.
I can't post these anywhere else
this guy is fucking killing it, we need a hundred more like him
I salute you Tim
I'll be done in a sec got like 5 more to go
Poor Tim Pool; he tries desperately to be the moderate but reality wants him to sieg heil.
Actually most blacks can see that whites have something they don't have mentally. It's the libtard whites fueled by jews who keep telling and training blacks that their is no real difference who are the problem.
It's one thing knowing 'some' people have higher iQ than you, but imagine knowing literally EVERYBODY, even white and chinese kids have higher IQ than you, and that even if you have above average IQ for your race you'd still be considered a retard in every european and asian nation. That shit's gonna sting nigga.
Is he still butthurt he's getting beat in the Google rankings because he used a generic sci-fi word for his website?
since this pic is being posted, I wish to remind everyone that darwin had a second theory of evolution, called sexual selection.
The books in my pic are related to it.
It does not invalidate anything, its just a nice addon. If you knew that a major herald like him had an additional theory, wouldnt you like to know more too? Nobody told me about it, well now I am telling you! More people should know about sexual selection and how the infernal thots shape our very nature by being picky.
>loves that warrior genetic material
>sexual selection
How the hell did you manage to miss that one? Its biology 101.
Save this stuff on flash drives in this order and leave them around places
I heard a lot about that great Asian IQ but I also learned about Normal distribution, and this graph makes me a little bit suspicious.
Obviously the test is racist
Deep down they KNOW they are inferior
not at our schools here, sexual selection I first read in a book man. I knew most of the racial realism lore but was dumbfounded when I learned about sexual selection and its implications. Like how many different species have a different and unique positive feedback loop where the female chooses a trait, and that trait in the next generation grows ever larger!
and how some of these traits are fitness indicators. Quite neat stuff I would say. And nobody mentions it here. NOBODY
how's that no capacity for civilization treating you
It's hilarious that people complain that psychology is bullshit, but will fight to the death to defend IQ. IQ is retarded. It's not hard to tell if someone is stupid or a savage just by talking to them. You're a cuck if you're concerned with your IQ. It's also funny to me how people like Steven Pinker can stand up on stage and talk about how stupid a Goy is compared to a Jew, and nobody gives a fuck, but he says any science on Jewish people being not good in some mental attributes is just NAZI propaganda. If you put your faith in an IQ test your a retarded cuck. So many variables apply it's not even fit, and there's been multiple examples of people raising their IQ over time when your IQ is supposed to stagnate of lower over time. My friend is a doctoral student in psychology, and administrators IQ tests regularly, and says they're bull shit. Just because Jordan Peterson said that he's not going to call people by their pronouns now everybody believes the crap he says about everything. What happens to merit? Nah, fuck that... let the political leftist social sciences take care of that for you. But... Jews are way smarter than everyone else. You can tell that by looking at how successful they are.
This. Do this.
i just asked this japanese girl on a date. i legit get off on the idea of having a kid with her. we would make a fucking beautiful and smart kid from 2 first world countries. we're both upper middle class, college educated and conservatives. my child could be the first hapa president or who knows maybe prime minister.
I remember when a poltard told me that the Asian IQ was a myth. I should've post this.
Yeah they seem to be sensing the jig is up and are flipping out.
Isn't it interesting that every race follows a normal distribution except for Asians? Almost as if they are some how influencing their scores...
Yeah. I know an Asian heart surgeon, and a white chemistry professor who have three kids. Two of them are basically just above retarded, and the other one is doing some just above average job at a university his mom probably got him. Good luck brah.
he's so weaselly lmao
>w-why don't they just prove him wrong scientifically
Yeah, it's almost as if an IQ can change. IQ can change. I'm not uneducated on this subject either. There have been criminals who have raised their IQ double digits because of being around lawyers so much. Not only have they had their IQ raised, but they've raised over the period of ten(ish) years. Why is that strange? Well because a 40 ear old should expect their IQ to fall by the time they're 50, but it's going up. Not only that, but so many variables exist it's basically impossible to say it's accurate as a determiner of how "smart" someone is. Depression, ADHD, anxiety, sleep, upbringing (culture), motivation, self esteem, and more can all influence an IQ score. So we'll it may be an okay determiner for "success" it's hardly a measure of intelligence. Some Asian countries have courses where they study how to pass an IQ test lmao. That should tell you something.
>and this graph makes me a little bit suspicious.
Of what?
