Whenever IQ and Race is brought up

The left always says something like
>but all the IQ questions were designed by white people
As if that somehow discredits all of the results.

Ok, so, what would an IQ test designed by black people look like? Give me some sample questions so I can better understand their point of view.

Attached: Race_IQ_Sketch_OrderFlipped.png (928x571, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

web.archive.org/web/20110715125739/http://www.psychbytes.com/Quizzes/BITCH/Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity.htm

Stop caring about what dumbass leftists think. Sage

Imagine the levels of mental gymnastics a leftist has mastered to make such an attack on IQ tests yet still maintain some idea of "equality" among races. Stunning

> all questions were asked by white people,

So, why do Asians have the highest IQ score?

The whole point is that it shouldn't matter. Maybe there is differences biologically between blacks and whites. Differences in culture, differences in how our brains function and intelligence in general. Maybe black people are dumb in general. They still deserves rights, and basic respect. And whether you're able to give it or not, they're asking for the benefit of the doubt. That's why leftists are willing to just ignore these kinds of studies, because people are usually glad to run with it and propose racist policies as the way to run our country.

>because people are usually glad to run with it and propose racist policies as the way to run our country.

like what? no, these studies are used to combat the idea that all of society is racist because most prisoners are black. no maybe it's because on average they are less intelligent and have less impulse control.

using a study to prevent leftist insanity from taking over is not "proposing racist policies."

Your not going to break through to them that IQ tests and race are real without battling through major cognitive dissonance. Most likely you'll be treated like a heretic and blasphemer afterward by people you thought loved and respected you.
The entire godless religion that is the modern left is built on belief in human cognitive equality.
Trust me it's not worth it.

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They already tried this. They let pure Africans who never left Africa design their own questions and all the results were exactly the same. It's 100% proven that IQ tests are not culturally biased.

>As if that somehow discredits all of the results.

At least for actual tribal Africans, Aborigines, etc, most of them have never seen a paper test before nor actually done any puzzles, hence why they score abysmally low. Blacks in Western countries score at least 20 points higher on average than members of the same race from underdeveloped areas.

>How many 10bags do you have to make from an 8ball of crack to pay deshauns bail?

Can I see the studies?


>Ok, so, what would an IQ test designed by black people look like?
Sum finna *smacks lips* 4 dem be?
A.) bix
B.) nood
C.) *suck air through teeth*
D.) muh dik

Racist like affirmative action.
Yeah it's racist alright. Towards whites.

Can confirm a microbiologist with a PHD from Caltech cannot accept the evidence that races are not equal. Watson is a hero of his and he dismisses his racism as the ramblings of a senile old man. This may be one of our first redpilled, but it does not work the same for leftists.

Cocoa the gorilla scored higher thsn thr blacks in Congo

>IQ test created by black people

If Tyrone be gittin hiz k of coke for 3G how much crack he gotta make to make to git dem new Jordan's

If laqueesha get knocked up how long till you bounce?

How much time is Lamar gonna do if he gets caught by the popo for B&E?

> The smartest blacks that escaped Africa are 20 points higher than their peers they left behind.
> African Americans with on average x% white admixture outperform africans.
user I just dont know what to say to the devastating data you presented.

>I just dont know what to say to the devastating data you presented.
I do. He shot himself.

web.archive.org/web/20110715125739/http://www.psychbytes.com/Quizzes/BITCH/Black Intelligence Test of Cultural Homogeneity.htm

Aside from ignoring the point I made completely, are you admitting that there's a way to raise black IQ scores?

E.Asians would probably be even further ahead if they separated them from S.Asians.

>If Tyrone be gittin hiz k of coke for 3G how much crack he gotta make to make to git dem new Jordan's
The new jordans be firee cuzz we gon get em tomorrow

>If laqueesha get knocked up how long till you bounce?
Right after she text me nigga!

>How much time is Lamar gonna do if he gets caught by the popo for B&E?
I unno nigga! Whachu think i be some white astrofizzist?

I mean if Mengala was still alive then possibly

are you saying they are best served with the white man in charge and forcing his ways upon them for their own damn good, so they should stop trying to fuck that good thing up in the present?

Asians were put into camps in the 40s and they turned out fine after. Blacks raised by white families are just as violent and dumb as well. Also pic related. You are simply denying reality.

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Koko was administered the test multiple times, and was clearly on the higher end of the gorilla IQ curve, otherwise she wouldn't have been noteworthy. What's the average IQ for gorillas?

