Thin Blue Line...Freedom Ain't Free

Only stories I have heard from cops involve either arresting

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Not one of those dogs was on a leash.

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our police used to be respectable, now our leos are mostly nigger tier retards

a lot of these retarded leos are on Jow Forums

you have police with itchy trigger fingers because you have so many out of control niggers and nigger dogs

Cops have to take an intelligence test for the job to qualify. Its called the wonderlic and they must score between 22 and 27 on it. This equates to an IQ in the 90-105 range.

All cops are literally stupid, by design.

Great, US cops provide quality entertainment content. Now since they started releasing their pov videos, so much genuine action packed fun is easy to find. And best thing about it, it's real.

So? Did any have collars or tags?
How would a leash had made any difference?

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If you had an attacking dog coming at you, as an officer of the law you must act to preserve self(and thus the law). A leashed dog is not a threat.

This is why you never help police, ever. They are paid goy.

So if the leash was on, but being dragged, the officer would be in the wrong?

Wow you seem like a fucking faggot, SAGE

Yes I agree
Shoot the dog
Sometimes in the LINE OF DUTY
You are forced to make TACTICAL DECISIONS within the span of a SPLIT SECOND
This is the weight that you must carry as an OFFICER OF THE LAW
Contrary to the constitution, FREEDOM AINT FREE

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I got pulled over for doing 130 in a 30 at night and was given a 10 mph speeding ticket. I had an employer try to frame me for a robbery that they did to pull off an insurance scam and the cops sided with me. I had a rifle stolen from my house and the cop that came spent most of the time there mirin' my truck.

Dont be a nigger

Wow, you were in the right and the cops supported you.
Wow that's insane. I guess you were right after all.


Ah I see, this thread is just bitching about dogs. Dog's are great, really cool animals most of the time. But, their entire existence is completely and unequivocably at our whim. They literally would not exist if it were not for man.

Would you imagine that? I wasn't acting like a nigger and the cops didn't fuck me over.
I am the law

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>true burge

That's not a leashed dog.
Even though you're trolling you're still right
Yes, it helps to not be a nigger in all police interactions and situations. My gf was driving a rental, after midnight, didn't turn the headlights on the entire evening, eventually gets pulled over, says "oops sorry", cop doesn't care, she still has no idea how to turn lights on, cop says "whatever, be safe now", let's her leave with no headlights, It was one of those jap cars with the lights on the blinker.

If it had a leash the owner would have it under control you fucking moron.

you're a faggot cop, aren't you?

Unironically, watched the whole video. Unbridled chaotic cancer is the purest kind of genuine entertainment.

>IQ 100
>really stupid

I only see one person being really stupid.

>t. cant stop acting like a fucking niggerfaggot

I smell bacon.

stupid dogfag. QQ

Cops have always been cool to me except for two. One gave me a ticket for a burnt out tail light(which the judge quickly dismissed and waived court fee- cop was “wasting his fucking time”) and some fat girl cop gave me a PI... then I called her pork chop.

Please sir please sir shoot my dog sir
Thank you so much sir omg thank you for not giving me a ticket sir *gack* *gack* *gack* *gack*.
Thank you sir.

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Or would man not exist, as we are or even at all,without dogs? There i blew your mind dinni?

Imagine a life where you aren't a pothead and thus paranoid and regain your whiteness and realize not breaking the law, being employed, and being white makes you untouchable.

What about "average" intellect you don't understand user? They're stupid because it's average, and average people are stupid as fuck, or worse. Point he's making is that if you score higher than that, you wont be hired in fact, because you're above average. This way they make sure cops are their obedient followers and never have a opinions of their own and approach to "policing" in more humane and understanding manner. Who they hiring are literally dumb bullies.

I hate pigs but I hate stoners even more so I don't give a shit if they get arrested.

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Whos to say an leo doesn't get smarter on the job? They only test wonderlic at entry.

I hate your recreational vice of choice and you without even knowing it. Probably cock.