Maybe it's because I was always interested in birds and shit but this was never a redpill to me.
>It's hilarious that people complain that psychology is bullshit, but will fight to the death to defend IQ
IQ is actually well supported unlike some of the random feelings people have about psychology that then become "scholarly" works.
>It's also funny to me how people like Steven Pinker can stand up on stage and talk about how stupid a Goy is compared to a Jew, and nobody gives a fuck, but he says any science on Jewish people being not good in some mental attributes is just NAZI propaganda.
Nothing weird about that, it's just that the establishment is anti-white.
>So many variables apply it's not even fit, and there's been multiple examples of people raising their IQ over time when your IQ is supposed to stagnate of lower over time.
There isn't go ahead and post the study.
>My friend is a doctoral student in psychology
My dad works at nintendo...
>If you put your faith in an IQ test your a retarded cuck.
no u. Great argumentation.
The asian scores are prevented from being normal due to the ceiling on the upper end, the same way the black scores are prevented from being normal due to the floor at the bottom. The white scores are normal because the test is designed around white capabilities. Blacks are too dumb and asians too smart and they break the test score range.
Do you know what normal distribution is or you are just play supid?
That asians are not belong to humans?
>retards that cant read a fucking graph or know what a normal distribution is
This is SAT scores, not an IQ test. You can see the peak of each race and it goes down on either side in a pattern known as "normal distribution." The Asian scores don't follow the pattern, they increase, decrease, then spike at the top. Thats evidence of cheating. Also, Asians are known for cheating, its literally a part of their culture.
The answer is they are cheaters.
Why would US blacks have a higher IQ than Africans if they came from the same place?
there are basically two views on this. the jewish/constructionist one is that we're all the same but race, IQ, gender are socially constructed and the differences are mostly due to systemic/external factors no matter what science says.
Then there is the scientific/biologist/determinist view with application of the scientific method which tells us that IQ differences exist therefore race is real to certain extent
He looks so much older than just one or two years ago even with his baldness, he sacrificed his principles and integrity for short term profit and views and it's draining his soul
See but also, these tests aren't a IQ test, you are meant to study them. While other races don't give a fuck asian moms will almost kill their kids if they don't study all day and all night.
>Yeah, it's almost as if an IQ can change.
...He says about a SAT score.
>so many variables exist it's basically impossible to say it's accurate as a determiner of how "smart" someone is. Depression, ADHD, anxiety, sleep, upbringing (culture), motivation, self esteem, and more can all influence an IQ score.
They also influence your intelligence in all other matters. What a revelation!
>Some Asian countries have courses where they study how to pass an IQ test lmao. That should tell you something.
Assuming you didn't know; IQ tests are designed to be culturally fair. That means, they contain stuff you wouldn't normally study for, OR stuff you would know without studying. Still, if you study, that is cheating.
They are 20% white, and IQ is only ~60-80% genetic?
Dude, they recalibrate IQ tests every so often because the general population becomes "smarter". How is that possible if it's all just genetics, and nothing else? Maybe it's not all genetics. You're a cuck if you follow this shit because instead of going, and doing shit with your life you're trying to find out how your born better than other people. That's so cuckish it's not even fit. You don't need a piece of paper from some (((test))) to tell you what races act more retarded than others.
Or the Asians in Western country are not a representative sample and are biased toward the more intelligent members of their race.
>White people never cheat
If your little picture was realistic then it would be the other way around.
Look, a Swedish guy whose country is about to go extinct from highly intelligent white people running the country into the ground while not believing in gender, IQ, race..., and letting massive amounts of these low "IQ" invaders just walk across your borders. You won't have to worry about race and intelligence pretty soon because you'll be a part of Africa.
Race is a social construct of course but that doesn't mean its irrelevant. Humans are naturally tribal so diversity is not something you want for a country.
And you also do not want lower functioning ethnic groups moving into the lands of higher functioning groups.
For Sweden in the PISA tests, the score in reading dropped from 516 in 2000 to 483 in 2012. The country performed below the OECD average in all three subjects. The leader of the opposition, Social Democrat Stefan Löfven, described the situation as a national crisis.
this is the same Stefan Lofven who became PM and supported letting in masses of uneducated Arabs and Africans.
I think thats correct.I see a lot of people that i can tell are smarter than me that hold genuinely ignorant zeitgeist opinions.
fucking hell, all people on this graph are doing according to normal distribution! But asians? Nooo, they almost have μ3ɓ=ɓ. Yeah that must be reality!