Imagine being this out of touch with reality

And when did I imply any of that? It seems you already have the conclusion you want to foist onto everybody else regardless of discussion.

Congatuatiuns yuuz has 200+ Eyequues

Don't you know? The high IQ niggers were lining up en masse to be taken to the West and East by the Portuguese and Arabs.

Intelligent people know that IQ is bluepilled. If someone asks you how powerful your computer is, you'll give them a list of specs. So why would assume the power of the human brain can be measured on a linear integer scale? "muh IQ" is the equivalent of boomers who say "muh 'puter is 10 gigs!" It's an arbitrary number that doesn't mean anything without context but sounds like it means something to retards.

You're misinterpreting my post, actually supporting it. The user I was responding to asked what kind of laws and policies we've had in the US based on racism. So thanks.

>but all the IQ questions were designed by white people
That's probably why Jews and Asians score above whites.

IQ does mean a lot, it is highly correlated with speed of thought, general knowledge and whatever other type of intelligence you want to test. All types of intelligence are correlated and score low in one and you are likely to score low in all

Bullshit like EQ and other hard to define "intuitive intelligences" might not correlate, I do know.

>most of them have never seen a paper test before nor actually done any puzzles
This is racism. We are in the 21th century and the Africans as well as the Abbos have smartphones and internet acces. They can read, they drive a car and watch TV. They live in houses and wear clothes.

Yes, this is the product of colonization but tell me you want them to live in mud huts.

I agree with yo I don't support racist laws. I think we should discriminate on intelligence and not race. I'm just worried if iq falls far enough in the US we may end up like a third world latin america country. Please actually get past the first sentence in my posts before making an argument.

And most importantly, the capacity to abstract thinking and to discern patterns rather than just reacting to inputs.

You're right. The scientifically provable idea of differences in intelligence between races leads to tribalism. It's a natural reaction and something all humans deal with. Noticing and attempting to understand patterns is how we gain knowledge. Forming biases is a natural part of who we are. Leftists just feel this gut reaction and do all they can to fight it. It's pretty ridiculous but members of the right are just as silly in the way they try to justify a basic instinct as animalistic as sex as a way to run every aspect of life. The idea that segregation is the best way to structure a society is just as simpleminded as the idea that society should be structured around prostitution and womb renting.

Imagine how great society would be if we did pic related. I can only hope this happens in the next 10 years.

Attached: Untitled.png (928x571, 33K)

Pic related only exists because we have to cater to the lowest common denominator in society.

Attached: america3.webm (680x400, 1.53M)

I feel no kinship with low-IQ Whites. They are a stain on my race and cause more problems through heroin addiction and acting like niggers than they benefit society. There are zero Whites who have invented or discovered anything important within the past 100 years who had an IQ lower than 100.

Attached: America4.webm (680x400, 765K)

How about just not paying single mom retards to reproduce for a start, and incentivizing smart people to reproduce. Government endorsed paid time off or something.

Have you ever taken an IQ test?
Those things have a very very clear bias towards education. I was actually kinda shocked because a lot of questions rely on you knowing/remembering shit they taught in school math and physics class. I guess I expected it to be a bit more "objective" than that.

(inb4: I got 128)

It will be the opposite. War will kill off the best of us. I'm sorry.

Then that's just a bad test. It's not an all encompassing perfect statistic. It's just a pretty good indicator of success in the western world if you score beyond a certain threshold.

Did anyone listen to the persecuted bell curve guy on Sam Harris' thing recently?

Wouldn't the hispanic be in the middle of the Asian and White? Since the are a mix of both and recessed to the mean it would still be a bit higher than whites?

>Ok, so, what would an IQ test designed by black people look like? Give me some sample questions so I can better understand their point of view.
Your baby momma is acting uppity and is now demanding that you see little Jamal. Conditions of your parole include the inability to leave your state of residence for a minimum of two years. Which action do you take?

A. Call dat [sic] a "nasty ass ho"
B. Blame white people (note: option not available for whites taking this test who have scored 100 or above in traditional IQ tests)
C. Claim ignorance regarding the child and deny being its father
D. Wait for a frail white man in his 30's to "step up" and marry your ex baby momma

Isn't that pretty old though? I did listen to it though when it came out. What about it?