That's because you're Canadian. You're all just above retarded.
>Dude, they recalibrate IQ tests every so often because the general population becomes "smarter".
You are talking about the flynn effect? This is a) exaggerated and b) due to environment, because it shows up on less g-loaded tests. See
>How is that possible if it's all just genetics, and nothing else? Maybe it's not all genetics.
This strawman is just retarded.
Leaf, you're not any better. You are ruled by cucks just as bad. The difference between you and is that you claim bullshit because you "friend who studies psychology" said so.
You shouldn't be worrying about IQ, but instead worry about your own family no matter if they're retarded or a genius.
Here is a riddle: Who is smarter the person who is dead, and has no culture left or anybody else who is alive, and has a thriving culture? Answer: It doesn't fucking matter.
Baldie wouldn't be so bad if he shaved it all off and put on some muscle, just accept it Tim you faggot
I'll give you that I shouldn't have gave that anecdote about my friend. That was retarded. It was mainly a comment to OP about whoever the fuck that guy is. However, I don't believe that IQ should matter. I'm a nationalist, and to me it doesn't matter if my brother or sister is smart or stupid, I'm going to take care of my own. I probably have a low IQ myself considering I'm on Jow Forums arguing with some random guy. I'm not going to attack it from a scientific standpoint because I'm not reading through studies to find my point. I'm going to take a philosophical scope. You need to protect your own, and to fuck with the rest until that is achieved.
What is your end goal by arguing for IQ?
Do you want to live in a Brave New World?
What exactly would you like to see happen? Should we make a global government and make the smartest people the leaders?
This sounds like a (((perfect))) scenario.
Keep pushing this. I love it :)
Jewish people have the highest IQ. They should rule the planet. They'd obviously be the best managers of it. Otherwise what is the point in discussing IQ?
>t low Iq shitskin
>99% liked.
lol how is this a good metric of anything? In an echo chamber, it will be close to 100%, people who oppose it aren't looking for youtube channels to dislike lmao. Only people on the right care about youtube likes and brigade videos.
IQ never was the main point of white nationalism. But it is a important fact.
While it started of as a defensive argument, showing why nonwhite nonasians do so badly in the west (rather than their failures being because of discrimination), but it showed a big weakness in the enemy. It's very well scientifically supported. Both leftists and j-capitalists rely on all races being equal, without it, their ideology crumbles. They often even jump to their own extreme conclusions, ie "If that is true, we should just sterilize them all!"
>Who is smarter the person who is dead, and has no culture left or anybody else who is alive, and has a thriving culture? Answer: It doesn't fucking matter.
That's pretty much what I say when some lolbert cucks. But im not gonna give up on a good argument.
Well I agree with pretty much all you said here. IQ is a well supported fact, but it doesn't mean we don't have the right to exist because kikes or gooks are higher.
Im a white nationalist not a iq nationalist. Even though I think gooks are hot and they have tight pussies.
>What is your end goal by arguing for IQ?
See first part.
we're getting onto something based on all the deflection here
well we can't really see if it is a bimodal distribution. But if it is then there must be a second factor that influences the results.
Tim Pool is a disgusting pissbaby who needs to shut up.
Alright. This sounds fair. I'm sorry for the fallacies I've made. I know there were a few of them. I often repute arguments using anecdotes for some fucked up reason. This shit pisses me off, though. If some people had it their way the whole world would be a capitalist market ruled by the highest IQ individuals (Jewish people). Just because some of these people call out crazy leftist people doesn't mean everything they say we should care about. We shouldn't be talking about IQ. It's irrelevant. We know that our countries are safe, and awesome, and others are not. That's what should matter. I'm culturally far far right, but fiscally probably centre left. That's basically where I stand.
That's a safe, but effective tactic - tell people to research it themselves. Yah it could be further bluepilling "It's been debunked lol!", but it could go the other way. Any serious person will wind up with the truth, I'm pretty sure.
This. It's just that Asian ability at math is 'off the charts' - they'd need a harder test to show a right end of a bell curve.
Dear smart north americans you are jewed by Asians who cheats to gain benefits of your education system. Remember sometimes statistics can show the problem and the graph:
is showing that USA and Canada too are probably scammed on a big scale. Remember: μ3ɓ=ɓ is impossible.
He meant universities should research it, not the viewers.
> you'll be a part of Africa.
Leaf, telling it like it is.