>no response has the highest IQ
I fucking knew the optional "what's your ethnicity" question was an IQ filter

can somebody please take this file off my hands
I'm getting tired of being the only one that posts it

Attached: the absolute state of black IQ.png (1683x1446, 1.43M)


>Blacks in Western countries score at least 20 points higher on average than members of the same race from underdeveloped areas.
No they don't.

Rather fortunately the intelligent are usually rich enough to move away during wars.

Or we do both and take out the trash while bringing in treasure.

That's a very nice strawman you yourself made and then destroyed. Retard.

>They still deserves rights, and basic respect.
They shit on those rights and have earned no respect

Its statistically proven that jews and Chinese have higher IQ than white people

Just like black crime in America or murders in LatAm, the statistics prove the superiority of jews and Chinese over white.

How much be two pluth two

Most blacks in the US are usually half white or more and they didn't come from subsaharran africa which is why that stat is wrong probably.

For asian countries its likely a brain drain. For Jews they're probably just smarter though. Doesn't mean that they're better than anyone though just smarter. Be careful there racist.

>Most blacks in the US are usually half white or more
Much less than that.

Someone has to sweep the floors.

Go to Mensa and take the Raven Progressive Matrice qualifier test. Nothing about it involves "shit they taught in school"
t. 141 iQ

IQ is a measurement of the g factor, a variable related to other traits like delayed reward, problem-solving, planning, and outcomes like increased pay, educational outcomes and general success. It is not a measure of intelligence. There can be no black or white version of the test because it's measuring a mediator variable to other measurements or assessments. IQ is NOT intelligence. IQ is a measure of a proxy for other variables we consider indicative of intelligence. You would have to design a new test measuring other proxies for intelligence to in any way fundamentally change what is being measured by IQ, which is not intelligence but g. Only brainlets, itentionally retarded lefties and niggers think IQ measures intelligence.

Yes, it's called "The Flynn Effect" and it's the effect of education on raising a group's IQ. However, it applies to all groups being educated and thus still leaves blacks behind.

jews were put in camps and treated like shit and they're fine
stop making excuses

>Koko was administered the test multiple times, and was clearly on the higher end of the gorilla IQ curve, otherwise she wouldn't have been noteworthy.
The point is that it's fucking hilarious that a high-tier gorilla still scored higher than your average person tested in the Congo. Perhaps Koko is the smartest gorilla to have ever lived and she sets the bar (for gorillas) to try to leap over: it's still funny.

yo I dont know if you know this, but that is in the past. Thats not something happening now.

Your greater point of denying reality just so that people dont take advantage of it to impose racist policies is retarded. A utopia predicated on a lie is not a utopia and it will crumble.

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What would an IQ test designed by blacks be like? Questions in ebonics on rap music?

yeah thats bullshit or you took a bad test.

is that why blacks always break the law more? Even the ones that have a college degree cant even law.

Most "Blacks" in Western countries have some level of White admixture in their DNA.

>we should discriminate on intelligence and not race


most don't, it's just america and colonial africa, selection bias and jewish academia
and just as a reference point, 100 years ago the coloured population in colonial cape verde was the absolute majority, today they're what, 30%? what do mixed race people assume? that the good side will magically win out or get by when third worlders breed white genetics away?

I think we should gas EVERYONE who has an IQ of less than 90. Unfortunately "Dat rayciss" because it will kill off 95% of the world's negroes.

There’s no way they exist, dummy

Modern tests are based on pattern recognition, chinks, japs and Koreans cheat hard (indians try too as well but are too dumb to do so) and the Jewish high iq shit is a meme.

t. Guy who had to study and help administer IQ tests

Next thread.


>they still deserve rights and basic respect

Q: whats the most hype?
1. Ass.
3.fried chicken

Reminder that the biological factor that results in differences between the sexes is more related to interest than capability. The same applies to races. The more freedom people have the more pronounced biological factors become. African cultures are a product of African genes. A nigger raised as white and magically made to look white would still relate more to nigger cultures, art and activities like spreading AIDS.

IQ tests are eurocentric because Europeans value abstract thinking, discipline and problem solving.

Nah, the fact that the change in IQ score during the past century is greater than the gap between the racial peaks shows that IQ is not measuring an innate genetic quality. I mean, the average American in the 1930s had an IQ of 80 if scored in the 1990s...

Consistent with the idea that most of the IQ differences between healthy adults are a result of where your inherent interest and discipline take you instead of being a directly inherent thing. Looking at the results in any other way always produces inconsistencies.

>>Ok, so, what would an IQ test designed by black people look like?
We wuz kangz.